Why does this conversation stopper work against such a large number of white men and women...

Why does this conversation stopper work against such a large number of white men and women? Why are whites becoming so weak?

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Because the real response is taboo

just the fact that I have to read this is a personal attack on me because of my skin color

>implying I wouldn't have gotten into better colleges if I was a nigger

Because it is an inherently stupid, anti intellectual phrase.

In more plain terms it means
>"I can claim to have intimate understanding of your life and struggles based on the colour of your skin, but you cannot do so to me because that's racism"

It's doublethink and it's proponents are fucking idiots because it tries to hide "you're white, give me things" behind a layer of intellectual/societal critique.

It's most common proponents don't even get it, which shows they just repeat whatever authority figures tell them. You can point to clear, objective evidence which shows non-straight white males get things given to them based entirely on those characteristics, thus they have "systematic" advantage, but this is ignored. Same applies to east-asian males, who have now started to see this bullshit as well as they see the writing on the wall they are the next targets of this crap.

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What privileges do whites have that Chinamen don't?
What sovereign or contract granted the privileges?
If I see a twelve-year-old availing himself of my (real in this case) adult privilege of driving, I can call the police, who if they catch him, will stop him from doing so. What similar remedies do whites have against Obama or Oprah?

it's a conversation stopper because it indicates that the speaker is not interested in a conversation.
they have already made up their mind and are operating from an intellectual frame of reference which forbids them from accepting new information.
these people have been brainwashed.
they think they are smart and enlightened and so subconsciously they turn their minds off and stop learning new things.
this makes them the ideal globalist drones

Lowering testing standard for minorities does make my life harder. Try again.

Because not every white person is as racist as you obviously are.

I thought that melvilin crap made the superheroes

Black skin gives access to scholarships that whites cannot get. It gives access to colleges with far lower grades than whites would need to be accepted. It gives preferential treatment for hiring in many jobs both public and private. If a black person commits a heinous murder, the media will quickly memory hole the event. If a white person commits a murder, it will be brought up for years if not decades, and will be used as evidence that my entire race is somehow broken.

How does white skin make my life easier?

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Whites think that playing with joos is okay. WITH JOOZ U LOOZ.

White fragility on full display

>implying someone can't be oppressed or discriminated against because of being white

More like white envy on full display.

(it isn't even that amazing)

>it's not skin color that makes things harder for you, it's majority of people wearing your skin color that behave like savages

Go figure, whites are nice to people.


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Keep moving the goalposts so your nigger army can pretend to be all woke an' sheit. Ya whatever Judas

>implying fragile nonwhites are ever going to get over it either

I just want someone to come up to me spouting that anti-white horse shit in real life so I can rip them a second asshole.

it shows that when they say they want a 'conversation about race' they aren't really interested in what you have to say. In other words not much of a conversation, rather more like dictating terms to subordinates.

I don't necessarily disagree with the quote in the OP, but it us entirely disingenuous of the people who promote the idea of privilege as it is exclusively them using it as a badge of shame to attack white people

maybe nigger skin should statistically stop being so prone to violent crime

What he said. It's tying someone's hands behind their back and then laughing that they don't want to fight. There's a very real risk of getting crucified for speaking your mind. Not even "Nigger this nigger that" but straight up just challenging and arguing against being accused of white privilege.

It also assumes that skin color privilege is the most important, when nepotism privilege is a thousand times worse. And it's not 1970, there isn't a white good ol boys network. It's a good ol boys and girls network that is nonracial.

Well, unless you're of a race particularly chosen.


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You know niggers were getting lynched, beat up, ignored, and otherwise discriminated against by people in positions of power and ordinary citizens even after slavery was ended and the Civil Rights Movement, right? Even if you magically ended all discrimination based on race, the problems that exist from racist attitudes wouldn't go away immediately either.

Especially on Jow Forums, where you can see shitpost-tier banter that was and still is unironically the irl attitude towards all Blacks, poor, middle class, or rich, in the South and by White-Supremacist types.

Whites fucking chimped out over the arrest of a nigger by police even though the situation was under control, and since mobs are idiots a bunch of Blacks came too because rumors were spreading that the Whites were going to lynch the suspect before the situation was examined closer. The ensuing battle led to a bunch of racists driving around and shooting into buildings and lighting them on fire, burning down the entire district, just because they were all niggers. The types of people who feel this way are beyond reconciliation through peaceful means.

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If the color of my skin isn’t making my life harder, then that does not imply privilege. Being guaranteed fundamental human rights is not a privilege, but a right. So a lack of guarantee of those fundamental rights because of your skin color means that you you are discriminated against, but that does not insinuate that the “other” group receiving those rights are “privileged” when those rights are basic and fundamental.

>skin color isn't making life harder

>shitskins rob, assault and rape you because your white and you can't get a scholarship, job, or gov handout unless you're shitskin in your own country.

This. Maybe 60 years ago this wasn't the case, but for my entire life, the last 30 years, I haven't ever seen an instance of white people getting any sort of preferential treatment.
>muh cops
Cops don't shoot people because they're black, they shoot people because they're dumbasses.

Hasn't it been the other way around for more than a century?

>unironically the irl attitude

Niggers are stupid and ugly. They blame this on white 'privilege' - i.e, being born smarter and better-looking is 'unfair.' Nigger logic. It's not Jow Forums's fault or our problem. Take it up with God.

>Work in middle management
>Constantly told that we aren't hiring enough minorities
>Constantly have to tell minority workers to work harder
>Constantly receive shitty attitudes from minority workers
>Minority workers exploit every loophole in our employee handbook. 2 days absence only accounts for 1 callout, so they often call out twice in a row. Those who have FMLA status constantly exploit it.
I don't know what world they are living in.

Nice strawman, but God isn't doing much to fix the situation, is he? And he just keeps doing nothing in all situations.

>person A did something wrong to person B
>person C deserves free stuff at the expense of person D

Progressives are stupid.

I think you mean it doesn't make my life easier. Sure 60 years ago it helped but today it's a hindrance. Every time you apply for a job that just happens to have a field you can fill in for your race, gender and other snowflake status is a mark against people that opt out or are white and male.

It's a conversation stopper because anyone with more than two brain cells rubbing together will realize that anyone who drops this kind of pseudo-intellectualism will realize that they are not worth their time to continue the conversation.

Because it's so fucking miraculous that they can escape the fucking ghetto and barely function in a work environment that we have to hire them as an example so the niglets don't think it's all hopeless and turn to drugs and robbery and learn that hard work isn't going to be for jack shit nowadays


This would be true pre civil rights. But it's the year 2018, where those disadvantages are replaced with privileges.


All perpetrators and co-operators with Anti-White Memes (including ALL pornography) are precisely structurally identical to Child Abusers, Rapists and Murderers and are to be treated accordingly.



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I'm not agreeing, but that's the solution of "progressives". How else do we fix the fucking problems then? Kicking out the gibs completely is going to leave them stranded in the ghetto and they can vote and commit crime while they're bored and retarded.

Yeah and black people's skin color isn't what makes their life hard, its that they tend to be fucking retarded.
The intelligent ones do just fucking fine.

No, not exactly, but even if it was, two wrongs don't make a right, you fucking mong.

The concept of white privilege makes the argument that by quantifying a statistical imbalance which favors a certain group with certain favored properties, we are justified in action against this group to alleviate the statistical imbalance. However using the same argument you can discriminate against jews for overrepresentation in media and banking and you can discriminate against blacks for causing a disproportionate amount of murders.

I'm not agreeing with that attitude but what's your solution then? And you have to convince the others that it hasn't been pretty ridiculous to be black for the past century in America.

white privilege = white envy

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not in Canada and not vastly in most of western civilization retard and certainly not like you imagine in your little victim narrative. crime statistics exist and they paint the same picture all over the fucking world retard,also lets not strawman because unless they experience hardship in countries they built it's not the same.

if i move to china is life harder for me a non Chinese person because they are all racist you fucking idiot?

Fact- Life exists in a more orderly state when you're not raised by single moms and you graduate from high school.
Hmm, makes you think...

it doesn't work
fuck the weak
all victims should be beaten

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There is no such thing as white privilege, there is being part of the majority privilege AND/OR being rich privilege.
And the reason people don't realize that is because they are too ethnocentric to learn two simple things:
-being part of the minority (or being poor) sucks, everywhere on Earth.
-the place where being poor or a minority sucks the less is western countries.

Because if you mention scholarships and grants that are offered to everyone who isnt white as evidence to the contrary they just label you a racist and instantly dismiss anything you have to say. You cant win this argument so most people just avoid it.

in other words black sin is worse than white skin.

That statement is absolutely a lie. Having white skin AND a penis means literally EVERYONE else gets preferential treatment in education, employment, loans, government programs...

It also means that I belong to the one group that everyone is allowed to criticize, yet I don't even get to have an opinion. Wow, it's great not having my skin color count against me.

It's funny, when the left try to clarify their positions, it makes them sound even dumber.

Blacks descended from the slaves who joined the British side in the UK are pretty well acclimated, if I recall correctly. And if you have a problem with China's attitudes, you can take it up with the people of China and the CCP.

It's all so tiresome.

How the fuck do black people have a harder life than whites in modern day America. They are the most coddled, the most represented, the most sensitive, whites have to tip toe around saying anything that offends them, even fucking crime statistics

How do they have it so bad. Somebody please fucking tell me. Every advertisement has blacks in it despite them being 13% of the population. You'd think they were 60-70% just based on the ads. Even spics are starting to notice this shit

So HOW is their life so fucking terrible. What, they don't get jobs for being black? Affirmative action ensures they do. The government sector jobs is 20% black.

So how? Are they talking about going into all white spaces and feeling threatened because they can't listen to music on their speakers without someone calling the cops on them?

>How do they have it so bad
Well they are niggers

i really can't be surprised the point of my post went completely over your head considering you are clearly a retard.

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Unironically civic nationalism (aka american patriotism) to unify under the American identity.
Of course blacks have been treated badly in history, but as
said, using the logic that 'to solve injustice, one must enact further injustice', is untenable once applied en masse.
The solution is to stop playing the D&C tactic of racial divisions. Once blacks feel a connection to the ideological roots of America (liberty, self-reliance etc.), they will no longer be a fractured demographic.
"Nigger culture" is a product of racial divisions, divisions that were nearly eradicated during the peak of the Civil Rights era but re-surged after the death of MLK and the subsequent (((government programs))) aimed at encouraging nigger lifestyles. Blacks are most susceptible to this due to low average IQ, but that doesn't mean if the culture shifted, blacks would remain useless.
If it takes a domesticated form of black nationalism to get the black community to help itself, then I'm all for it. Removing their victim complex is the biggest hurdle to cross.

tldr; its about making a better future, not atoning for sins of the past.

Yeah they're getting treated better now but how long has it been compared to the last century?

So we should Gibs because of historical wrongs? Have progressives forgotten "eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" or do they really only care about stroking their egos?

? Which other countries had significant populations of Africans with lineages in that country from before 1900?

What's your solution? I don't agree with discrimination but at least that's a step.

Irish got historically treated like shit and forced into servitude and yet somehow they don't behave like dumb violent animals, i wonder why that is hmmmm

But it is. Literally everyone else is allowed and encouraged to form racial support networks. Jewish charities. Black business groups. Irish pride parades. Non-ethnic white euromutts are the only group of people in America that face any sort of legal discrimination based exclusive on their race.

Try to argue that point with anyone who has been fucked hard by affirmative action. Did you know niggers get automatic promotions in the military no matter how worthless they are? Did you notice that every fat nigger that ran out of the Pentagon on 9/11 was at least Lt. Colonel?

This is the point. You want to make life "harder" for white people which is why sane white people tell you to eat shit.

Because their are actual laws in place that demand the exact opposite be true

Could it be that they started blending into the "White" population after intermarriage and dispersal, to the point where you can't be sure if someone's Irish just based off their looks?

There is an angry rake behind you screaming ALLAHU AHKBAR

How about all the blacks that got shit assignments before integration of the armed forces?

my skin color is making it harder for me to have my opinions respected by you shit skins, how about that?

>only niggers are the problem in the usa
keep being a fucking retard dude, just keep it up.
could it be they are not low iq violent retards with low impulse control, smaller brain mass and prefrontal cortex. nahhh its cause wayycissim. fucking idiot.

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This. They have no plan or intention on bettering themselves, their culture, or their community so they attempt to bring everyone else down to their level.

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what does this have to do with the people alive today?

It's just offensive to trailer trash honkies that blame other people for their misfortunes in life.

>So let us give you a hard time for your skin color in return
Yep checks out

K lemme know when you can answer my question.

Also, Irish were seen that way for a long time until they blended in. Of course, someone can always pick out a nigger's faults no matter what he's doing, he'll always be associated with the trash by racists.

What is affirmative action and economic aid?

Niggers in the USA have literally the same rights as any white dude and on top of that they have advantages like affirmative action and places where they can segretate without being called racists.

Imagine if you had a place that only allowed white people, you wouldnt hear the end of it, yet black people have black-exclusive places.

Imagine if some smart black kid was left out of college just to fill a diversity quota of a less qualified person of a different race?

The whole logic of while privilege is, racism and slavery existed 200 years ago, therefore I am opressed now and if my life sucks its because of racism and sociocultural mechanism put im place just to oppress me, not because of life choices I made (like joining a gang, or dropping out of school).

Just to make sure niglets know they can serve in the army and not be screwed because of race. After a few decades this will become redundant and the Army can go back to nepotism, favoritism, and the occasional meritocracy.

screen shot taken today you fucking moron of Toronto murderers, if you think this is because of white privilege you really are a fucking retard piece of shit.

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let me know what you can can comprehend a post without strawmaning and sounding like a complete retard.

As for your question.

The reason such a statement works is mob mentality and guilt tripping people that are ignorant on the subjet and just parrot what the mass media says.

Are they crack'd up? What is even going on here?

Some of those are definitely from post-1900 African and Arab immigrations, why are you lumping them all together?

Anyways I think this user did a good job summing it up.

They only got equal rights 50 years ago, and thst didn't make racism disappear.

>white skin color no problemo
tell that to my sunburn after a day on the beach

you have no point, you have no argument, you are a retard and niggers are violent subhuman pieces of shit regardless of circumstances.

better question is why are you such a strawmaning retard with low reading comprehension, the most subtle of points fly completely over your head, or maybe you just ignore them because you lack sufficient cognitive ability to offer any type of replay based on logic and reason so the only thing you can say is,what about waaayyyycissim.

ok retard.

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you're a fucking kike, and a retarded one at that

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Fortunetaly in the future, 'white will be an absolute minority in America" - Joe Biden.
Rejoice, you will soon be able to enjoy the so called "priviliege" and all its perks.

That's 50 years on fucking credit in my book. They've had enough time to demonstrate they're equal, and they've fucking failed.

Yes, they got equal rights 50 years ago.
Where is the white privilege in the present exactly?

Your illogical attitude that niggers are only measured by their lowest members is part of the problem. Why should Blacks of all colors be considered subhuman because new waves of poor and unassimilated ones keep coming in with different histories than the previous populations? Why is it that you have to round down?

Pic was probably ture... 50 years ago.
Black skin means you get more opportunities and higher pay.

I hate sjw faggots. they are destroying the world

just wait for it, he's probably writing an entire fucking paragraph of bullshit as we speak

Yes. The country is majority white. Therefore therefore the culture and systems are naturally dominated by whites.

No. I am not ok with you niggers changing this because you don't want to integrate into our culture and systems.

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