Blood pressure 100/60

Blood pressure 100/60,

Eat a big tasty bacon burger menu, 2 cheeseburgers,

Pressure goes to 105/67.

Are (((they))) trying to kill us?

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you have low blood pressure. are you even an athlete?

Ya OP is an idiot who doesn't even know what a normal BP is.

>Eat a big tasty
There is your problem. eww brah. That isn't even food.

Don't eat that shit.

My blood pressure is 160/120
Medication is for losers

satire is lost on nu/pol/ and americans alike, you're wasting your time to be desu

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No you're a fatass and shouldn't eat poison.

Loading 2000 calories in 10 minutes isnt bad. I only eat there few times a year.

No im not. Always had low pressure. I smoke/drink and avoid vegetables for years. Weird that mcdonalds raised my pressure.