Balkan thread

>be greek
>get dominated by ottomans
>be albanian
>get dominated by ottomans
>be bulgar
>get dominated by ottomans
>be serb
>get dominated by ottomans
>be bosniak
>get dominated by ottomans
>be croat
>don't get dominated by ottomans

I think we can all agree on the single based nation in the Balkans.

Attached: terrible region.png (301x263, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:če_Field

>I think we can all agree on the single based nation in the Balkans
Yes, we can

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Daily reminder that Croats saved whole europe from turks

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.

Sop exaggerating to get attention dude

*laughs in Polish*

>Daily reminder that Poles saved whole europe from turks

uh, didn't Poland save Europe from Turks? Jan Sobieski etc.

You mean be Austria, don't get dominated by Ottomans. Congrats.

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If we change the definition of "based" to "sucks dick really well," then yes, based indeed.

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sea serbs
inbred serbs
tatar serbs
muslim serbs
catholic serbs

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romania is not in the balkans

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Still based.

Based changed def then kek

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This meme lmfao.
Fucking beautiful. The ol' switcharoo.

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> not posting vlad

>drunkard, stupid, poor, lazy, corrupt, smelly, swarming of gypsies
amice, am niste noutati pentru tine

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amice, sa te violeze jaguarii.

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Sto nece poceti rat Slovenije i kurvata, koji bi to meme rudnik bio.

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europe say
>thank you croatia for saving our asses

Attached: Ferdo_Quiqerez,Predziđe_kršćanstva.jpg (800x571, 71K)

>kad ono slovenci ih sa'rane

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Cuza has a much bigger influence on Romania imho. Could've been truly glorious if the G*rmans hadn't kiked him

Even worse choice

Fuck u! You are just retarded Bulgarians having no honor.

Southern Estonians
Southern Hungarians

>Even worse choice
that's what your mom said when you were born

I was just waiting for one of you so I could say the words
>Tatar Delusions
Like clockwork everytime.

Attached: lol bulgars btfo.png (410x246, 88K)

While u have Constanta, u r Balkan.

You're not even trying, pula


tvoja mama

Sry, I don’t speak poor.


that's what your mom said to your dad on the day they conceived you

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There is none.
Not a single one of your countries has contributed anything of note to human history.
Hell, half the time, you actively tried to fuck over the Byzantine Empire for petty loot.
Fuck the Balkans. The turks are unironically better then you lot.

top kek

Attached: GaziUstasiju.jpg (900x900, 158K)

Not suprising coming from a turk dispora.

>The turks are unironically better then you lot.
not. But the rest are true.

>gazi ustašiju

>i dont speak poor
Mr Tromblon would have a word with you Janez, his poor fishermen want your ass.

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The kike of the Balkans makes himself known.

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Bahahahaha congrats on winning that battle tho.
Rest in shit.
>tfw commies do one useful thing

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>This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

Trashpedia knows whats up. kek

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easier bait than i thought desu

correct, its time to pay jizya you slavs

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Post Serb qts pls

Attached: Muh serb dick.jpg (500x458, 32K)

Well, we gotta admit that, unlike Arabs, Turks actually know how to win a battle. When they're not busy throwing unarmed Kurdish women off cliffs that is.

Every Time

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Guys, GUYS, can both dig roads in Slovenia for minimum wage, no need to argue.

How about some Croat "qts?"

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Sorry we dont have two land neighboors to threaten our existance while we develop like you do.

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Muntenia is Balkan the other states i don't know

>rape! go!
Kills me everytime.

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Imagination do wonders. Just wondering how you managed to lose against Croats, against Muslim and against Albanians.

Must be Judeo-masonic-vatican-iluminati-jew conspiracy. It cannot be that you are retarded

>dig roads
I thought mountain vilage has goat trails hmmm

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showing mercy to terrorists is weakness and fraility
so captured terrorists either bark out positions of their comrades or they get 7.62 at the back of the head

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>be swedish
>defend your borders for 1000 years
>give it away

This retardation again.
Is going around spreading bullshit part of your national identity?
>lose against Croats
Krajina Serbs lost to Croats with NATO backing, after Belgrade refused to provide any assistance.
>lose against Muslims
lol, I guess that's why the Serbs held some 70% of BiH toward the end of the war.
>lose against Albanians
Now you're just getting lazy.
These are not difficult facts bro.
Or you can just imprison and waterboard them until they die of "natural causes," like the civilized American does.

Why do you get btfo by isis and kurds regulary, thought you had superior german panzer ?

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Dude, your country is so shit even muslims rather died than be in it

bro you almost lost banja luka

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So massive conspiracy all the way. It cannot be that you re retarded

>lose against cro*ts and muslims
Gee i wonder why it happened Stipe, maybe some amerifats wanted some 10m statues in Tirana and dick suckers in Zagreb.

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Another goat sheppard from Antalya raging on how peasants from Antalya are true ottomans. Serbs and Albanians gave more to ottoman empire thay inbreed turks.

Forgot pic.
Yeah, I don't think the Albos won a single engagement in Kosovo. Unless you count holding Koshare for a couple of days after the VJ willingly gave it to them for a bit a victory. I'm ready to be proven wrong, tho.
I know, that's a bit of an uncomfortable truth, but you gotta understand that this was after Belgrade pretty much gave up support, and after the Croats and the Muslims struck together in full force with, I say again, NATO backing (direct strikes in Bosnia, as we all know)
Conspiracy =/= theory
When you put those two words together they then mean what you think "conspiracy" means. And no, I posted no conspiracy theories. These are things you can google.

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>Muntenia is Balkan
you have to go back

>that patch

Greeks LARPing as Turkic muslims

>get bombed by whole NATO and must have decades to recover
>huh your country sucks maang

You can have all of them though.

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>Albanians almost always completely outnumbered.
>Making fun of them for losing.
C'mon bro.

Muslims didn’t want to be in it BEFORE it was bombed already

so in other words you admit you lost
nice excuses though

We fucked them up pretty bad m8.
We did it solo too.

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Sarajevo before war, 51% of Serbs. Now 0%. Kosovo, land of serbia, with total population of serbs around zero. Croatia 21% of populatiano Serbian. Now rougly 5% and half of that nuber was defending Croatia agains you.

And now you will join that fucking NATO. Its a total humiliation of Serbia so people should cry for you, but since you are retarded idiots people can only laugh.

Look into the engagements of the Kosovo War yourself on Wiki. All nicely and neatly listed out under "belligerents." Then look closely at the Battle of Koshare, and then talk to me about outnumbered and outgunned.
I'm not the one here who has issues with facts lol. Krajina and Kosovo were lost wars, Bosnia certainly wasn't. And the losses are hardly surprising, are they? Dunno what you want me to say.

There are well over a hundred thousand Serbs in Kosovo.
And no, we will never join NATO. I don't know why you'd think that.

Based Kolokotronis.

Promise of not losing RS in Bosnia will be enough for your.

You were part of the same country you backstabbing dick suckers or you have amnesia.
You liked yugo larping and money untill bills came ay ?

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>There are well over a hundred thousand Serbs in Kosovo.

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>losing RS in Bosnia

Quit larping Stipe, RS is ethnicly clean of subversive elements like your faggot ass.

And even then we wouldnt.

I don't think we need that promise. A million Serbs in RS will not just pack up and leave, sorry. Any attempts to erode or abolish RS will result in bloodshed, and it so happens that no major power currently wants that in Europe. I'm afraid it's BiH that will cease to exist well before the RS does kek. And honestly it prolly should. Split that shit between Serbia and Croatia and leave a lil' pashaluk for the balijas who wanna larp as descendants of bogumils or whatever the fuck.

They boycott the census bruh.

>again trashpedia meme numbers
Jos od 80ih nema pravilnog popisa stanovnistva, pogotovu sto su se srbi vecinom izjasnjavali kao jugosloveni.
Into the trash it goes.

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but you don't have brčko

Sure, promise of Great Serbia was enough to start killing people that you were living with 100s of years. And it broght you only misery. It was nice while you were raping and pillaging in first 6 months of war. But later on was only death and destruction, my dear Mehmed

>be retard
>make shit thread

isn't republika srpska almost seceding from bosnia anyway? it's really easy for the jewish powers to start something and blame serbshits for it

I mean, the ptice on the granas know that Serbs in Kosovo don't participate in any single Pristina census. Serbia obviously keeps track of how many people we actually have down there.
Of course it's easy, but I don't think anyone wants that right now. However, if the traitor in chief in Belgrade does go through with his current Kosovo plan, we can expect RS to raise a stink. Precedents and all, you know how it goes.

>>don't get dominated by ottomans
Still plundered and depopulated to nill (mainly Lika and Dalmatian hinterland) before Vlachs came around. Most people with ancestry from these areas are neither Croats nor Serbs even though they are hardcore nationalists.

Ah, nationalistic thots. Truly the pride of our nation.

>before Vlachs came around
from where you brainlet

>but you don't have brčko
We also dont have Knin and Vukovar so what ?
>Sure, promise of Great Serbia was enough to start killing people that you were living with 100s of years

Yeah like 1914,1941 and 91`, you just couldnt go without us. Take lorazepan with your lies tonigh to sleep better.
>my dear Mehmed
Said Stipe faggot with half of country with serbian family /ic surnames and half Horvat made up shit from 90s.

Backstabing kurvice bile i ostale.

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>be Slovenian
>dominate Ottomans
>be Ottoman
>want to be dominated by

>serbian family /ic surnames and half Horvat made up shit from 90s
god tier serbian mitomanija

this is some heavy dabing that I'm witnessing

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What's in the hole?

>greatest Serbian warrior. Arkan
wew lad

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Pokupe celu familiju sa par prnja i odu u deo Kosova na par dana gde stranci popisuju i odjednom im skacu brojevi po cetvoroduplo. Jos bas se popisuju posle 99` i 08` egzodusa srba jer NATO ladi muda dok srbi napustaju.

A izbegavali svaki popis Jugoslavije jos od 80ih.
Da ne pricam da bi se sutra vec 80% odselilo u EU da imaju vize ali im mi nedamo KEK

>muh gorillion shiptars.

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dead commies and Croats

priddy nice tits for plastic