Searching around, I have discovered many things. The real culprit of 9/11, the Jews. How America is a puppet of the Satanist kikes. So on and so forth.
I decided, if the world is run by Satanists and Jews, why not join them. So for a while, about a month, I began following Judaism, somewhat to join their ranks, and some what to figure out more. But my efforts were fruitless, so I resorted to Satanism. The Satanist church was full of garbage, "skeptical atheist" bullshit. So I searched, and I found a group who worshipped old Satanism.
So I was inducted, we had an orgy at the ceremony, so on and so forth.
So I ask you Jow Forums, why don't you embrace Theistic Satanism? I have multiple lovers inside the society (both men and women), I have sex with them often, its perfect.
I do not recommend you follow Judaism or Modern Satanism, their is little chance you will join the Jews inner circle, but if you joined a Theistic Satanist cult, you may embrace Hedonism, sin, and a full life.
Luciferianism is hedonistic, so if you don't like it, just say it's not your thing. In that case, it would be sin to fuck men because you don't enjoy it.
Jaxson Garcia
How do you join or find something like that?
Nolan Jenkins
I don't give a fuck about your Jewish mythology.
Joseph Scott
Do they do ritualistic sacrafices or pedo stuff or crazy shit like that? Reasons a saner person doesnt wanna get involved
Kayden Rogers
By going batshit insane and looking into the occult.
t. non-satanic occultist
Blake Gutierrez
You have been deceived by the greatest deceiver, Satan hates you and the fact that you exists. Repent or burn
Ethan Evans
Which group did you join?
Carter Young
Well I could do that and never meet a group
Wyatt Walker
Cool larp 10/10
Hunter Lopez
Freemasons and satanists in the lower ranks are nothing more than people who think they joined some cool club. This is quite obviously bait, but in case it's not I just wanted to say that this will provide you with temporary pleasures, but it will never give your life meaning.
Brandon Butler
Nah. You can only wallow deeper into self-worship and materialism. I, for one, would find it very unfulfilling.
Caleb Nelson
Good joke OP.
Nathan White
Defende nos en praelio, the riches and pleasures of the physical world are tools used to enslave you and damn your immortal soul. Store your treasure where rust does not consume
Jaxson Lewis
>why not join them. because they'll murder you for no reason and if your family complains they'll get whacked too
these people are lunatics, you can't work with their philosophy, the only way that philosophy works is if they have no power
>why don't you embrace Theistic Satanism? because it's a sham of bullshit, embrace Jesus or go full madman Gnostic and study that Chaldean shit the Queen of Sheba was about
Camden Barnes
>I have multiple lovers inside the society (both men and women), I have sex with them often, its perfect. Stopped reading there.
I don't know how a Rabbi can condone a convert to Judaism. Knowing what is in Talmud, how on earth can they trust somebody who is going to abandon their own family and think of them as cattle? The Talmud is basically a hate manual directed at non-jews. Well, it's much more than that... but it's unabashedly and unapologetically hateful and disdainful of humanity beyond the tribe.
Jews are just creepy. The weirdest thing is that they live among you and smile in your face while believing the most awful things at the same time...keeping that level of deception requires a psychopath tier mentality. It's almost otherworldly.
Cameron Green
There is a thing among these people - homosexuality, incest, etc... it's about violating nature and pushing yourself past the point of sin. You gain a certain superiority over those who mentally must obey rules. Your mind has surpassed that barrier and you can enjoy the fruits that lie beyond this barrier and the people who have passed this hurdle. There is a feeling of superiority over people mired in a small mental world.
You notice this strange 'superiority' among some gays - usually to a lesser extent - they feel liberated from bourgeois morality and free to enjoy the 'good things' in life... culture, material goods and sexuality of hang-ups. They sometimes look at straights as dullards/squares
The illuminati thing is this attitude taken to extremes. Adam Weishoupt who invented the 'illuminati' was big on bring in people who were powerful, exceptional, talented... it's intended as a club for people of a higher level. The original Iluminati wasn't Satanist didn't last long, but it was influential in it's structure and outlook.
Evan Hughes
So it is practically whatever it wants you to be? So it's like a polished excuse to do whatever you want with a sprinkle of God complex?