Madame President

>principled conservative
>noncontroversial unlike Trump
>supports Israel
>governed a state
>gaining experience in international politics serving as the UN ambassador
>isn't white so can appeal to the increasingly changing demographics

Nikki Haley 2024. It's the GOP's best bet at recovering from the fallout of the Trump presidency

Attached: 1060x600-a2c477394ff93c55ed8f3e32a13733ba-1.jpg (517x517, 94K)

I doubt she has any desire to run.

she must be a ladder climber because she clearly doesn't like Trump, she's there to further her career when Trump is gone

>supports Israel
Umm amerikeks, why is this so important?

Total fronthole.

That's not Lisa Simpson.

disgusting poo

Attached: nikki haley 2.jpg (884x315, 58K)

jewish puppet indian

Streetshitting Jew puppet.

>>noncontroversial unlike Trump