This thread discusses tactics, methods, and advice for Red Pilling friends in the presence of a strong opposition. Share both successful and non successful Red Pilling stories. What works? What doesn’t work?
1. Teamwork. Do it with at least one other person so you can play off each other. No person likes being alone in their thoughts, especially if it challenges long held beliefs. Your opposition relies on hypernormalizing their message through media, so the best way to defeat this is to demonstrate that this normality is not real. Being alone also makes you vulnerable to becoming isolated by an outspoken opponent.
2. Timing. Sometimes it is best to wait for the opportunity when a person questions the world around him/her rather than force that doubt upon them. This is the most genuine and least invasive approach
3. Be ready. Be the person with the correct answers, data/charts, sources, social proof, and entry into the social environment that reinforces this new truth. Be the person that people look to for information.
4. Expose the target in a way that makes them want to come back for more. This board would be nothing without humor. Humor is dominant behavior, discourages dissent, and suppresses doubt. Humor is magic
5. Don’t push too hard. “A negative can become a positive” used by your opponents to marginalize you
6. Maximize your efforts by profiling people on a scale of who is most likely to be receptive to your message
7. Never take risks with risky information. Don’t be irl Alex Jones. Present challenging information as an inquirey (the Socratic method).
8. Hack the persons mind. Everyone has their own quirks. Find out the persons interests or concerns and focus on relating to it.
9. It is generally positive to relate your message to a common purpose that is perceived as moral. The dialectic is how we perceive the world and communicate this reality.