Here is the truth

Here is the truth.

All of us from European ancestry are white.
Except for the turks of course.

Attached: 1_aC8LoQqDfe6XnBuOksuXzQ.jpg (800x430, 73K)

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>Except for the turks of course.

No one in Germany considers Turks to be European except for the Turks maybe.

Turkey is not in Europe so yeah they have never been European.

Geographically, their biggest city is in Europe although most of the country is in asia, however I would consider Turkey pretty European considering their culture and history.

Töbe estarfullah. We don’t consider ourselves to be Yuropean. We just wanted your EU gibs and monies so we could sit back like Effendi and smoke dat good nargile.

Unfortunately, we had to make do on our own.

But never think we wanted to be European. It was purely an attempt to defraud your tax payers and use it to further develop our country.

>their biggest city is in Europe

The conqured Constantinople 1453 which was capitol of the long wasting away East Roman Empire.

Attached: 1534614862298.jpg (750x723, 83K)

it's partially in europe


Turks have ruled Europe since Atilla the Hun. Read your own Sagas Sven... it’s all about Germanics being cucked by Turks.

Avars, Cumans, Pechenegs, Huns, Tatars, Magyars, Bulgars... all TÜRK.

Fuck off. I'm a Polish Slav, not some White-Guilt Traitorous WASP. You didn't want to consider me White when times were bad for me, now I'm White when times are good for my country and not yours? Spierdalaj.