This is considered white in America

>this is considered white in America

It's not a meme, Americans ARE mixed race mongrels.

Attached: 1534857738435.jpg (540x400, 36K)

And canadians are subhumans.

White is just a color. Her skin isn't black. It isn't brown. She would be white in any country in the world. It is indisputable.
Now, she wouldn't be considered European in America, or elsewhere.

>white is just a color

Attached: mollie good riddance.png (1180x992, 363K)

No, she looks half Asian.

She's cute. Got her kik?

Nice try Chang, that's a gook

Attached: 1510874360898.jpg (821x1024, 240K)


Asians were, for legal purposes, white even in South Africa's glorious apartheid years.

no actually shes considered NON white
nice try