Jesus Christ that was depressing

Jesus Christ that was depressing.

Farmland is some sad, scary shit. Why doesn’t Trump save these good white South African people and let them come to America as refugees?

I know someone in Trumps administration has to Lurk Jow Forums please save them Mr President

Attached: 401EF604-ECA3-4FD9-B809-24BAA0F5B5FB.png (1334x750, 3.96M)

And God bless Laura Southern for her work. You can bash her all you want but at 22 she has done more than most of you do in your whole lives

Stop spamming yourself, Lauren.

>inb4 if you dont love lauren you love white genocide

KYS you strawmanning leech

Attached: lauren southern nazbol 5.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)


Attached: lauren southern old af 12.png (588x617, 379K)

>Why doesn’t Trump save these good white South African people and let them come to America as refugees?

Because that would cost a fuck ton of money without other nations helping.

South Africans could move here easily and live well.

Not Americas problem. Why doesn't holland or where ever the fuck they're from take them back

Because Trump is a Jewish neocon
Only reddit boomers thought he would be some kind of savior

No way that chick is 22.

There have always been poor whites in South Africa. It's very (((funny))) that we only get to know about it when they've made legal to expropiate unused land without compensation.