Cohen didn't name Trump by name

Cohen didn't name Trump by name

He said he violated campaign finance laws for a

"candidate for federal office"

What if it's Hillary?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what if it's hillary tho!
the absolute state of /ptg/

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Nah it was jeb

Yeah, but that can't be revealed yet. You have to get the libtards all riled up about it first. Then, you complete the bait-and-switch.

Why wouldn't they be a crime for President Trump?

>Trump's personal lawyer
Gee, I fucking wonder who it could be
Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti calls Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen "radioactive."
"Anyone that had any contact with this man in the last 20 years should be very concerned about what secrets of theirs are within these documents."


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Because it's not a crime to pay blackmail.
>cohen pays whores with his money
>doesn't tell trump what he did, only says "I need reimbursement for services rendered"
>trump pays cohen from campaign fund
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Or alternative if Trump actually knew:
Wow, it's a fucking small fine.

According to sources.

Surely it was Cohen's professional duty to inform Trump that he would be breaking campaign law ?

thread theme

What if..

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what other attorneys have verified twitter accounts?

At this point all trump supporters can do is lie and make shit up

There was a tape released of them discussing the payment. Trump knew

And campaign finance violations are a federal crime

You colossal pieces of shit

Fucking lol OP, you serious?

Man these schizo fucks need to be purged

he is a lawyer, right?

(((cohen))) betrays, while patient manafort waits for inevitable pardon

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Ignorance of the law is no excuse

Stick to figuring out what pronoun to call your boyfriend leaf. It is not a federal crime

What the fuck is even going on at this point? Why is everyone making a big deal over unrelated crimes?

>manafort waits for inevitable pardon
That would be political suicide.

>reddit spacing

nobody likes kraftwerk
its atonal mindless noise created without any talent or skill, solely by computer, for the delectation of morons gassed out of their minds on E.

Just regular raid trying to make something out of nothing.

Just relax and enjoy the ride.

I've never listened to them before that song, they sound pretty good.


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The best part, is when they do find President Trump guilty of election finance fraud or something, the leftists will react like lunatics but get btfo when the penalty ain't shit.

Unless you’re Hillary Clinton and forget that c means classified before disseminating it

Because when the President does it, it's not illegal.

He has immunity. Mueller must wait until he finishes his term (one or two) so he can arrest him.

bro they literally inspired EVERY electronic artist. You don't know the definition of "atonal" either.

just because you don't like germans doesn't mean you have to dislike their music.

Jesus fucking Christ. Why is "But Hillary!" A defense of the Trump?

Lock them both up. Both of them. Everyone involved with either candidate and their campaigns. They all deserve it.



You're fucking delusional. Nothing stops Trump from pardoning anyone, even prior to being charged, of any federal crime. Not even pardoning himself is excluded from POTUS pardon power.

Shut up, nerd. No one important is going to prison. This is like the emails all over again.

He also said the candidate repaid him.

something is not right

how can $130,000 be enough to make a porn star shut up when he is a billionaire running for president


I agree. But if this isnt the end for the swamp it is the end of Trump.

Fuck off comey

>Anyone against what you think is Comey
There must be a LOT of Comeys
How does he get around the post timer?

What is the penalty

And, additionally, she didn’t shut up about it

I have always thought the payoffs were for Don jr.

OP!! The letter from MENSA came for you to day....let me open it...and...just a minute....oh...uh....hmmmm.....well let's just throw this away ok?

>What if it's Hillary?

that's why there are so many slide threads right now....

the deepstate is desperate.

If I plead guilty that I robbed a bank and that Barack Obama was my accomplice that doesn't make Barack Obama guilty of any crime.

Whether paying for some sex affair story not to be printed is campaign financing is still highly questionable. If there wasn't a campaign on Trump would have paid just the same.

If that's campaign financing, then a lot of payments made for positive or negative stories during the campaign need to be considered campaign financing.

>Not even pardoning himself is excluded from POTUS pardon power.
If he's stupid enough to pardon himself, he WILL be impeached or BTFO in 2020.
>What's the over/under?

What if your father had pulled out?