Incels keep getting proven right

Are you blackpilled on women yet?

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>Are you blackpilled on women yet?
Yes. It doesn't really help anything, though.

White women. White culture. Dead culture. Extinct people

Luckily the rest of the world won't succumb to this

She was a dog when she was young too. I guess the handsome Swiss banker Serge was too loving for her back then.

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Bitch is beat
Be hotter if you wanna attract a 10/10 man

Yes, pretty much. Women are an illusion.

What does she imagine she has to offer ANY man? Her used up dry old cunt? Her self entitled bitchiness?

Same old mare

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Even in her glory days, she was probably a 5.5/10 tops. Something tells me she wasn't willing to settle for anything but 9-10/10 on that elite dating site.

Bitch should have settled for less before her ovaries fell out.

looks like a dude

Leather-like skin and she expects to get a 11/10 man. God, women have absolutely no self-awareness.

That's a man.

>I was scammed by lifestyle advertising, here's why I am still better than everyone else.
wew lad I wonder what dating agency all the womanless alpha dogs use?????

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>Incels keep getting proven right
>She probably means OP and he knows it.


>fucking hideous and old
>still has high standards
Why are some people so delusional with regard to how attractive/desirable they really are?

Christ almighty look at that face. Just fucking look at it.
Reminds me of Mel B on Bo Selecta.

I know i am not good looking but holy shit she is ugly as fuck

"Matchmaking" means you meet your match.

That's why she is alone to begin with user, she is unrealistic about her self an who she can get. Now she is 50, should have been a grand mother but still lies to her self and claim "nobody was good enough for her".

In other words, completely delusional. And at the same time, going to the paper like that it's again her just lying to her self and trying project this.
she isn't even fooling her self

No. Because you are old, past your prime and wasted your best years being a stronk independent womyn impersonating men and left childless and without a husband.

Article translated as:
"I'm such a narcissist no one can meet the impossibly high standards I've set for myself and am deluded enough to believe I'm worthy of that same standard."


"I wasted all my money getting run through by men and not a one would keep my nagging ass around."


"I'm absolutely insufferable to the other sex but am not mature enough at the age of 50 to do any introspection and realize it may have something to do with my own behavior."


Probably complains a lot about why she is "right". Men do not want to come home to that.

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>tfw T O O I N T E L L I G E N T for men
but really, if she was half as smart as the average male she would realize why they dont want her

Goes to tell you that not even money can fix a face like that.

>tfw T O O I N T E L L I G E N T for men

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>says she's high IQ
>Goes to a dating site or app
>Where 100% of all low IQ incels and cunts go to
Oh am I laffin, social media and dating apps are the hotspots for retards

>"brainier than them"
>wonders why no guy wants a 50 year old orange leather doll

Here's the end all of this topic.
Relationships are a trade between security and being taken care of and being the leader is the mans role in exchange for sex from the woman. All these career women can already take care of themselves financially and have plenty of interests and consider themselves leaders. So when they go out and date it's not that they can't find men or even good men, it's they don't realize they aren't really looking for anything they don't already have so nothing is alluring. It's like stuffing your face at Thanksgiving and then walking around a 5 star restaurant saying why doesn't any of this look good? Well you don't need it, you're full and there for no more appetite or desire.

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Is this Mueller in a dress?

Mediocre is more than she deserves.
What, bitch? You think your career and education mean shit to a man?
Only 'elite' man you'll ever get with that face is a 95 year old.

i have no problem laughing at cunts like this, and their misery, because i know she would perceive me as lesser than her and treat me like i should worship her, while she is an insufferable bitch to me
not that i would have anything to do with this old catchers mitt, but i can picture the scenario in my head if we bumped into each other at a bbq or something

You're next, chingchong.

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Also reminds me of this

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Dear Gawd in Heaven! She must be a Jewish Bong

When your brain has less wrinkles than your skin.

degenerates like you belong on a cross

based Nann

Most of the world is below replacement level except africa india and the occational random country. In a way, niggers are actually the master race.

> gone
for niggers apparently "gone" is a verb ?

Is this a death threat?

She should have married when she was young (at the latest her twenties) then never divorce, thats the way it is supposed to work.

This stuff isn't helping anymore.
Everybody knows what's up by now.
The question is what do we do with it?

Is there anything a man can do at this point in time?

I am thinking along the lines of reclaiming the public space.
Forming brotherhoods, bonding over something.

Women are hot garbage and they deteriorate further into the abyss everyday.

These degenerates cant be allowed to own the public space.
They can't, yet they do.

Desperate last words.

how much of this is the media's fault? creating unrealistic expectations, along with women having to enter the real world that isn't their tv shows and buzzfeed articles. A man that makes more than you expects you to pitch in around the house to make up your fair share, and women don't find men attractive if they make less than they do, so they have been made to not be able to be satisfied

brainier = i never shut the fuck up about dumb shit...

heres the image for the next time you say that. deus vult

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Is that the woman who used the matchmaking service, or one of the mediocre men?

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I am guessing this is what people become like when the are uninhibited.

Women own the debate.
They own sex.
It's disgusting.

>gone = gonna
>gonna = finna
>finna = going to
why do they even bother learning english

its a death guarantee

They are MATCHMAKERS, not miracle workers. She is one fugly, old skank.

>foolish post wall thot spends all her money looking for an above status man

at 35 she met a friend she went to high school with, with her three children at the store
>well hello there, haven't seen you since high school
hello hello
>so how are you doing in life, these are my daughters
oh you know I'm a highly successful business woman, I run my own business
>A nice for you! I work part time at the retirement home here. yes but any kids yet?
no. I haven't found the right guy yet

then when she came home at night, ever after that. She drank her self to sleep crying with three bottles of whine each night. Many such cases with those.

What did an older average looking woman expect? That by using an expensive premium dating service she would magically attract someone who otherwise would have been not interested?

No, the average life expectancy of the negro, although too long, is relatively short. Niggers are also dumb, he probably doesn't even know how to count to 50, he just knows it means a lot.

It's simpler than that. Women can who can take care of themselves don't need a man. And relationships are NOT for companionship, they are for mutualistic gain. She gets nothing out of it so she doesn't actually want a relationship but she has been brainwashed in to what that word means so she is spinning.

>mediocre men

>dried up old hag blaming everything but herself on why she can't find a man
>faggots with receding hairlines blaming everything but themselves on why they can't find a woman
This is what I like to call, "Scarcity of High Standards." Take leatherface here for example; If she just had the humility to reduce her standards, she would probably find a man that could actually care about her, and the same thing goes for the incels. If they just came out of the closet, or realized that the majority of them are ugly, then some of them may find partners, as well.

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>implying any non-shit-tier dude would want that hag
lol, even mediocre 50 yo guys could fuck and even marry much younger fertile and pretty women

also sage your boomer trash

>In a way, niggers are actually the master race.
They've got the best chance for surviving on the surface when the temp gets turned up...But they're not leaving this rock in 10 million years.

>being brainier
>AKA i have to constantly challenge a man for no reason to prove to myself im not a stupid woman
Yeah she sounds like a blast to be around

based darkie

>you gone meet him soon, his name is Jesus

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kek it's so fucking tarded, there has actually been a couple of cases here with this a few years ago. They believed this, that if they just paid enough money to the right dating service, then surely they would find their magical doctor husband, because that's why they hadn't done that earlier, they just hadn't gone to that dating service which costs shitloads.

It's really sad though when you think about it... still this was called elite-something-something and they had comercials on the tv and everything to fool old woman like this. it was expensive too I don't remember how much.

And when they didn't find their fairytale husband there, they started to kvetch and wanted to sue and so. I have no idea how that panned out, all I know it's no longer on the tv

>The question is what do we do with it?
laugh you humorless fucking kraut.
Your people have no perspective. Get the stick out of your arse and you might get a few smiles before your time is up.


who would want some used goods liker her?

thats tough because mens only groups are constantly attacked to accept everyone or subverted
for example, college fraternities in the us are still comprised of fairly conservative young men, but its shitload of degeneracy. when you have that many white young men together you should be able to do some great socially persuasive things. sometime around the 60s fraternities became about being a mindless retard, but many were founded as literary societies. they were subverted by you know who, because a cohesive group (which fraternities still are) with intelligent young men (which fraternities predominately are not anymore) a huge threat.
the public space will be hard to win back, as brotherhood with a sense of purpose is automatically attacked and vilified nowadays

>Give me that Mel B look

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Reminds me of this.

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Incels won't date land whales, and here's why that's a good thing...

Who would fuck that dude?

Negroes really do make excellent fools and minstrels. We should have bred them for humor exclusively.

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this. fuck white women and white people.

Imagine looking this post wall and thinking you deserve a man.

>be 50+
>skin made from stab resistant leather
>shriveled vagina
>ovaries like rotten caviar/jerky mix
>face like a 60 year old German librarian
>think you're smarter than Einstein
>probably unsufferable character

Good luck with your life choices you old bag

>Beggar Chooser

finna is actually "fixing to" which means the same thing but more of a southern dialect.

That's logic dude and as such no woman will ever understand that. They all think they're literal Princesses. They still think this way when they're into their 50's and look like a used teabag.

No wonder these people don't get anywhere.

of course a leaf would know all about how to speak nigger
can you translate "will you please fuck my wife, good sir?" into nigger?

the best thing you can do as well as the most harmful to them is to laugh!

Jesus Christ is that the author in the pic, OP? Holy fuck I don't even think I'd let a dog chew on that.

>tfw to smart to understand men don't give a fuck if women are smart and successful.

Gone is a verb you fucking ignorant. It's the past participle of "go"

Only because whites feed them.
Not for long.

Gordona Ramsay

Oh fuck off kike. I don't even listen to nigger music and I don't use social media. I just pay attention to manipulations of language as I have a vested interest.

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When a woman refuses to give a man her best years then no man is obligated to be there for her worst.

>get so old you look like a tranny
>why can't I find good men

Mediocre looking women get mediocre men. Be happy.

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>"Women are bad!"
>"Gays are degenerates!"

Ah Jow Forums, never change.


Everytime I cross the border to Germany it's like everyone just got their genitals chopped off. It's like smiling is illegal or something. Germany needs some fucking smile chemicals in the water or something.

The nigger is using verbal slang.

He is actually saying "gonna" and spelling it in such a way that it is one syllable. Most people would spell it "gon" but he is a nigger so you have to give a wide berth for user error.

India's fertility rate is dropping too. In many states it's already the same as the West's

>Germany needs some fucking smile chemicals in the water or something.
All I can get is fluoride, will that do?