Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums

I'm an handsome bearded Arab American who identifies as white. I act white, have a white job and white friends and in every survey I take, I check white for ethnicity like I'm supposed to.

I took speach correction classes to sound more white, and it seems to have payed off. Most people can't recognize that I have Arab roots.

I understand that a lot of proud white folks sport awesome beards, just like I do, however a coworker suggested that shaving my beard would actually make me look ever more white. Should I shave my beard Jow Forums?

Attached: yqalrerkj1g11.jpg (3024x4032, 1.08M)

You aren’t white and we will deport you. One less democrat welfare cunt to worry about.

Sure, why not
Also you could help spread knowledge about globalist hewish supremacist bankers trying to enslave the world, if it's not much of a hassle.

Attached: leon-degrelle-quote-hitler-national-socialism.jpg (736x1104, 105K)

Shut up jew

>defending a shitskin
Fucking cucked kike

you should kill yourself

Easy there, sport. This is a friendly community and we need to make guests feel nice and fuzzy.

christian or muslim?

Shaving wont make you look more white but having a beard probably makes you look more like a non confirming Arab.

conforming, fucking typo. Sorry about that my dog got in my way.

Depends, but it probably would.

You sound like a democrat talking about illegals

>Hello Jow Forums
>I'm an handsome

and thats where i stopped reading

Don't shave
Unrelated question; How come all your kinsmen are uggos here?


t. shlomo shekelstein

Of what variety?


>I took speach correction classes to sound more white, and it seems to have payed off
Now take English classes, Achmed

You can give a try, can't hurt. It should grow back unless you are super low T like a lot of American men.

You sound gay as hell. WHats wrong with being an arab or mid eastern and whys it always lebense people wanting to be white. If the turks arent white neither are we. Were mid eastern thats our race. Im a blue eyed palestinian I know im arab cause that what we are we're literally the most mixed race people in the world thats pretty cool. To be white you have to have pink skin and be from europe. Its just that you live in a white majority society and you wanna fit in and be like everyone else. Also it sucks being an arab in western civilization since we're so hated.

That's nice but I don't know what a statue of Satan's head has to do with anything

Post your face retard.

That's not Satan

Sooo... Cannanite like semetic pagan?

>blue eyed palestinian
>my fellow arab

I'll take Kike for 500, Alex

What sort of Arab? That word was abused when the Arabs grabbed chunks of Byzantium and Persia. Where do you actually come from?

Attached: taleb arab.jpg (500x616, 69K)


Umm... Lebanon

Lebanese are not Arab. Learn your history, cuck.

Yeah, shave that degenerate shit off.

>make me look ever more white
You shouldn't try to be something you're not. Embrace being an Arab and get the fuck out of my country.

You are not white and your white "friends" secretly can't stand you. You will never be fully accepted by whites.

Attached: tiV2b9K[2].jpg (521x433, 31K)

I am very much aware of that, thanks for pointing that out. But the average person can't tell the difference so I resort to using a more general term.

That makes you a collaborator. The arabs not only stole our land but our shared history. Take it back, bro.

You may be caucasian but you aren't white. Congratulations on acting like a Jew.

fucking arab, kill yourself

Nonononononono.... he has a job. Whiter than some whites I know. Stay here and help other whites pay for nons with your tax revenue.

aren't you from Sidon?

Sand niggers are right wing, faggot.

That must be really funny for you Zio-pest


We ain't arabs, nigger. At least those of us that aren't muzzies

Yes habibi

Based Serb diaspora

>low quality bait
Seriously, they only give you 3 real choices (White, Black, Asian). They still won't even admit that spics are their own lowly race.
Nobody fucking checks "Other" except el goblino maximos.
Of course you're going to pick white. The Jews pick white. Only full blown 14-88 tattoos are bothered by your larping.

Do Jews have a sense of humor?
You seem like a race of spergs.

Thanks for all your input everyone. Feeling whiter already!