You Rage You Lose (YRYL)


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I don't think they understand the memes

Haha they believe it too. Oh silly sausages. They'll never learn. Good night

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Can't forget Israel.

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These people seem to lack a basic understanding of genetics.


That's a roundabout way of saying we're gonna race mix with all the black men and their kids will be half white.

And those half breeds will race mix with more white women, and become whiter, and whiter and whiter.

God bless white women for being such degenerates. We're gonna white wash the whole world with your DNA

To be frank the Jews are the ones dying out. Jewish women are having like one or no kids. Jews race mix more than any other ethnic group. I live around them and I see it. Israel is having massive Arab growth. The Jews can't make enough Jewish babies there. I honestly don't think the Jews are going to make it through the next century.

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I know 4 jews. All women. 1 is only half jewish and dating an asian, the other 3 married and had kids or are pregnant by black dudes. So uhhhh... I call bullshit.

you've all just lost

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Is there nay hope for the zoomers?

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Thats a parody account doofus. He was fucking gold. The real eage inducing part is that twitter ((( shut him down )))

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thats actually lit as fuck

>"In 50 or 100 years, Israel will still be Jewish"
>USA will be a failed state and mongrelized niggerland, meaning no more gibs for the chosen people
>Europe will be massive caliphate with hundreds of nuclear weapons

No no no, you got it all wrong, this whole "tear down raysis statues" is full throttle YLYL. See, they are erasing THEIR history, pretty soon in the near future, how will they prove that white people took those dumb niggers as farm equipment if there are no more reminders left?

You lost.

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i wanna give my dad hug now

Mollie tibbits parents might do the same.

get them out
im done

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>Tibbetts grabbed her phone and said she was going to call the police. The affidavit says Rivera panicked and then said he blacked out. Rivera next remembers seeing her earphones on his lap, and taking her bloody body out of the trunk of his car, it said.

>killed by mexican illegally
no shit it's illegal to kill someone wtf

I am more mad at him for just blindly taking her word than at his sister

Davidians in Waco resisted arrest. They had it coming.

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>in US illegally

>unless someone files a public complaint
so... pubic sex is legal unless someone calls the cops?

Some of the stories here didn't so much make me rage. But they certainly made me feel really bad for the original posters and the people affected by them.

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yeah... before, cops used to take you to jail if they saw "something indecent"

That only makes sense if you view Jewry as an exclusive (like whites) rather than an inclusive group.
If you're part only part white, you're not white.
>inb4 Amerimutt meme
If you're only part Jewish, the Jews can claim you as one of them.
The Jews have already changed races twice.
Levantines > Khazars > Europeans
Now they're intermarrying with Asians because they view their high intelligence as a useful asset. They're natural shapeshifters. It helps them blend in.

tldr; the Jews are so greedy they'll steal other people's genetics if it benefits them.

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Well it is Mexico...

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nothing rage inducing in that pic , the fact that my country will maintain its ethnic and cultural integrity actually feels nice .

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if hamas spends shekels on keeping that well done steak , those shekels cant be spent on committing terrorism.

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Ehh.. maybe the West needs to die just so these fucking pieces of fucking shit die along with it. Maybe we could rebuild a better West... maybe

Stake for u
li ttle Jew

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How to Rape a Finnish Girl.

implying it was his kid to mourn

Im Laser Boy? But Im a girl

wait that makes more sense than it should....

>tfw Margaret Sanger is never mentioned, ever.

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Not rage.
Just dying inside...

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I wonder what a Blasian Finland would look like.

Lost hard

guessing that's a pajeeta? they are the worst and will destroy western freedoms, tey crave authority then to corrupt it

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God just imagine how gratifying the "THWOCK" of a ball-peen hammer would be as it goes into the little green haired twink's skull. Then imagine how the kids would instantly listen to their feelings that something is wrong with those faggots when the other two stand up and start shouting, searching for any hint of masculinity to face the coming physical threat, as you turn the fray to them and beg8n systematically bashing their skulls in. Then imagine the children crying as they realize the finality of what you've done, and the revulsion they feel towards their cunts of mothers for subjecting them to the freakshow as they realize that what you did was not only right, but necessary.

A weak bloodline was ended by the gods of irony. I lose nothing sir and neither does humanity.

Rebel against the modern world.

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Kind of makes me want to exercise the right to return. Problem is I don't have documentation proving my mothers side of the family is Jewish (Despite at least grandma being so) Nor do the complex records showing my dads side of the family leaving germany during the 1830s and 40's and the precise blood lines showing jewish descent..
Oh well. Yeah, child of dirty jews here. One of the minority number of republican sub 35 year old jews

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Your best days just passed by whole you sat in a basement

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fucking women

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Day of the Roast intensifies.

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Holy fuck there is so much wrong with that headline. Every Leftist needs to be destroyed.

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Never have I seen a picture so perfectly encapsulate my old drill instructor's sentiment "Keep standing around with your mouth hanging open and you're liable to catch a dick in it."

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They're working on it user, give it time


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fucking god, this is why free healthcare is so fucking shit, because it is full of leeches like that.

>self-hating white liberal roastie
>gets 0wned by a member of the group her heart bleeds for
No rage here whatsoever. The only rage I have is that he was here illegally.

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This just set me back another 6 months before trying to date again. Thanks user

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>Mexico is a shithole
This is a rage thread, Paco, not a tell us things we already know thread.

Those sub-human cucks deserve euthanasia. Anglo-Saxxons are the lowest form of white.

Woman, not even once.


Inb4 skinwalkers. /x/ get in here

That one's a joke.

Day of the pinata when?

Should have kicked his sister's ass next


This is the Royal Ontario Museum, not a church. I know because I have to see this pile of shit almost every day

Holy shit

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>tfw when it fails to be any less of an abomination.

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~Le Chateau Autiste~