Why did Jow Forums suddenly turn against Jordan Peterson?

Why did Jow Forums suddenly turn against Jordan Peterson?

There's very few living philosophers aligned with the alt-right, shouldn't we take what we can get?


Attached: peterson.png (672x465, 264K)

E-celeb = faggotry.


There’s a feeling that he functions a bit like the pied piper and will supplant whatever Jow Forumss ideology is with whatever his ideology is.

Give it a rest, Jordan.

Jow Forums is over you and your degenerate thot daughter

>implying Peterson is a philosopher


>Jordan Peterson
choose one

Ask me know I know you're a dishonest kike.

Attached: maximum jew face.jpg (472x315, 24K)

Hes a kike

fuck off leftypol

Juden Peterstein is against white collectivism in all forms, which will result in the destruction of white people eventually. He works with Jews like Sam Harris.

He's also a psychologist so that should make you inherently skeptical.