Has a president ever been impeached over campaign finance violations?

Has a president ever been impeached over campaign finance violations?

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no because every campaing has those bernie literally had his "talk" this week too, obama had the same issues but the media never played them up cause they are basically democrat pr. that deserve all to be tortured to death.


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No, and Trump won't, either, because no campaign finance violations were committed.
>“When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”
This is coming from the former chairman of the FEC. Obviously, keeping an affair secret from one's family and protecting one's professional reputation are non-campaign-related reasons. Thus, no campaign finance violation.

Daily reminder that impeachment doesn’t mean removal from office. That’s another thing boomers ruined for you.

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Why is Cohen pleading guilty? What's his endgame?

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A majority of the House votes to impeach, 67 Senators must vote to remove

Plea deal to avoid dying in prison, obviously. The campaign finance thing isn't the only thing he was charged with.

Bill Clinton was also less popular than Trump and he still couldn’t get removed.

I thought he struck the plea deal with that misleading bit of information because he knew no wrongdoing on Trump's part and knew that the prosecutors would eat it up

But why plead guilty to campaign finance?

I don't trust RINOs. It would only take 20 Republicans and every Dem to remove him.

Because they wouldn't have offered Cohen such a sweet deal otherwise. "Implicate Trump in a crime and we'll reduce your 60 years to 3."

My best guess is they offered him a deal in terms of jail time which was too good to pass up, but made sure said deal was contingent upon him specifically pleading guilty to the campaign finance thing so they could hurt Trump with it. Pleading guilty to a specific crime as part of a plea deal does not actually definitively imply guilt. It simply implies that person desires a favorable sentence and feels that, without said guilty plea, they'll get a harsher sentence.

It's telling that Cohen was under oath but did not refer to Trump by name and instead referred to an unspecified "presidential candidate".

Presidents are usually puppets so there's no reason to. Trump is rogue therefore it's a special case. They are gonna try to get him even through meme reasons.

That makes sense.

That is awkward.

Impeachment sufficiently damages an executive's credibility that he may as well resign.

There is a first time for everything.

look junior. You shit4brains could impeach him 100 times but it won't get him removed from office.
He's getting re-elected because the normies see that allll you little pissants do is cry on the internet, wreck working peoples small businesses and cut your dicks off.

Credibility is in the eyes of the people. Bill made it look like a witch hunt and his followers believed it. If you expect Trump to lie down and play dead when Bill didn’t, you’re going to be disappointed.

Credibility is not just the eyes of the people but the predisposition by lies and corruption which are being demonstrated by the Mueller investigation. Piece by piece, the administration is being dismantled, and its not an opinion that can be argued but it is instead a sequence of criminal prosecutions, the best of which are yet to come.

Blumpfies absolutely seething that Donald Drumpf is 100% guilty of an impeachable and imprisonable felony LMAO YOU LOST GET OVER IT AHAHAHAHAHANANANANA NANANANA HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE BLIMPF AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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>Has a president ever been impeached over campaign finance violations?
>That someone else violated, allegedly.
There... that’s better.

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Im surprised you're making threads instead of shitting up other peoples. Peak desperation


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What the fuck are you upset about, retard?

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>impeached for something done when not president.

see where I'm going with this?

Who is still the president? And who isn’t?

What violation? His lawyer paid off a couple of whores to keep quiet.
It's not like he raped anybody - just move on.

>It's telling that Cohen was under oath but did not refer to Trump by name and instead referred to an unspecified "presidential candidate".

Anyone want to explain why Cohen chose phrase things this way? What are the legal ramifications of this? Does this give him leverage or something?

That is odd.

Being impeached means that congress is going to have an argument about whether to kick you out of office. Impeachment doesn't mean you are kicked out.

Impeachment followed by a CONVICTION in congress is what gets you kicked out. Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted.

the full iceberg has not yet been revealed, billions in dirty russian money were pumped into nyc real estate for decades, story to follow

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>the full iceberg has not yet been revealed
Why is it taking years to reveal something so obvious you already know about it?

Lmfao. Clinton's highest ever approval rating (73%) was recorded the day he was impeached , which was 15% higher than it was pre-Lewinsky and 35% higher than it was pre-Ken Starr.

Impeachment for covering up an affair would be the best thing that ever happened to Trump. In fact IMO Trump should throw 2018 just to guarantee idiot dems impeach and guarantee him re-election.

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Its just like Woman-1 in the paperwork. Its Stormy Daniels but naming them doesn't matter and is a procedure so no prying eyes can see. They can name trump all they want in the court room but its got nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of Cohen's charge in the formal papers.

Great pasta. Shills BTFO

Without the Senate, the Dems are hopeless in impeaching him. Ironically, if they try, they’ll turn him into a “martyr” like Bill Clinton, “Aww shucks, I was just getting a BJ.”

D-Don't worry, pedes. QAnon will come to save us

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Obama wasn't.

That wasthe biggest violation of all time, $2million in concealed contributions.


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>What's his endgame?

He's trying to beg the special coun. to take his shitty info in exchange for a deal where he walks.

Never gonna happen. He has fucked himself by teaming up with dumbfuck Lanny Davis who gave him terrible advice, now he's going down. He fucked with the only guy who could save him, the Don.

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Oh no man, youre breaking his heart, this guy has been hearing Maddow say for 2 years that he will be impeached and kicked out, he is probably going to khs now.

The finance thing is pure bullshit. Mueller wants to interview Trump and get him intk a perjury trap.
The Mueller investigations' mandate says to follow COLLUSION ,not any of this stuff. There's so much collusion with Clinton/Podesta and Russia - they colluded with Russians to get the Steele dossier afterall- that Muellers ignoring that makes it look crazy. Not to mention the obvious conflicts of interest.
Screencap this. In less than 3 months Muellers investigation will be finished and the whole thing will backfire hugely on them.

The most powerful media companies that have spent millions undermining Trump haven have access to this info but you have somehow and choose to tell us here in /pol.. not in r/politics where they care, but /pol


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The penalties are right here.

It does seem like the jew jewed himself. At the same time if he takes a plea it takes away all of the show trial bullshit of manafort which is nice. Probably why shumer is triggered.

>candidate who violated campaign finance law?
Once your pathetic ass can verify that, i’ll stop smudging sage all over this bitch

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this. there is literally no grounds for impeachment. All we got is a tax evading jew and a crooked lawyer. Pretty common in D.C. if ya catch my drift.

OMG its a big nothing-burger fine and not something that has jail time?

>”campaign finance violations”
could you even imagine how bad it would be to turn a light onto the financial practices of mainline democrats?

Well yeah, but this is why it's so important for Donald to keep congress. If democrats make significant gains in the house and just a little in the senate (Due to anti-Trump republicans), then he'll end up being impeached and most likely convicted.

>there is literally no grounds for impeachment. All we got is a tax evading jew and a crooked lawyer. Pretty common in D.C. if ya catch my drift.

Just as common as reasons for impeachment. Just depends how hard you look. And they are looking ever so hard at Donald.

Impeachment doesn't mean anything. Literally doesn't mean anything. The reason for going through impeachment proceedings is to waste more of trumps time with hearings and let the media keep lying its ass off.

They can impeach him a thousand times and it won't get rid of him. Its a taxpayer funded public shaming.

it was a temporary loan to prevent his family from being embarrassed and had nothing to do with his campaign by virtue of the fact that if the public knew he was banging pornstars and playmates, he likely would've been 50 points higher in the polls.

>They can impeach him a thousand times and it won't get rid of him.


If he were impeached and convicted by congress, then he would legally no longer be president. Pence would be president. What do you mean by "get rid of him"?

Convicted of what? There is no "impeachment charge"

>Mueller was the Director of the FBI

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Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian represented
Robert Mueller three times;
James Comey five times;
Barack Obama 45 times;
Kathleen Sebelius 56 times;
Bill Clinton 40 times; and
Hillary Clinton 17 times.
Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.

Lisa is Rod Rosenstien’s wife.

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Drop that Q faggot bullshit and maybe this would have had some traction

Not true fuck head try again

No. Obama got fined. Its not an impeachable offense.


Literally every campaign has campaign violations. The federal elections committee has already found $84 million in violations hillaries campaign had and nobody is in jail.


no. and if he does, he can invoke the insurrection act because the special council won't have the baking of either the legislature or the supreme court.

let's say they do try to impeach trump by force, and it causes a civil far, where the fuck do these ivory tower libs think they get their food? how about the giant red city center of military base in every fucking major metropolis, who will all be devoutly loval to their commander and chief.

>this will be lost in the next news cycle following trump's tweets.

You stupid fucks it’s so trump can’t sue him for libel and slander. If he named Trump as having committing a crime, trump could sue him unless Trump was charged soon after



If the goal is just to prove Trump shouldn't be relected the Dems just forfeited the next election.

Trump supporters hate liberals more than they are embarrassed by Trump - deal with it Dems.

Like I said earlier, they could pick all kinds of stuff. They could choose to call any number of his actions 'obstruction', they could eventually find something else, or if this business with Cohen is true, they could run with that.

My point is that if it comes down to politics rather than hard evidence, a lot could happen. This ain't court we're talking about.

Refute the facts.

>Has a president ever been impeached over campaign finance violations?

Mark Levin just explained that there was NO campaign finance violation. Trump can use his OWN money for NDA and it's perfectly legal!

Cohens lawyer is CLINTONS Lawyer and known TRUMP hater. Cohen plead guilty for a crime that wasn't a crime.

This is outrageous!

Based streetshitter doing the needful


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Jow Forums I fucking love you roastie eating bastards. All day dipshit leftists have been gloating, it was so bad that politico even sent me a push notification about it and I'm not subscribed to them in any way.

I want to print out this thread and wrap myself in it.

it's even better than Clinton because it was officially with consent, all the "pussy grabning" """""stories""""" went directly to the press after the tape.

These shill threads are getting dumber but also funnier as time goes by.