If you could nuke a city

Which city full of bugmen would you nuke first? We'll plug the answers into Nuke map to see the dead libs.

Attached: No, THIS is hellfire!.gif (320x240, 3.22M)

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Tel Aviv

Seattle, I live in Washington and want to make it not suck anymore.

Los Angeles


Dallas, Austin, and Houston

It's too late, whole of weimarika is sick

According to Nukemap, 518,560 dead Jews, 474,110 injured. Note that it was a Airburst detonation of a 1200 kiloton bomb (a B83).

san francisco

309,080 casualties and 478,110 injuries.

Well damn, still Seattle though as a last fuck you to that terrible city.

It's a good start.

A lot of dead libs. 680,700 casualties and 1743,050 injuries.

742,800 casualties and 1,352,960 injuries.

I want to contaminate the land unlivable forever. Operation Exodus.


no DC, no impeachment

Attached: 09-trump-thumbs-up.w710.h473.2x.jpg (1420x946, 81K)

pls be in london

Seattle here, I say JEW YORK


Instead of a white house, you shall have golden tower

Planet Earth

Fuck street shitters

Attached: dead.png (1231x639, 503K)

>Dallas: 266,750 casualties and 648,740 injuries.
>Austin: 226,330 casualties and 347,070 injuries.
>Houston: 355,890 casualties and 764,390 injuries.
>San Francisco: 515,400 casualties and 614,990 injuries.
>London: 1,167,870 casualties and 2,633,060 injuries.
Washington: 592,430 casualties and 963,620 injuries.
>New York: 1,690,930 casualties and 3,323,920 injuries. Gonna be hard to top.

There's no need for the nukes to even leave Israel, an action which would increase the risk of nuclear profligeration; nukes have a built-in capacity to fully semi-automatically rapidly self-disassemble in a throughly inherently secure manner

literal chinese holocaust now
build a 100mt nuke and gas them all

Attached: muh 6 gazillion.png (964x394, 234K)

Seattle was the nicest place I've ever been too on vacation. I travel a lot. You shouldn't be complaining about shit.

Mecca. Billions would pray to an irradiated lump of rock.

Mecca: 498,850 good muzzies and 648,190 mangled muzzies.

Mumbai, make the world smell nicer with just one Nuke!

>Mumbai: 3,602,790 casualties and 5,525,050 injuries.
Looks like the nuking of Jew York has been topped.

But you forget it is the middle of the Hajj right now. Add a few hundred thousand.

nuclear holocaust
try 1/16th for of the world population next time, nigger

Attached: okthen.png (208x111, 6K)

You guys are going about it all wrong
>1 place bomb on boat
>1.5 have ally with second boat
>2 sail to mediterranean
>2.5 leave first boat
>3 Blow up bomb
>4 laugh as all water is now polluted so mussies and kikes can't use or swim in
>5 Realise you've cut off 50% of the (((refugees))) from europe

Attached: Untitled.png (1292x832, 952K)


How'd you get so many? Did you use an absurdly large bomb larger than the B-83, the largest bomb in the US arsenal?

no, i just placed ~100 of them, 1 per city, no overlapping

I'm just seeing how much casualties each individual nuke would inflict.

>1 in hong kong
>easily 10million