50 thousand muslims held a 'rally' at Vikings stadium in MINNESOTA, chanted ''allahu akbar''

what the fuck. in Minnesota. rip white ethnostate. please spread this everywhere, this is FUCKING SCARY.


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This is not my country. Holy shit.

is this really our future. i mean what the fuck. where did all these people come from ?

this is so many fucking people. destroying the formerly homogenous Minnesota. this makes me sick.

the replacements are here



This is how it started.

I want the nukes to come already.

Proof that they're integrating into american culture. This never would have been allowed in their countries. I'm glad they're becoming american

imagine how many
were planted there

Obama allowed them to come here. During his early years Obama took a great deal of effort to allow niggers from Somalia to flood into Michigan.

this country is fucked.

no way. no fucking way.
in america!? KEK

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And Wisconsin and Minnesota*

We were supposed to be travelling the stars, and transcend religion. Instead we regress into uncivilized shitskins. Oh well. Civilization was good while it lasted.

when i saw this i died inside

Minnesota used to be 100% white

Obongo pumped thousands of Somilians into Minnesota to keep it blue.

That's 50,000 (Fifty-Thousand!) Moslems? It looks like an estimate of around 500 (Five-Hundred!).

this is so fucking depressing
why did you have to post this, i wouldve rather been blissfully unaware

Allahu Akbar means "god is great" in arabic. This is basically people saying "god is great" at a stadium. Fuck off cuckservatives.

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wow, such rich diversity and cultural enrichment. where would us fellow white people be without these glorious mooslims?

Fuckin nigger

There’s no way there’s more than 5000 people in that picture

i fucking hope trump renews that, i did not realize there were many muzzies in america at all

look at the link, theres another picture that looks like tens of thousands

Refugees dawg. Thank Obama

i did some studying and for some reason minnesota has played host to arab and negro muslims as far back as the 50s for some reason
what is the original connection?

just give minnesota to canada, fuck it

anyone remember the stereotypes of minnesotans being white as fuck? lol those were the good ol' pre-obama days

Minnesota has been full of Muslims since at least the 90s. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the state with the highest percentage

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Did they do the live animal sacrifice s?

its just eid - who cares apart from racists





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>where did all these people come from ?

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Don’t need two of these threada

>Investigative journalist Laura Loomer is outside the event today.

always a jew around muslims

At this point we deserve it, we let this happen
Not like this is much different from Cali - except over there it's hispanics

Just think of Minnesota as a seceded separate nation, like Cali, and move on

The invasion already happened, it's too late to do anything, accept your fate and enjoy your life while you can, nothing you do will change the future that's been decided

>just think of minnesota as a seceded separate nation, like cali, and move on

and then our nation dies a slow cultural death

no .. fuck you. we're taking everything back. all rightful sovereign American lands

Minnesota has a large white Scandinavian population

this is primarily their fault, they agitated for letting these people in

but surely something can be done , I mean why cant trump just deport all these people? are they seriously fucking citizens?

>fuck you. we're taking everything back
Yeah, have fun riding in there with your guns
Maybe you'll take out a dozen before the cops drop you... screaming on Jow Forums is just preaching to the choir

leaf actually tells the truth for once and no one notices

HOLY SHIT: Drudge picked this up, and the pic on his site shows literally 50 thousand fucking people, the entire field is just filled with muslims. this is really worse than I thought. its like they're forming their own nation

Wherever I am, I must also import Muslims.

for some reason since 1850s swedes have been ultra-liberal. they formed a "true democracy" shitting on their king and aristocrats. they even hosted lenin and hundreds of st. petersburg bolsheviks before the communist overthrow in russia.

How and where did they organize

good question

why cant pol have a rally with 50 thousand people


Quick rundown
>A bunch of muzzies rent the football stadium to have a sand party and prayer service for El hajib day
>No animal sacrifice (as is custom) but a petting zoo instead

It's going to be like 50,000 Somalians in one place. Why do Swedes do this?

They don't have big mosques like in Michigan, most are discreet storefronts and cultural centers

And you yanks thought this was only a problem for Europe

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Would have been a shame if a faulty gas line ignited during the event.

>why cant pol have a rally with 50 thousand people?
He Nose
He used to be one of them (Pic Related)

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Got this earlier in the year. Middle of bleeding nowhere. Names and locations redacted to protect the....'innocent'....

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Hopefully Trump's Saudi allies will fund a dedicated Mega-Mosque to serve the city's Islamic community

Ya know.
When one of /our guys/ has a Angry Goy moment and finally snaps. All the Mussies will be in one convenient spot.

Christfags invited them in the 90s.
The kike loving gay ass christfags man

>are they seriously fucking citizens?
lmao at this kid


"Melania and I wish Muslims across the United States and around the world a blessed Eid al-Fitr," the statement from Trump said.

"Eid marks the end of a month of reflection and a return to daily life with a renewed sense of joy and love for our fellow man. It is a time to practice forgiveness and an opportunity to strengthen relationships within and among communities," the U.S. president continued.

"Today, as we reflect on the important place religion has in the story of America and in the lives of those who are faithful, we hope that the spirit of peace and goodwill that surrounds and infuses this Eid celebration continues throughout the year and around the world. We wish all Muslims a very happy Eid al Fitr."

Statement from President Donald Trump on Eid al-Fitr! "During this holiday, we are reminded of the importance of mercy, compassion, and goodwill. With Muslims around the world, the United States renews our commitment to honor these values. Eid Mubarak."

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Is this the point where the jokes become a reality for our fellow Americans and we finally understand each other? This is what everyone has been bitching about in Europe.

Do you see Protestants or Catholics or Buddhists doing that? Let's set religion aside then. What about race? Do the Chinese or Iranians or Nigerians hold rallies in western countries?

Someone has to come up with a valid explanation as to why muslims are the only ones who do this and why are the governments allowing it. I do not see any other "group" of people being so upfront about their need to take over the world.

naw fake news. That other photo in the link is a few thousand at most. It makes that clinton rally that got counted look huge.

break the back of white strongholds. The cold north was going to be the most difficult.


Doesn't minnesota have the most swedes in the US

Some hero should have mowed them all down desu

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After 2020, We'll begin to build the northern wall and the fucking leafs will pay for it.

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Deport them all

Im not doing shit because i value my life and livelihood and dont want to get fucked by the government but the nigs and sandnigs need to go, show your dislike and maybe some mass action can get going.

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I've been to that mall many times and I can tell you there aren't that many muslims there. Your video is from sole Muslim event.

Still tho fml

Disgusting. Nuke it.

> i did not realize there were many muzzies in america at all

They're heavily concentrated in several areas. Primarily the upper-midwest States.

1% of 400 million is 4 million

but yes its disturbing how they're so concentrated in a few areas up north

Fully agree
I know someone who feel sorry for not applying citizenship at Obongo era. Now she's not applying because Drumpf bad. Don't want his signature on citizenship letter.

I told her better to apply now than get deported :)

They really do go with the (((media)))
50k Somalis shouting Allahu is what Minnesota want's AND needs.

Hahahahaha, ironic how Minnesota was home to most swedish immigrants in the 1800s

I don't think that's irony, Sven, I think that's more of what I would call a direct correlation that proves swedes are the eternal cuck.

I'm a mostly-swedish lutheran myself and much of my family etc. would be right on board with this stupid over-sympathetic infantilizing-of-browns horse shit.


obongo blacked it. it wasnt a mistake he was shipping somalians to minnesota and maine, strongholds of whiteness in america with low pouplation count so muslims would start to outnumber natives in short order

Spot on, user.

really makes you think

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you're pretty stupid to allow this to happen

muslims parading on viking land is not news

>Literally anywhere in the US

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aid mubarak Jow Forums

This just goes to show how tight knit non white communities are in white nations

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Why did they come to America?

coincidence, goy

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Welcome to the British reality my dudes.

of course it’s women why wouldn’t it be

gibs me dat fo free

Target rich environment.

I was scared i'd have to kill foreigners in a foreign land, which violates the NAP.

Ball's in our court today, gentlemen.

That's what we used to say 30 years ago ....


i have to say, the faggot shills constantly bombarding Jow Forums has gotten people apathetic as fuck once again feeling like they cant do anything so therefore they fucking ignore talking about this shit or even bothering to call govt agencies, the state's governor, etc. and bitch and harass the fuck out of them daily

They even came to a little town in wv :(

Except it's the wrong god. Show your flag Saul

Muslim see themselves as a one big unified front that is in a constant war with the infidels. They work together and where there's enough of them they show their true colours.