I have yet to hear any pundit talk about what crimes Trump has actually committed.
Manafort being guilty of all sorts of things doesn't impact Trump at all. Almost all these crimes were committed when Manafort was working with the Podestas, which the news never mentions.
But what about Stormy Daniels? Is it legal to pay for a bimbo's silence?
The media seems to be making the case that
>1.) Paying for a bimbo's silence is illegal. >2.) Had the public known about Trump's affairs, the outcome of the election might have been different, and therefore Trump interfered with the election by buying the bimbo's silence.
Both of these seem completely retarded to me and I don't understand the legal rationale behind either argument.
With what we know, has Trump even CONCEIVABLY committed a crime? If so, what crime?
Just muddying the waters to confuse stupid Democrats and keep them pumped for midterms.
Carter James
That lady is known as an actress in news reports on her
Levi Garcia
>With what we know, has Trump even CONCEIVABLY committed a crime? If so, what crime? After all this time, if he did commit an actual crime, trust me, you would have heard about it. Pretty much would be 24/7 news coverage. But Stormy is all they have. They're reaching for anything.
Oliver Foster
If he used campaign money to do it, that's most definitely illegal. That if is the big focus of the Cohen part of the investigation right now.
Levi Myers
its already been established he didnt use campaign funds, i think cohen plead to the crime for lenience on other crimes. nothing more then a liberal hatchet job, which failed.