No point to life

Suicide is the answer

Prove me wrong

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this ain't r9k, man. if you're trying to make us suicidal, we already are. no need to flaunt your suicidal faggotry.

At least make it a useful suicide.

Suicide is for faggots

Do a barrel roll

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Don't do it. Trust me. Tomorrow will be better, life is short anyway please don't friend

You are missing out

If there is no point to life...
Neither is there a point to ending it.

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Barrel roll and nose down or GTFO.

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alright slow down faggot, start with basics.

1. what's the question?
2. are you 100% confident that killing yourself won't lead to worse consequences?
3. are you sure that your knowledge about the question and answer is sufficient enough to take a chance at a worst fate than you currently have?

if it all checks out, go ahead and kys. if you're doubtful, remember that you might reincarnate as a nigger.

>suicide is the answer
fucking kys

>reincarnate as a nigger


>1 post by this ID
He's gone boys.

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Life isn't worth starting but it is worth finishing and there's a difference between finishing and quitting.

>Suicide is the answer
You are not wrong.

>A warrior has fallen...
>He has reincarnated...
>As a nigger.

Yeah, fuck OP
This is now a Skyking thread

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I'm on board with that.

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Two thoughts, 1) Don't be a problem 2) it doesn't take much to be useful. I once knew a millionaire who work minimum wage service jobs just because he valued customer service.

Find something and make it better be realistic and do it, then repeat

if you suicide ,you go straight to hellfire
live out your shitty life no matter what happens
and if you have issues be smart and strong enough to overcome them don't be a weak fag
Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life
if you give your life to him and believe on him and trust him you'll never know death

The burden of proof is on you mazel Goldstein


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Myth of Sisyphus

Prove them wrong.
Prove yourself wrong too.

add to the control of chaos

this guy was a fucking faggot coward who could have killed dozens of random people and you're a pathetic retard for trying to make him some folk hero, your life is most likely spectacularly easy compared to most peoples but you're still too much of a useless cunt to change what you dont like about it

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At least we aren't SWEDISH KEKS

Do you have a license for that opinion?

don't type like that,'ll cut yourself.

take a trip to a muslim country, go to the market, blow up. we will make you a meme hero

Good argument OP

It's what they want. Don't give it to them, but if you feel you must then make it count.

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I can't kms knowing that somewhere a kike is happy.

This is what always stops me

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I'm not FBI BTW don't look at my id

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He wasn't even in the plane. Lurk more, retard.

I can't prove you wrong!

So go right ahead, frogfag.

>oi I wish th queen mum wud shit on me face

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You can't. We need you in the army in the coming Civil War. You have a duty to stay alive, private. That's an order.

You get one life.
Might as well live it out

do us a favor and try and assassinate a Rothschild, either way you'll die.

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i dunno bro. wows new expansion just came out and the next avenger movie comes out next year. not to mention we still have to vote in trump for 2020 so the liberals can kill themselves again.

tomorrow came and it was worse

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>Myth of Sisyphus

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NASIM disapproves of this OP
>Skyking status:Denied

>No point to life.
Personally I don't believe that but just to entertain the notion...why would it bother you if that was indeed the case? It's still a very interesting ride regardless.

Life is so much bigger than what you are raised to believe.

You are not born to be a slave to corporations and governments.

Suicide is never the answer. You'll be dealing with even harder issues next life.

There are many paths to enlightenment, my child.

Be free.

stop playing video games and buy a motorcycle you pussy. or kys literally no one here cares

Even Skyking knew to plan for the afterlife.

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no its not senpai
there is another solution that provides more satisfaction

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If there's no point then why are you so emotional over it?
Suicidefags are like women; say one thing, mean the exact opposite.

I ain't emotional tho topkek

YES there is no point in life, why not enjoy it we all die in the end user.

Do whatever makes you happy doesn't matter what just do something. We all the same shit and we all end in the same dirt nobody is more worth than any other human, if yes it's just their emotional opinion. This world is a hell hole but at least make some people happy and it will make you happy too OP.

Picture related, nobody knows who build these buildings, who where these humans? nobody knows, because we all be forgotten same as these people who build these big structures. The only point of humanity to keep doing research and have their knowledge. Single human means nothing, only in group they mean something.

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Suicide is pointless too though. I personally like the struggle, far more interesting than just shooting yourself in the head and avoiding it.

“Anyone with nothing to live for will suddenly find the world full of new possibilities”

>you will go to hell and be sodomised by nigger demons for eternity.