What's the perfect country size?

What's the perfect country size?

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Countries over 80 million should be balkanized. And countries under 20 million aren't real countries.

Self regulating city state

And just let the other countries control all the natural resources?

1 Czechoslovakia



Oh wait no sorry, the whole world

check my flag

but the exact number scientifically is


150 for a neighborhood/small village with personal bonds between people
150*150 for a district, small town, rural area administration with their own local traditions and folklore
150*150*150 for a city, a region with its own characteristic that could define a 'people'
150*150*150*150 is the ideal federation that can stand as a geopolitical region on the globe
ideally, such an entity would have around 5 powers or circuits of smaller entities that work together to achieve ideal balance, so that two of them conspiring would still be outweighed

such as Rome

Geographically: USA-sized
Population-wise: USA minus all of the brown people, Jews, and LGBTQIABCD scum.

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County sized, german bundesland, switzerland or austria.

Nah, 50 million and 5 million

You ever seen Texas?
About that shape.

>Trying to save Switzerland
But seriously any country below 20 million is just a meaningless buffer state.

Agreed, my fellow not-a-real-country

any size without chosen people

each man is a country

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About a half Germany

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This. All over pic related. Make the EU the HRE again.

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Your tribal ethnicity. In most modern cases thats roughly 5 mil.

Possible up to about 7 or 8.

>cities states
Have fun having a fuckton new borders you have to worry about especially if you're not on the coast

>he doesn't live on the coast

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All of Europe are belong to us

Best Germany ever 10/10

This but it's never less than 95% white

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I'd kind of agree with you if it weren't for Switzerland. Switzerland is more of a country than France or the UK, or anyone else in the EU.

At least those countries actually have some diplomatic influence unlike most western countries that just parrot the american stance on anything.

It's not about the country size, it's about the population density. A continent wide country would be fine if it only had like 70 million people. Any more than that and it would start to be unstable.

>countries that just parrot the american stance on anything.
So exactly like France, UK and the rest of the EU then? Whether something is a "real" country or not has little to nothing to do with influence, it's about how independent they are, that's literally what defines a country.

France and UK can have a meeting Putin without america being like "hey did I give you permission to do that?"

So can Lithuania, lol. The US doesn't give a shit what Europe does because they know most of them are complete western and American puppets anyway. Why do you think they're so hard on Russia, Belarus, China, North Korea, etc even when they're just minding their own business? Because they're not their puppets. Speaking of which, Russia and China are massive, but the US still asks them "hey did I give you permission to do that?", it really has nothing to do with size, only alliance.

Russia, China and even Germany could tell america to fuck off if they have the political willpower to do so. But small countries like Lithuania understand how insignificant they are and would prefer to be completely annexed by america.

Any non-EU or non-NATO country can tell the US to fuck off. Which is why Switzerland is 100% a country unlike France or UK. If they tried to tell the US to fuck off, they wouldn't be able to because of the EU and/or NATO. Switzerland is probably the most independent country in Europe if not the world, even the Nazis couldn't capture it.

Pretty good guideline to go by honestly.

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who knows

Any country along ethnic lines to avoid most of conflicts.