Self hating white girl gets killed by Brown illegal

You hated white people, Mollie? Looks like the brown illegal hated white people, too.

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fuck off faggot.

Link to her tweet:

sad but true.,

He was probably a Nazi that got mad that she didn't treasure being white

Bump tiddly bump bump WOMP WOMP!

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perfect match. very progressive result.

>Self hating white
>Killed by brown illegal
The future of the West in a nutshell.

>I am a Hispanic with a sweat on
Stinky wretch

She became a good progressive.

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True and even after her death the Democrats defend the illegal. They don't understand she will be alive if he wasn't here.

> Don't politicize this event
> legal immigrants kill people as well and brings up white murderers. Stop being racist

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Unironically hilarious.

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Why? I thought it was very well put.

She got her wish as a white hater. Stupid little cow. I'm sick of being attacked. I'm sick of being stolen from. I'm sick of the crimes against humanity and I'm glad she got it rather than an innocent person since she helped cause it.

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Based Mestizo masterrace, nothing gets me harder than dead traitors.

this. this is pure comedy and happy feels for me.

She died doing what she loved, hating white people

>They don't understand she will be alive if he wasn't here.
The free market of murderers would have taken over in an all-white nation, goy. A white guy would have done her in instead, it's simple socio-economics.

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haha none of those apply to HER death. that's the point, they could have prevented HER death. haha liberals are trash humans.

Is that what passes as white in the US these days (the girl)?


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Ainsley is next on illegal alien kill list

Based shitskins, killing white traitors since forever.

She looks fucking hapa
One non-white less. Good riddance

Hopefully, she was impressed with their superior murder ethic when he slid her throat.

>If the illegal Mexican hadn't killed her, a natural born citizen surely would have eventually, just a matter of time.

Is this really what passes for white now in the United States of America?

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shit no.

80% of her body weight was teeth. She should have bit him.
Alone. Jogging at night in sports bra and shorts. Stops and is seen arguing with killer.
The twisted mumbo jumbo of the left will literally kill you. It makes you rebuke reality in favour of zealous "heretic"-screeching feels directed by media images.
People like her will get us killed with their childish confusion and pretences. If we allow it. If we are also that combination of weak/stupid/selfish. I suggest we don't.

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wtf I love illegal immigrants now

Yeah a girl running by herself wearing a sports bra is borderline retarded. And the Mexican had to have stopped and gotten out of the car, she should've immediately called the police. At least she wasn't white, I would care more if that was the case.

She's white.

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Her eyes are just soulless, black pits. Pretty uncanny.

Guy looks like a poo. He just wanted to see some bobs

>dealing with a traitor

maybe there's hope for illegal immigrants

I guarantee ye she was filing "other than white" on her resumes and applications for scholarships.

What happened to our women?

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Dumb cunt got SPICC’D

>x happened
>but y happened too, so x is meaningless

I will never, ever understand this line of thinking


This is a ploy by the democrats to make illegal immigrants look better to regular Americans. Plus it proves their point, illegal immigrants are just doing the jobs Americans aren't willing to do, killing annoying preachy anti white SJWs

I'm still not convinced
Something going on with that family

I think he loved her just fine, or at least loved the thought of fucking something other than a 500 pound sow with 17 kids in his native Mehico

Self hate is bad.

I wonder what her last thoughts were when she was getting her bootyhole pumped and ripped. No sympathy here I hope she bled out slowly. Diversity is our greatest strength.

I have a super liberal Aunt that spent most of her career as a Spanish teacher in Iowa. She is similar to Molly, in that her, her husband and my cousins all think Whites are horrible in white land and love the idea of spics and blacks replacing us.

Everytime I go to something like one of my cousins weddings I hear from my uncle in law's side of the family all try to out progressive each other. They are really warped and talk about how there isnt really such a thing as crime and laws just keep minorities locked away.

I think my Aunt tuned out that way because of my Uncle in-law. Most my moms side were/are conservative democrats. My Grandmother was extremely French and would not have been thrilled my cousin married a Russian Jew.

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Never would've happened if she had sex with him.
But what really got her was when she tried calling the cops after rejecting his advances. He didn't have any papers so the consequences would've gotten him deported after being #metoo'ed. Double hit

They're both 24, both young and at their sexual peak.. why make make it difficult. It's a case of escalation, a crime of passion, it wasn't premeditated.

>wherever i am i must also request bobs

it's like jailing a fish for swimming, poor fella should be acquitted.

Based spic. White holes are subhuman. I pray they all get raped/killed by the same invaders they are welcoming

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she isnt white has brown eyes.

People saying that legal immigrants do bad things too have a good point, we should stop immigration completely

Oh no

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Fuck off gay sandnigger this is a serious thread

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That bitch isn't white

>He's only doing this because the patriarchy forces him into toxic masculinity. It's not his fault, he's just trying to fit into the dominant cultural narrative required as to not call attention to his immigration status based on artificial arbitrarily drawn borders based on racism.

>some people are killed by family members during domestic abuse situations, therefor never lock your front door and let all strangers into your house

These people are fucking retarded and I'm just about done capitulating to them

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this is fucking depressing. All these girls have been the biggest receptors of the mind virus known as globalism and they are getting the wrong end of it ( not that there is a right one )
I don't even feel anything anymore, it's just sad

false flag

Which holes did he fuck?

Did she come?

That's all that remains to be known.

Dude in Image doesn't have IQ to understand child is not coming back from that, screams "do something doctor!" Another example of Islamic degeneracy.
Born in Islam, died because of Islam.

Another worthless roastie got killed? How will I sleep through the night?

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She's not white, you stupid amerimutt. Look at those eyes, looks peruvian

Normies can't into logic.
>"A five minute conversation with the average voter is the strongest argument there is against democracy"


Jews fucked their minds

You're autistic.

A worthless roastie gets offed and a filthy spic gets deported. That's what I call a win-win.

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Can't disagree. I'm not feeling schadenfreude, exactly. But I'm not wasting too much time grieving her loss, either. Still want the beaner to get the needle, though.

She does look one-quarter spic, desu.

Hispanics become white when they commit crimes.

Get Woke Get Choked

iowa is full of these fuckers, how do you think they process the pork...

Wtf? I love illegals now!

dios mio...

Hahaha stupid bitch got what she deserved

you could go to any coffee shop in Iowa City right now and they would be talking about how Trump caused this.

God does grant wishes

If that family is white im a fucking viking then.

it's actually better that women are the ones facing the consequences now. That's the only way they'll actually see what's wrong.

If men were the only victims, they'd obviously have no reason to change their point of view.

She was used to it

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underrated comment

It's a fallacy of an argument. Mostly used by people who have no logic to follow up on.

the rhetorical fallacy in the image is what shitlibs call a "whataboutism" and they call it out obsessively every time they see you use it. once again they fail to abide by their own rules

It was supposed to make me laugh, but instead I got mad.

>this is fucking depressing. All these girls have been the biggest receptors of the mind virus known as globalism and they are getting the wrong end of it ( not that there is a right one )
>I don't even feel anything anymore, it's just sad

Nah she got what she deserved. You're foreign so you don't know. Iowa runs off illegal immigration.

The big farms are guilty of selling out their own state and their own people because they don't want to pay farm workers more than 5 bucks an hour.

The person who owned this farm owned multiple farms, was the president of the Iowa Farm Bureau and was running for Secretary of State of the state.

Yeah, well I'd like to hate some white people, too. Only libtards need apply.

man this is so fucked up. Should burn that fucker on national tv.

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Board is full of the most degenerate scum on earth.
One tweet made in irony doesn't mean she hates whites, especially when she had white friends, a white boyfriend, was religious and probably had 90% of her interactions be with whites. This isn't even a Sarah Jeong thing where there was a repeated pattern of "I hate whites" over and over.
And if you're willing to throw a woman of your own race under the bus and celebrate her rape and murder at the hands of an illegal, there are few words to describe that degree of cowardice and shamelessness, but it would mean you as a true race traitor like no other.

She was just pointing that white people massively voted Trump. You don't even have respect for the dead you little scumbag

Mom is full white, dad is mixed white and probably some mutt hispanic. Pretty obvious desu.

Why do you people feel the need to do stuff like this?

I think most people can see she is mixed.

She is probably part native American because she looks exactly like pic related

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She probably felt sorry for all the trouble this guy is running into after killing her, and for all immigrants as well because of the increasing anti-immigration sentiment her death will make.

>getting raped and murdered in a farm field
>her last thought as her throat is slit
>not all mexicans are rapists

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they really don't get it do they