Are suitcase nukes real Jow Forums?

>On the 7th September 1997, 60 Minutes broadcast an alarming news item featuring the allegations of former Russian National Security Advisor, General Aleksander Lebed. Lebed claimed that the former Soviet Union had not only manufactured but had lost track of nearly 100of a very frightening weapon: a nuclear bomb in a casing which made it appear to be a small suitcase, designed to be detonated by a single operator with as little as a single half-hours notice. Lebed claimed that the devices had a yield of 1 kiloton (equivalent to 1000 tons of TNT), measured 60 x 40 x 20 centimetres (24 x 16 x 8 inches) and, prior to the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, had been distributed to members of the GRU (foreign military intelligence directorate).

The Russians denied the claim... Do you think they exist Jow Forums? I remember hearing about them in the 90's and then never again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

how do you carry 1 ton

a snuke? real?

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existed in 1963, so further miniaturization would likely be feasible

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Still waiting for the dirty bomb/suitcase nuke happening. We've been mentally conditioned for it, it's only a matter of time.

I mean, warheads don't have to be gigantic. But the smaller and lighter it is, the less effective it would be.

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if it isnt it yet it will be. the answer may as well be yes

Yes, 24 tried to warn us all but you didn't listen

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not necessarily true, modern detonation techniques use far less fissile material than older ones, and there is a limit where expanding the size of a warhead has diminishing returns.

>had a yield of 1 kiloton
not weighed 1 ton.

hundreds of nuclear weapons are in terrorists hands worldwide right now..
some muslim gangsters / arms dealers in the middle east (and possibly even europe) consider it a status symbol to have an old soviet nuclear warhead in their living room.

you can buy one on the black market for a few million dollars.

the problem is, nuclear weapons contain extremely rare and expensive isotopes that decay quickly, and need to be 'refilled' every 6 months or so..
also the plutonium core needs to be melted back down and machined once every few years, as it begins to oxidize.

to keep a nuke in working condition you need a team of nuclear physicists and engineers, a lab capable of handling highly radioactive isotopes, access to those isotopes, and millions of dollars each year.

but.. with the amount of unchecked muslim organized crime in places like europe and australia, (drug dealing, car theft rings, etc), billions are being sent back to the middle east each year, a nuclear terrorism incident becomes a more realistic possibility each day.

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They are only large because of the fuel that it holds to beable to go long distances. The very tip of most warheads is wear the explosive/ignition material is. It doesnt take alot to cause a nuclear reaction.

"dirty bombs" are by far more of a threat, that is true.


But suitcase chemical weapons.

huh...nukes are kinda scary xDD

That was my point, except I did not confuse a warhead with it's own missile as you have.

>but.. with the amount of unchecked muslim organized crime in places like europe...

Looking at all the shitskins in my area driving really expensive cars I do not doubt this one bit... Police do not care about drug-related crimes.

What a thrill...

dirty bombs are the biggest threat to western civilization period (besides immigration and jews).

the amount of radioactive cobalt, caesium, or strontium in a single abandoned food irradiation facility, radiotherapy source, or RTG is enough to make a city uninhabitable for centuries.

look how easily drugs like meth and heroin can get into our countries... it is the same for a dirty bomb.

if a dirty bomb goes off in lower manhattan, it will be like 9/11 times 1,000,000.

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they're really gay lol

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LOL you guys are idiots.
Buddhist monks got behind this a long time ago.
If you are irradiated all you have to do is stop eating greasy food, exercise and meditate twice a week and it will be like the nukes never happened.

Yes they are entirely possible, and likely have been produced.

No, they're nothing to worry about because they will be unshielded and set off all kinds of alarms wherever they go.

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literally the only way a nuke is setting off any radiation alarms is while passing through a port.
and all it takes is one corrupt customs worker.

most major cities have radiation detection equipment installed

With darkness and silence through the night

maybe on the major tunnels/bridges into manhattan.
but where else do they have radiation detectors, and a 24/7 team ready to respond to the detectors being tripped?
not in australia.

quite real.

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This kind of thing is all over the world actually. They can be used to detect nuke tests, or even reactor meltdowns.
It was suspected russia had a nuclear accident like last year because sensors all over europe were picking up signs of radiation flowing out of russia.

meltdowns and nuke tests release trillions of radioactive particles.
an unexploded nuclear bomb should release no radioactive particles.

the only way to detect that shit is to be within 10 feet or so of the actual bomb.
i believe they have detectors like this in the lincoln tunnel in new york, and they are often triggered by trucks carrying isotopes for medical use.

They can be transported in a shielded car and only taken out moments prior to detonation.

Read this:

These things are on all major highways leading into and out of all large east coast cities. The open rumor is that they're sniffing the air for radiation.

Also, the current threat isn't that a nuke will be smuggled thru an american port, but from Canada. It would be trivial to get it thru a small town border crossing.

Smart koala

for sure - they almost certainly have radiation sensors, but likely this is just one part of a larger sensor package. I wonder what else they do, apart from look intimidating.

those detectors dont 'sniff the air' for radioactive particles.
they actually have a highly sensitive CCD that detects radiation, and sets off an alarm when it reaches above background levels (similar to film being exposed by x rays).

a small nuke would literally only need a few inches of lead to be shielded completely from one of those detectors.

> a small nuke would literally only need a few inches of lead to be shielded completely from one of those detectors.
True, if you're determined you can scrub whatever your delivery vehicle is to pass known passive sensors. But even state-sponsored actors can fuck this up easy and not perfectly decontaminate, so it makes sense to have these to catch garage-built dirty bombs and such.

Americans don’t care if our enemies nuke a major city. They would kill almost 99% morons. It would be the end of the Democrat Party for ever.

Davy Crockett, king of the uninhabitable frontier.

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>Aleksander Lebed.
Goddamit, not that shit again

I'd guess that once you've got the nuclear material, avoiding leaving detectable telltale nuclear trace materials and proper decontamination procedures is probably by far the hardest part of any potential nuclear plot.

Yes. One and it's accompanying biscuit were actually lost and never recovered a few decades ago.

>Are suitcase nukes real Jow Forums?
the atomic pig is real but we have way worse than that now, thats 1970s tech

>These things are on all major highways leading into and out of all large east coast cities.
it scrapes data off your phone wirelessly, they don't care if you blow the place up they just want to know when so they can place bets and put options

Probably this tbqh. It would explain why they're all hooked up to a fiber line.

not even. developed in the late 1950s, produced in early 1960s.

See earlier post about 60s tech Davy Crocket.
The limiting factor on how small a fusion bomb can be is the trigger. Officially, you need a fission bomb to trigger a fusion one, but if you really think they havent almost certainly found a smaller, less (fallout) detectable way in 60 years with tens of trillions in research worldwide...

of course they exist

it's how world governments throughout the world keep each other in a perpetual Mexican standoff of MAD they slip a suitcase nuke into a diplomatic bag and then stash it in their embassies


>9/11 x 1,000,000


>moving a nuke in a bag

You can’t even move cocaine in a bag dumb dumb even if it can’t be opened you can still have a sniffer dog or a Geiger counter find out it’s moving contraband.

Stop listening to boomers

do you know what diplomatic bags are you chucklefuck

>You can’t even move cocaine in a bag

been watching a lot of movies Jamal?

you fucking idiots when diplomats travel they don't exactly go through customs the way regular people do, they don't even really produce credentials at ports of entries either, diplomats and the embassies they are set up for them are a whole different ball game, and they are entitled to diplomatic bags that they carry no questions asked

so that's a yes? what movies ya been watching?

the porno yur mum starred in

what was in her diplomatic bag? a nuke?

I fapped to that one
was good

>umteradded bost my dude

Mary does Melbourne was kino. I had no idea abo's could do that.

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>he doesn't know israel is holding the entire world hostage via suitcase nukes they snuck in their embassies with diplomatic bags
>he doesn't know about the spikes of radiation that have been routinely detected from the Russian Embassy in Washington since the late 70s
>he doesn't know about Saddam's government in the 80s using diplomatic bags as a form of illegal extradition to kidnap Iraqi dissidents abroad

What a thrill..

>wtc owned by jew
>9/11 1million times
>destroy millions of jew owned buildings

And this is bad why?

Sorry, but this looks like a movie prop.

howd they fit an entire jew in their diplomatic bags WITH the nuke?

The jewish diplomat carries a diplomatic bag which contains the suitcase nuke.


wee still have nukes but the focus is on star wars now, we're about to see some crazy shit and the jump boots from call of duty are real, laser weapons are real

we got crazy shit

>And this is bad why?
they take all the insurance money and you will get none when your house burns down

don't pay into insurance

>We've been mentally conditioned for it.

Someone on /x/ said that the reason Trump is letting "them" pound his ass with all the Mueller crap is that they have a dozen suitcase nukes in American cities waiting to detonate. If Trump tries to defend himself, or arrests Hilary et all, the American economy will be destroyed.

At least one of the nukes is in New York.

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