Wtf happened/pol/?

Wtf happened/pol/?

Attached: Screenshot_20180822-051356_RT News.jpg (1080x1920, 662K)

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You mean muslems

Spilt tea.

A white priveleged male ran inside stabbing PEOPLE at random.
He is still at large, but is identified as Samuel Hyde.

Attached: samuel_hyde.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Shitskin looked in the mirror this morning and realized that he would always be a shitskin and nothing more so he went crazy and shed blood.

The story writes itself

zombie outbreak
better prepare yourself

nerve gas

How do we allow this evil to continue?!

he cant keep getting away with this!

The hospital forgot to pay the TV license so the government butchered all patients.

Some nigger was lurking around the hospital windows hoping to see some big black ass, he then comes across some old white lady dying in a hospital bed with her mouth wide open. Nigger starts shuffling around and crotch grabbing and says "Rahh, fuckin bumpaclart bitch u looking to get murked". He then breaks in through the window and smashes the glass to the emergency fire axe. He then proceeds to start chopping everybody up for looking at him the wrong way.
Police are on the scene.

Attached: Monkeys.jpg (593x343, 58K)


Attached: 1509833748739.gif (872x698, 283K)

Distraction from pic related

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The Independent is saying there was an attack outside the hospital.

What do they mean by a "major incident" with a large pool of blood on the ground? Did one of the nurses accidentally spill a blood bag?

Russia did it!

>dude just so happens to be outside hospital
>gets attacked by somebody
>have to close hospital with dude inside
>no idea who called cops
>no attacker found or description given
>reassurance patrols
>hand injury NBD

Russia has some old man's pacemaker and the geezer exploded. Damn Russian haxer