Take the Nihilismpill

It's a strange time we live in. Our ancestors fought so that we could inhabit a world where oppression and institutionalised dogma no longer dictated our lives. We are (largely) free from religious zealotry and autocracy. Nietzsche said "God is dead". I am inclined to agree given the explanatory power of scientific rationalism. It is a blessing (or a curse) that we no longer have to believe in a spiritual deity or objective morality. I suppose you could call this time post-history as the struggle of history has reached its apex and we find that the point of the struggle was to see the pointlessness of the struggle. It's become glaringly obvious to me that people like David Icke choose to replace a belief in nothing with a belief in everything. Who could blame him? Being a nihilist is akin to dying twice; first spiritual death and then actual death.

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retarded and stupid

Nietzsche warned against nihilism. He predicted that the so-called “death of God,” though he welcomed it personally, would be a disaster for the West—and it has been.

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Nietzsche was a failure. That's all he was. That's why he loved the Greeks and the Greeks loved self-restraint, they loved virtue. That's also why he talked so much shit about Socrates. Socrates succeeded where Nietzsche failed. Socrates, while ugly, was a strong man who fought bravely in war. Nietzsche on the other hand had to go home after falling from a pony, why he probably collapsed at the sight of a horse later on in life. The guilt was eating him up inside for failing to have a pair of balls so he had to write a bunch of garbage to compensate and rationalize why he was a NEET cuck that got friend zoned by the only woman he ever loved.

>I am inclined to agree given the explanatory power of scientific rationalism. It is a blessing (or a curse) that we no longer have to believe in a spiritual deity or objective morality.

Look around you and tell me with a straight face that you think we are capable of creating our own morals based on rationality. Everything expect the automated production of goods is going to shit.


My point is that we can't make morals rationally. They are irrational. Africans kill albinos because they think they are evil. I no longer believe in good and evil.

Quality mutt post

>I no longer believe in good or evil

Bullshit, if you value anything you believe in good and evil, but you understand that good and evil in this plane of existence are not immutable dogmatic laws. They are something that must be fought for, something to strive for.
Study the ways of the ancients, they believed the same.


the nihilist pill is colored blue

What Nietzsche's philosophy revealed is that we are masters of our own fate on a cosmic level. There is no "heaven" waiting for us but the heaven we create in the spiritual plane by our works in the material. The only question is: what is that divine formula by which we can create the new Garden now that we understand there is no going back?

How often does it have to be said: Nietzsche was NOT in favor of Nihilism, he just thought it was inevitable and we had to become 'Gods' ourselves to create values and meaning, and then he went mad.


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I honestly believe that this is a case of the Mandela effect.

There just so happens to be a set of morals that have been fine tuned and optimised for a functional society based on millenia of human experience.
Then there are sets of morals that create tiny but functional small societies and multiple failed sets of morals that have led to countless deaths over the ages.

I think everyone who doesn't see this as irrefutable evidence that there exists a hierarchy of morals (and that those put forth by christianity are on the top of said hierarchy) are either deliberately trying to bring this entire system down, or are just incredibly near sighted and hedonistic.

> Nietzsche was a failure.
Emphasis on was, you fucking mutt.

>(largely) free from religious zealotry and autocracy
I don't know what you call the Sabbatain Kikes.

Because he is now dead.

>Christians are the top
You haven't read Nietzsche have you?

It's even worse, most people are lazy and when they come across a 'cool' quote, like 'God is dead ...', it's everything they read Most people don't even know that the 'God is dead ...' is only half of the quote.

>It is a blessing (or a curse) that we no longer have to believe in a spiritual deity or objective morality.
But Supermen need Supergods.

either baiting or stupid
might be both actually

t. Salty baby dick nihilist worshipper

We already basically live in a Nihilist world with the degradation of Christian values the only thing missing is an acceptance that traditionally evil acts like rape and murder don't mean anything.

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Yep. It's not about an absence of meaning. It's about transcending the loss of primitive meaning and replacing it with personal meaning. Rather than acting in fear of God, you act godly. And that doesn't mean arrogance or abusing power. It means you act with a truer faith because you personally believe in the things which define your morality, and you're stronger for it.

Holohoax kike faggot. Kys.

he was in 4 camps

Christian values are just a degenerative form of the the solar spiritualities they parasitically consumed.

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Nietzsche was no nihilist u pigish nigger faggot

Do you mean those Polish Death Camps ? LÖL

now, lets talk Nietzsche, you stupid cunt
he was an active nihilist. There is no meaning, therefore you must create it for yourself.
He might have been a looser, but therefore he created the Dionysian man.
Ever heard of the eternal recurrence (first reason for me writing 'was'). Second, metaphysically he is no longer a looser. His ideas make his one of the most read philosophers to this day.
And also... why the fuck are you talking about my dick, faggot?
fuck off

Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist, you fucking five year old.

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>he created the Dionysian man
I love talking to you inbreds who clearly have never read his works. He explicitly called himself the last Dionysian. The cult of Dionysus dates as far back as the Minoans, probably earlier. You are retarded. Now go shill Trump on goybook.

Take the Overman pill and trust that humanity can be made superior, and that it begins with you

A man who believes in nothing will believe in anything.

>he was an active nihilist. There is no meaning, therefore you must create it for yourself.
And after you created your meaning, you are no longer a Nihilist. Nietzsche, therefore, wasn't a Nihilist, he was all about overcoming Nihilism.
Sorry, but you sound like a typical Russian as we know them since the 1840/60 (Turgenjew,...). I think a large part of this interpretation of Nihilism by Russians contributes to your country's Alcoholism-problem.

Existentialism is a huge field, but for the most part they believed that the role you're supposed to play in life is to essentially LARP that you have meaning and that's all there is to it. They all describe existence as a prison.

I don't think Nietzsche falls into this camp, even if existentialism was Europe's general reaction to nihilism

Nothing that Russian said was wrong. You're arguing in semantics in both of your second languages with your German autism

Nietzsche was part Lebensphilosophie and early Existentialism. Look into Lebensphilosophie, most people don't know about that school.

t. pseudointellectuals

I redact my statement; the active nihilism line should be corrected, but I figure he's on the right track.

If "God" dies then it's because we misinterpreted what "God" is and need to find the truth.

Gonna have to bring an argument to the table; why was he a nihilist if he actively rejects it for his own meaning?

ACTIVE Nihilism is an oxymoron, in order to want to overcome Nihilism you can't be a Nihilist (at least not to a 100%).

t. Butthurt Nietzschean
Did you know God has to exist for the eternal reccurence? The infinity symbol is a sideways eight. Eight is the number of God in Pythagorian numerology. Your boy Nietzsche was just a butthurt emo homo and so are you.

The nihilsm pill is the dumbest pill around next to its retarded little brothers the atheism pill and the liberal pill.

That's his circular reasoning I criticized, a big problem in Russian nihilism for the last ~150 years
(best to read Turgenev's Fathers and sons in that context).

The Eternal God is immutable, but our connection to him is not. The God that died was a temporal connection we had created that served as the spiritual center of reality. The Dead God was indeed, for all intents and purposes, the Eternal God since it dictated the laws of the universe, but due to a bunch of spiritual Mumbo jumbo that I don't want to go into, the Dead God lost its connection to the Eternal God and our reality shifted to a world of dispersed spirituality. Now we're basically in a spiritual post apocalypstic society trying to rebuild society in the shadow of the Old World.

Nietzche didn't approve of nihilism, he had his own psychopathic ubermensch ideaology.

> believes in god
I should have known it from the start

how can you know for sure, that the values you create for yourself are TRUE? that you're not being manipulated?
you can't
Therefore you stay a nihilist, whilst fighting for your supposed values


I don't believe, I know.

even worse!

That is were we reach the realm of aesthetics, beauty (in its deepest meaning) is truth.

Fucking based

God created us in his image. This means he had to set our realm with the ingredients of freewill, but only God is pure light and truth. God created us with the intent to be close to him spiritually. This is the metaphor of eden. Only a woman is a creature far enough from God spiritually that she would invite darkness. The logic of freewill means there is necessary darkness. Falsehoods can spin reality on this plane so that we must CHOOSE to be close to god and use our spiritual energy to fight this entropy that we had started with eve.

Yeah, Godlessness worked out just great for Russia. Let me put it to you simply: a society that abandons God inevitably comes to worship the state.

i took it and devoured it and i survived it.
the true man is able to decide what matters despite eternity laughing at his pointless struggle,
he is syssyphos, but he defies the gods because he never looses his vigor, and laughs in their face while pushing the boulder, and will never give up.
if nothing matters it ultimately means everything matters.
you have to install your vision in this world that does not care, but when you care someone cares and so it suddenly means somthing , and for the real übermensch his own will is enough to set something as goal.


Are you basing that on your value system?

Real men don't worry about women.
I reckon we chose evil to exist.
You're gonna have to reject the Dead God and his semetic cult if you want to start your journey, user.

Awww, baby's first time philosophy.

OP, you have not understood The Death of God and what Nietzche meant by this.

Not having read Fukuyama's End of History and consequently making the same mistakes as Fukuyama.

Nietzsche wasn't an advocate of teenage-nihilism, ''lul nothing matters''.

No he didn't warn, he promoted active nihilism. So that we would create new values.

as a matter a fact I am.

And after the collapse of the state, you become a cynical nihilist and invent drugs like 'krokodil' and drink yourself to death. On the other hand, I will concede, that the Russian people had it quite hard in their history, they had evil inflicted on themselves, by foreigners and their own leadership.

I really don't think you understand.

If God is dead then humanity is a failure. He clearly says that the state can not solve the human condition if it is instated by humans.

>That is were we reach the realm of aesthetics
and Ethics as both truth and beauty make the good life.

Shut up retard. Holy shit you miss the point completely. You are delusional. This belief is not Semitic. It is a belief in logos, a Greek concept.

The value system which is effectively equal with everyone else's since there is no objective basis for anything, right? So everything is subjective and mere opinion. What makes your opinion matter? Who are you to dictate what is good and bad or right and wrong? What makes you so special? Or is that just your vanity?

Of course most people haven't actually read Nietzsche.

>And after the collapse of the state, you become a cynical nihilist and invent drugs like 'krokodil' and drink yourself to death
Yes, this can happen when people's idols turn out to be false. Others can return to God, morality, virtue, and pride, and rebuild themselves and their families on the foundation of ancient and ancestral tradition. See the revival of the Orthodox Church in Russia.

>active nihilism
Again this oxymoron. Active nihilism would mean creating something out of nothing, this is impossible, you weren't (thank god, pardon the pun) a Nihilist to begin with, you still had to have some sort of belief system/value structure/... :


That's assuming active nihilism means exclusively creating values when in reality they can be adopted from external sources so long as the active nihilist accepts they are not objectively true or eternal values. Your thesis falls apart because all active nihilists eventually devolve into passive nihilists and want to blow their brains out. The nihilist fun zone only lasts for a while until the false reality that nothing matters settles in and then Jimmy has to go back out to the spiritual store to buy new values. You're basically a spiritual whore jumping from one value dick to another, never quite filling the hole left from your parents not hugging you enough as a child.

Nietzche had nothing to do with nihilism. learn some shit for once fag

>you still had to have some sort of belief system/value structure/... :
I had a completely different one pre-Nietzsche, now years later I still am in the process of figuring out what values and beliefs I do have. Maybe they will have solidified by the time I'm dead, maybe not.

What's with Jews and always pretending to be white?
You're not spiritual caste; stop trying to play with the adults.

in that case one must become a nihilist actively
and afterwards actively create ones own values
so, again nothing wrong with the term
> Your thesis falls apart because all active nihilists eventually devolve into passive nihilists and want to blow their brains out.
A weakling like yourself would do that yeah. That's why you are forced to believe in god.


Go all the way

cause it's MINE!
god damn it
I'm not forcing you to adopt it
I'm just laughing at you, cause you need a god to make sense of it all

Forced by who exactly? You're the poster child of "IT'S NOT A PHASE, MOM!" How can I get superior fedora brains like yours? Funny how all you Nietzscheans have the same low energy nihilistic outlook degenerates like Marx had. You're all Satanists raging against God because your bum bum is sore. Pathetic and weak cretin.

I'm not Jewish. I have Christian and pagan roots and wear the cross for God and mjolnir for my blood.

>Your thesis falls apart because all active nihilists eventually devolve into passive nihilists ...
My thesis says, that I wouldn't call ACTIVE Nihilists Nihilists, to begin with, because they would have to have had some sort of values (first and foremost a value for their own life; otherwise they would have suicided themselves) in order to overcome Nihilism. Therefore, ACTIVE NIHILISM DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
That's my last post, the captchas are getting more and more ridiculous.

>cause it's MINE!
>I'm not forcing you to adopt it
This does not a society make. This produces nothing but conflict. It ends with one side in this conflict of new moral systems usurping the state, and forcing it on others. Then, the state becomes the new arbiter of morality, the ultimate authority of right and wrong, like the God-Kings of Babylon and the Pharoahs of Egypt. The absence of God leads inevitably to the worship of the state, because a man who believes in nothing will believe in anything.

See, the Bible isn't just what happened - it's what always happens.

Imagine misunderstanding Nietzsche so bad that you use his picture to promote nihilism

You can not create something out of NOTHING (Nihil = Nothing), that is IMPOSSIBLE. If you are a true Nihilist, you already pointed the gun to your head.
If you think, there is no GOD, that doesn't make you a Nihilist (although it is a pre-condition to becoming one), it makes you just an atheist.

If nihilism is the whole rejection of objective values and one adopts values but acknowledges they are only personal then that person still holds a nihilistic outlook. It makes a difference since man needs firm grounding with his environment and to know he has purpose. Belief that one's purpose is perpetuated by his own tiny existence makes people into angry little dipshits like the Russian retard that hates his life and can't get a gf.

Sage. Nihilism is retarded

The Christian God is Jewish, mate, and he died a while ago.
Likewise it is good to honor your ancestors, but the line of spiritual paganism has long since faded. We must look to the future.

Absolutely woke, based and redpilled

>If nihilism is the whole rejection of objective values
It's the rejection of all values, not just objective ones.

read the fucking book you're quoting you massive retard

he didn't call it a fucking disaster, and no, he wasn't "welcoming" anything
god damn this fucking board is full of retards

active nihilism, is not a term Nietzsche used. you should stop watching Youtube videos, and read his work if you are capable of doing so, else forget about philosophy.

Read the first five pages of a Nietzsche book, eh? Good for you. The problem is that what you're describing has nothing to do with nihilism. If there is no meaning in life, you might as well be oppressed. On top of that, a belief in scientific rationalism is an epistemological belief--i.e. you're planting your flag somewhere and not a nihilist. Literally not that hard.

>I value rejecting all values
I would love to continue triggering dissonance but I have a fat dog to walk. I bid ye all farewell.

God is not dead

God is just watching you make choices and judging you at the end dumbfuck

Demons and Angels are the ones who possess other people and try to advise you to heaven/tempt you to hell

A true hierarchy must be established, new dignities must be differentiated and, at the top, a higher function of command, of the imperium must dominate.

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