Porn, Good/Bad?

Porn, Good/Bad?

What effects do you think porn has on society?

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It makes it docile and pacifies dissenters better than any STASI visit ever could

I think it has desensitized me and made sex with my hot babe partners worse because it takes too long for me to cum

Porn is degenerate, it also promotes immorality and leads to an inactive social lifestyle. That's why the international Zionist Jews supported & pushed for it in the West. But they don't push the porn agenda on Israel

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it's escapism, unproductive hedonism, physical and mental self degradation and something the weak minded shouldn't get hooked on for the same reason of other powerful drugs.

ideally a healthy population has no need or desire for porn.
but we're not living in the ideal and our population isn't healthy; people desire porn, this desire can be used for profit of the state, this desire can be used to funnel the people to act in a way to limit the associated risks.

it shouldn't be freely available
its consumption and production should require patents.
the consumer and his tutor, the provider and the producer, all should be held punishable if at any point the system is breached.
the ecposition of sexually explicit contents should be isolated spatially and temporally away from the normal life of a society.

>Porn is degenerate

We need more laws, less freedoms, more cameras on every street corner and meal detectors and armed guards in every building. Otherwise we're all GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it demystifies and trivializes sex, allowing virgins to get sexual satisfaction and look at boobs without ever trying

not only that, it's a superstimulant that's 100% free and always accessible/readily available in troves.

Porn doesn't make virgin's dicks cum, their hands do.

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After just having wacked it to mermaid hentai...

...I think it's great!

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99% of people watch porn from time to time and have no problem with it, funny how the incel nest that is Jow Forums somehow blames porn when the vast majority of people have a balanced relationship to it.

and crack doesn't light itself, but a drug is still a drug

It was invented by (((them))) to undermine christianity, turn men into degenerate faggots and women into whores.
It lowers men's libido and attention to actual women and it lowers women's value and propensity to loyalty

All good things in moderation. Only permavirgins irrationally hate on it.

Banning porn will only lead to more sex crimes. If men can't jerk off to women on the TV screen, they'll jerk off to them in real life, and a lot of men won't be able to find women that will say "yes".

Porn is a bad bandage, if we are to remove it we need to remove feminism in its entirety, elsewhere we get your scenario

It's bad and it should be exterminated as well as everyone who produces it.
You tell me. Is porn good?

Better, I can finally see Asian porn without paying to do it

Because 200 years ago without porn the wold was full with sex crimes

Someone post the screenshot of the “we all WISHED libertarianism worked.” That’s my thoughts exactly on porn and other degenerate behaviors

Lesbians bdsm porn is awesome

M/F porn doesn't show you how to have dick in puss sex that ends with simultaneous orgasm. I don't know why guys even watch m/f porn, it's pretty gay.

She sounds mentally retarded. This is pretty depressing.

what I don't understand is everyone is saying porn is bad, but they all watch it and jack to it, so what's the point.

Nigger DNA has metastasized into her brain.

Porn the new weapon of choice

Ramallah, West Bank - Porn movies and programmes in Hebrew are being broadcast by Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations of Ramallah, irate residents of the besieged West Bank town said on Saturday.

"The pornographic movies started on Al-Watan television at around 03:30," one 34-year-old Palestinian mother named Reema said.
"It's not healthy really. I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men's heads," she said.

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Fuck this kike faggot, he's here every day, shilling.

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