Why are americans so racist when true americans look like this? If the only americans that are racists are the ones with european descendants then how come they feel entitled to the true americans land?
Why are americans so racist when true americans look like this...
>feel entitled
Those aren't true American's those are trans-siberian squatters that were too busy fucking elk to do anything with the place. Even if you take Clovis and Denisovan cultures into account, the bloodline is so dispersed now as to not really have any one people having a claim to this continent.
Simple facts are is American is white now. Deal with it. Last time you fuckers had an argument about it you got slaughtered I don't think it would go any better now.
all those indians massacred and ate each other for tens of thousands of years before the white man appeared. They left no record of their genocides, so I guess that makes them noble savages.
>Still believes those North Asians actually own the land.
Reminder to stop bumping these threads
>entitled to
I think that's conjecture but the fact is that this land is the US now so there's no going back from that.
Otherwise you might pick any other change of borders over the past 1000 years and complain about that too.
who created the country known as the united states of america?
now gtfo
>White guy thinking he can talk for the tribes of the americas.
"American" means you're a natural born citizen of the USA. If your ancestors going back no more than 4 generations is from somewhere else or you're a nigger you can add to the title like "Irish American" or "African American" but you're still just an American. I know this kind of word space collision can be difficult for niggers, but keep trying.