This fat piece of lard in the middle is going to be the next queen of the Netherlands

This fat piece of lard in the middle is going to be the next queen of the Netherlands,
How does this make you feel Jow Forums

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gross, she must eat like a belgian

Attached: belgianhealth.jpg (629x419, 47K)

Bring back the Dutch republic. The oranje house family are nothing but puppets set up by the french. They're not even dutch

ive never met a dutch girl. are they generally strong willed like german girls?

LOL German Queen at that.
HAHA fucking peasants.

Chubby, not fat.

She’s also half black.

She could be my quean, if you understand what I mean.

How's your health minister doing?

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But Jow Forums told me monarchy was redpilled...

Yes. Lots of tomboys, too.
I feel like there's a good dike/dyke joke in there somewhere, but I just can't get to it.

she looks like she eats whole wheels of cheese in one sitting.

Imagine mounting that.

are dutch girls giants like the guys there? i wonder what its like to be bullied by giant dutch girls.

Aww. She’s a cute little chunker. I’m sure she will slim up once she hits puberty. Give her a chance.

i've heard this massive woman empties more than a bottle of wine before noon. no wonder

If she marries you, you are the king.
I think monarchy is good. Chinese version were you had to pass exam to have a title of a noble was perfect I think.

This, she'll be fine. All the people calling a 13 year old girl a fatass on social media, yet publicly denounce bullying of any sorts need to be shot.

How the waffles will recover from that burn

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>implying the netherlands aren't going to become an emirate by the time she grows up

Average female height is 1,68 metres. There's definitely some outliers, though. Mosty women taller than that. I don't recall ever seeing many small, ethnically Dutch girls. Most small girls I remember were of Asian ancestry.

hope she stays fat.

fat blondes are the best fucks on the planet.

>finding the weak spot before she shakes you off.

Dutch grills are wild.

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>Most small girls I remember were of Asian ancestry.

im pretty short for a european but im surrounded by asians so i feel tall. when i leave the city and go to white areas even the girls are taller than me. it would be very embarrassing if i ever went to the netherlands.

She is what 12? 13? Jow Forums's National socialist incels getting more pathetic by the day. Are you now also pedos? Way to go racists. Showing what human scum you are.

Can someone photoshop a boys hair cut on her? I just want to see how it would look

she has potential to be really cute

>Dutch grills are wild.

are the dutch more extroverted than other germanics?

Pretty shit

10/10 would procreate on treadmill

I am not 100% sure if she is actually fat because of eating too much.
Could very well be a medical condition as i simply cannot imagine being allowed to get fat as a royalty.

Awesome im not a boot licking eurocuck

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they are all chubby, it has to be related to eating too much. Not that it matters, they'll grow out of it sooner or later

>Grossed out by cute chubby girl
You know you’re gay, right?

It's time for the seventeen fucking provinces to reunite.

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She's a kid man, calma ur titties
Be thankful u get a good argentinean offspring... Look ur cousin nigel how he's doing.

How do I marry her NOW?

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Belgian 3.14 qt crown princess > Dutch royal lard ass

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Yep. All strong germans died. We didnt really participate in the wars. However. Many dutch males are baseded out and many women are sluts. Some are very strong tall rich and with large blonde families however.

>giving a fuck about your height
>Oh no, tall dutch people, so embarrassing!
Please act like a man

Royal Spain loli>that ugly old hag

Attached: Princess+Sofia+Princess+Leonor+Spanish+Royals+TaIkqXreVGxl.jpg (391x594, 107K)

>Belgian waffles not Brussels sprouts

based,our next queen is the ultimate loli

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How can other royal families even compete?

Attached: fam real 2.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)