Hello Jow Forums.
I am starting a ethnic census in which anyone can participate.
If you would like to participate please do the following:
-Post a reply using your Geographical Location flag
-Post from which city/area you come from
-Post your Ethnicity

The census will be over when this thread gets archived. Then i will follow up with a new information thread.

If you prefer you can even use other flags, but that makes you a pussy.

Location: Belgrade
Ethnicity: Serbian

Alright, if you read the rules, you can do your job now.

Attached: 1024px-World_map_blank_without_borders.svg.png (1024x570, 108K)

Nice proxy, FBI

whats wrong frenchman?
scared of revealing your true niggerness?

Hello ciq

Saddest attempt at a data mining thread
Kill yourself

Hello CIA

fuck this, knew this would backfire

hippie little scared amerifags
dont post shit here just forget about it

Tel Aviv

finally a human being

Ethnicity: Bulgarian
Location: In your Serb whore mothers cunt with my BigBulgarianCock. Be a good Serbcuck and raise my kids for me.

Ne razumijem koja je svrha cenzusa.
Ja sam Hrvat iz Zagreba i ne razumijem što će ti ta informacija.

umri od raka botino

>implying feds don't already have access to the mod interface and can't geolocate your IP address whenever they want
>being so retarded you think this is how intelligence agencies find people
>being so retarded you're worried about opsec but aren't using a proxy/VPN to cover your ass
wew lads
>being so retarded you wouldn't just lie to OP if you really thought he was a fed
Sudbury Ontario

Attached: 1503113582029.jpg (250x188, 11K)

ocu da sakupim podatke koje nacionalisti najvise ima, koliko generalno ljudi ima

al ne picke gliupave umislile da sa cia il neki kurac

thank you

Našao sam ovo
Vjerojanto su iste brojke i na Jow Forums-u

Attached: 1427433078989.png (1164x1028, 186K)

White Zimbabwean by way of Ireland/Sweden
so mutt

Attached: Young Rhodesian soldiers.jpg (678x381, 44K)

za pol je verovatno jaca cifra za amere i evropljane
ipak pol nije za sve drzave

Location: Estonia
Ethnicity: Esgonian, Finno-Ugric to be more precise.

if this thread doesnt get enough info, i wont be interested into making a result chart

i'll bite
Locaion: São Paulo
Ethnicity: half slav, half iberian/mediterranean. mutt in other words


>central PA


6 Americans
- 3 pussy Americans
- 1 Bulgarian- American
- 1 German- American
- 1 mutt

2 Serbs
- 1 Scared Serb

1 Estonian

1 Brazzilian (mutt)

1 Croat

1 Canadian (No ancestry)

1 Israeli (Ashkenazi)

1 Scared Frenchman

ps this is a shitty version of the final product

>Location: Lund
>Ethnicity: Swedish
