DOOM 2016 and Eternal politics

Just lmao if you aren’t supporting the DOOM devs. In DOOM 2016, the person who betrays humankind for Satan is literally a woman. In the DOOM eternal trailer, it compares the demons to immigrants. The political commentary is blatantly obvious, white women are braindead and easily fall for kike (Satan) tricks meanwhile the superhuman white men (doom guy) have to fix everything once they fuck it up.

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>nu doom

Doesn't change the fact the game is total shite and this isn't politics, take it to /v/ after you change your IP to ban evade

have an upvote from this fellow vidya playing boomer
vidya is politics now sweetie deal with it *sips*

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Did Mick Gordon do the OST for Eternal? I can only enjoy the OST from Doom 2016 because my hard drive is too small to install the game. So i play brutal doom with the OST from 2016. I really want to play the game. I grew up on doom.

Nigger it is politics, the mods would delete this thread over there you uptight britcuck

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ITT: Edgy neckbeard faggots who call Doom 2016 shit because it isn't one of their gay pc medieval rpg shitfests.

Yep, he’s back at it again

Bumping for the OG fps franchise all others are copies

Move along, citizen.

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But Samuel Hayden is the true villain since he put all of humanity in life support with Argent Energy and was secretly just trying to get a cool sword. He’s the epitome of the man who tries to win at any cost (including his own humanity).

Also Doom 2016 already had political commentary about the demons if you read the PDAs. Once you read the Tier 2 and Tier 3 advocate notes about how you have to submit and get killed by the demons for science or how our fear of them is an acronym: FEAR (False Emotions Appearing Real).

So Hayden is a Jew trying to Jew Satan who is also a Jew. Interesting, sounds like Israel is involved somehow.

>DOOM Eternal
More like BOOM Eternal amirite?

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They're just trying to lure in people on the right (the only people who would buy/play this game anyway), because of Wolfenstein failing so hard, but they're going to force-feed some real SJW message into the game, at the end

Bethesda is the publisher, some faggot devs in Sweden developed the new Wolfenstein meanwhile ID which is located in Texas is behind DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal.

Bethesda is a jewish company

Bang... Now that was a root beer, heh

Yeah, but since they're publishing the game, they still can force the devs to put in some ham-fisted SJW bullshit in, like a bionic, trans-gender queer black womyn actually saving the world at the end

Is this a joke or did they really name a villain Sam Hyde? Is this just a giant memefest? Good for the devs for not being sjws but I tried Doom on a free weekend on steam and its meh. It's good if you want to play a 90s shooter with updated graphics but I feel like I played enough of those in the 90s. Still, good luck to them.

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i have a theory that they flipped out when they discovered what those swedish cucks were doing to wolf and threatened to blow the whistle on some shit if they didn't get equal opportunity to make a conservative politically charged game

Not with the sales of DOOM 2016. The dev team likely has full control because of how well DOOM Eternal is projected to sell too.

No, the robot lad is a Neoconbot.
The demons are the Jews.

Yes, he's really still getting away with it On Mars.

I can remember installing this on my computer via multiple floppy discs and how pissed my parents were at my uncle for giving it to me. I was six or seven.

Ah the good ol days. Keep sippin' boys.

Hahahaha I immediately thought of him when Hayden showed up in game

Based, you’d probably be a söyboy if it wasn’t for playing that game.

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>tfw ID games were early inoculants to söyism

Its a great game you fucking nigger

Reminder: You have an isreali flag


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you forgot your Proxy/memeflag cover Shlomo

The lesser demons are the sand niggers, while Satan is the leader kike. Samuel Hayden is a neocon boomer that simply wants to exploit their resources. Meanwhile, Olivia is the average brainwashed white woman who feels bad for the poor little sand nigger demons and commits treason based solely off of emotion. Doom guy represents white men who have to clean everything up with his only motivation being principle.


Posts like this keep me coming back to Jow Forums.

>his only motivation being principle
No, it's better than that. Doomguy has been sleeping for years, and now he's clearly operating on pure anger.

>bugmen using Jow Forums memes


Sounds about right. Sorry it's not tax funded indoctrination, you "people" love that.

Health should be at 30.

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We need to be angry again irl