"W-w-w-why can't our generation afford homes?"

Maybe if you cut back on frivolities and non-essentials you'd have more money.

Back in my day we didn't have internet or iPhones, and look what we could afford.

Attached: NF1JtBE.jpg (636x480, 44K)

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>just have a 3rd world standard of living, goy!

Totally! Bootstraps!

Ofc. How do you think shlomo expects to keep up his standard of living when the billions of nogs take over? They're used to living like animals.

>literally believes saving the money for an iphone and internet is enough money to buy a house

Cut down on the avocado toast then.

you know that is simply impossible to live in 1st world country without one?Only if you eat canned food and vegetables

You can get a fridge on Craigslist for like $100 if you can't just outright get it free. Same with washers and dryers.

oh so funny, haha, nice memes. you got me, the avocado toast :D

Yes Mr Shlomo, i will gladly live in a tent if it means you will have more money to buy another yatch, fund antifa, import illegals and give more money to Israel! After all what would happen to us dumb proles if we didn't have you?