Maybe if you cut back on frivolities and non-essentials you'd have more money.
Back in my day we didn't have internet or iPhones, and look what we could afford.
Maybe if you cut back on frivolities and non-essentials you'd have more money.
Back in my day we didn't have internet or iPhones, and look what we could afford.
Other urls found in this thread:
>just have a 3rd world standard of living, goy!
Totally! Bootstraps!
Ofc. How do you think shlomo expects to keep up his standard of living when the billions of nogs take over? They're used to living like animals.
>literally believes saving the money for an iphone and internet is enough money to buy a house
Cut down on the avocado toast then.
you know that is simply impossible to live in 1st world country without one?Only if you eat canned food and vegetables
You can get a fridge on Craigslist for like $100 if you can't just outright get it free. Same with washers and dryers.
oh so funny, haha, nice memes. you got me, the avocado toast :D
Yes Mr Shlomo, i will gladly live in a tent if it means you will have more money to buy another yatch, fund antifa, import illegals and give more money to Israel! After all what would happen to us dumb proles if we didn't have you?
It's always fun to imagine what we're "meant" to live like to meet their demands of "living within our means".
>If you cut back on non-essentials like electricity you'll have a house in 30 years!
This. 100% of my furniture (excluding the bedroom), my stove, my washer, my fireplace, and both my refrigerators I got for free/the cost of repairs. Didn't even have to deal with craigslist, im just a big guy with a truck so I end up helping a lot of people move.
A refrigerator is a necessity
An iPhone not so much
>non-essential frivolities
Boo Fucking Hoo. Get a "real" degree, a proper job, pay off you school debt, build credit-not debt, find/marry a partner that's not a freeloader and reap rewards of a double income.
Why aren't the poor paying their fair share?
>Yes good goy, don't worry about sciences and humanities, leave that to us! You can slave away ugh, i mean earning a honorable life doing grunt work and serving us! You don't have to worry about liberals capturing every single institution, you can earn a below average wage doing back breaking work!
Hello, Boomer, how did you even get here? Did you have to ask your grandson?
The internet alone has completely negated the need to own means of communication, books, movies, most media, many games consoles, information, newspapers, job applcations etc.
It is so effective at doing things that I would call the Internet an essential in the modern world. It saves so much more money than what you would pay for many other resources to own.
my grand parents bought their house for $14,000 before inflation. It's now almost a million. Stupid boomer, go fuck yourself
If I cut back on essentials like a fridge, computer, telephone, anything requiring electricity, live in a tent and suck penis in my spare time for cash I might be able to afford a down payment on a home in 50 years.
But I'm splurging on the tent, I should switch to cardboard boxes as they're free and easier to move.
OP is absolutely right. Guess what, if you want to afford a home but you can't right now:
-Get a burner phone
-Work for as much money as you can (Career jobs, multiple jobs, etc.)
-Only buy essentials (Guess what, you don't need a fridge if you only eat beans and rice and drink water)
-Don't eat out
except that you can get all of that for free at your local library.
Houses cost 5x what they did 40 years ago and since then the median American income has not increased.
Frankly it's a miracle there hasn't been street riots over the economic fuckery that happened from the 70s to now.
Bill Whittle is the boomer meme incarnate.
>boomer meme incarnate.
No....this guy is.
I warn you, user, prepare yourself.
It's 2 minutes, but you'll only need 20 seconds.
Bread and circuses.
Ironically, a mass cutting back on anything but the most biological essentials would probably be good for action to take place, as long as it doesn't go so far to crush people's spirits with poverty.
>Yes good goy, just slave away for me with your best years! You will finish the house payments when you are 70! What a good goy
Commie talking to me about slavery. RIP my sides.
>my fireplace,
nigga what the fuck how did u transport an entire fireplace???
>paying attention to meme flags
Communism is the fight to emancipate all humanity from wage slavery.
We also have some of the highest levels of debt per person. Those stupid Fox News lines don’t take into account cost of living and rent. Adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage in the early 70s was $31/hr. Even if you blamed the job market opening up to women, that’s still over 3x our current minimum wage. Meanwhile productivity is at an all time high, CEOs saw there wages increase over 100x.
Refrigerators and TVs are nice but struggling to make ends meet every fucking month is a bullshit reality that more people are living in. Cost of living has steadily increased so don’t blame it on consumers and homeowners. We’re getting bamboozled by the ultra wealthy and you stupid fuckers are sucking their dick because you have a refrigerator.
Yep, can't be a slave after you starve to death.
>Back in my day we didn't have internet or iPhones, and look what we could afford.
Agree. It's cringey seeing retail employees with iPhones.
Food isn't a frivolity
>not anymore a wage slave
>now just an ordinary slave
iPhone 6 is $199 at Walmart. Most people no longer own a landline, watch, pc, calendar, MP3 player, and whatever else smartphones have negated a separate purchase for. Smartphones are a cheap and productive multi use tool.
Don’t be a fucking cocksucker, any one person should have a smartphones, it’s one of the most versatile tools you can buy.
It angers me that avocados and oranges are so expensive. You should see how they grow in such abundance.
Why are bananas so cheap? Cause Jews can't turn them into a meme food.
But Communism just replaces wage slavery with institutional government controlled slavery. If the state owns the businesses then you haven't gotten rid of the Soulless Capitalist Bureaucrats you have only replaced them with Soulless State Bureaucrats.
I remember paying like $30 at wal-mart for a smartphone some years ago. Why the fuck do you even need some gay iphone shit with a phone that's way too damn big, I mean, it looks like phones now are actually getting bigger
>"poor" households
>99.6 have access to clean drinking water
Get a job yeh spoiled fag.
Cant pay slave wages to the proletariat if the proletariat doesn't eat food that wont make them sick, its bad to give slaves spoiled food, even slave owners knew this
I used to buy shitty smartphones but ended up replacing them every year. It usually came down to the power supply or battery faulting. I’ve had my iPhone for 3 years now. I didn’t buy it though, as I prefer android, but I can’t deny its durability.
Except not on demand because Libraries close.
I used a hand me down iphone 5 for years until Apple dropped support as it was too old.
Now I'm using an SE and will keep using it until it dies.
I'm browsing on a phone I found in a dumpster, unlocked it for $2, and I'm using a free provider for mobile data.
I found the phone in the dumpster of a Dollar General. It was new in the box and works well. The only problem I have is that a buggy update messed up the GPS
A refrigerator is actually not a necessity. I lived 6 months without one. Just buy-and-eat.
I really want someone to rebute this...
They wont, because they still live in their fairytale world that capitalism is somehow meritocratic, and they sincerely believe that if they work hard and elect republicans they will, one day, become rich.
My job requires me to have a smart phone. A lot of people's jobs require them to have at least a mobile phone. I'm not reimbursed at all for the data used during work or anything. If I didn't have the phone I wouldn't have the job. I'm literally taking my pay to pay for a thing that my payer requires me to have for them to pay me. Honestly, I could get by with an old ass non-communist flip phone and by happy rarely using it like I do with my smart phone when I'm not working.
>heh if you stopped eating for a million days you too could afford a cuck shed
who cares
this generation is all thots
I am a millenial ...I have 2 investment properties...but i am NOTHING like any of my peers...i should have been born in the 40s apparently.
the millionaire made a completely valid point, only if you are iq89 you fail to comprehend why and that's why stupid people will always remain poor.
>people are poor because they eat avocado toast and drink coffee
Top boomer here
you are a mindless meme-replicator. You are essentially AI
The vast majority of money spent goes on rent. His "point" is retarded because even if you down on EVERYTHING and ate only rice and drunk only water (tap, of course) the central issue still remains: spending 60% of your money JUST on the roof over your head.
>spending money on rent instead of living with your parents and saving for a down payment on a house
1 year of living at home instead of paying rent is more than enough for a down payment on a house/condo in the US. Buying is CHEAPER than renting. These people are incredibly bad with money, just like boomers. Boomers just had it easier.
>implying mama boom and daddy boom won't charge "rent"
They wouldn't if your stupid ass was actually productive and saving money on a house. They charge you rent because you're a waste of life and they want you gone.
That's what you unironically have to do to compete with others from the third world, living in those exact conditions.
Even if there were zero costs to this and 100% of earnings could be kept (they wont, because of things like rent, petrol for car and bills for car, etc.) it would still take three years to save enough for a deposit on a house.
>implying zoomers care about anything other then money regardless of how productive you are.
i bring in roughly 1100 a week how am i unproductive?
>it would still take three years to save enough for a deposit on a house.
Well since you live in one of the shittiest countries outside of Africa, that might be the case, but here in the US you only need 3% down on a house, which you can buy for 50-60k. The average rent is around 700$ here. 700 x 12 = 8400$ which is enough for a 10% down payment and closing costs and moving fees. People who can't afford homes are fucking stupid.
>i bring in roughly 1100 a week how am i unproductive?
>brings in money
>doesn't do anything productive with it
How are you not? Owning a shelter is easily the most important thing any animal does and you're too god damn stupid to do what a crab can do.
>which you can buy for 50-60k.
delusion if you think this is somewhere around the average.
Crabs can shelter wherever they like and so can Africans. No rent for a shell or a mud hut, and no land registry either.
Of course it's not the fucking average you fucking idiot. You don't start off in the fucking middle, you move up as you go on in life. Jesus fucking christ.
What kind of wage can you realistically expect where the houses are that cheap, and how long will it take to pay it off?
Tay was smarter than this
>They charge you rent because you're a waste of life and they want you gone.
>brings in money
>doesn't do anything productive with it
So your saying that i need to be productive by spending the money i get.
>What kind of wage can you realistically expect where the houses are that cheap
Doesn't even matter because you can afford it on minimum wage if you get a 10-15 year mortgage. My mortgage is 382$ a month. Nearly half what renting costs and I'm building equity.
>and how long will it take to pay it off?
10-15 years but you can always just sell it after saving money to buy a nicer place somewhere else.
>Doesn't even matter
We're done here.
Because private property is and always has been a giant scam.
>My mortgage is 382$ a month
>you can afford it on minimum wage
Is it a challenge everyday being that stupid?
It's cheaper than renting you dumbfuck. Renting is affordable on minimum wage, so of course you can buy a house on it. The reason you dumbfucks never can buy a house is because you put yourselves into debt by buying shit you don't need and renting shit.
Avocados are like 50c a pop when they're in season. Poor people overspend on food because they go to McDicks for every meal, not because they're putting vegetable spread on a grain product.
Explain to me how somebody who can afford to rent an apartment(which you couldn't find for that cheap anywhere in the country) can't afford a cheaper mortgage instead.
Why do you expect an average house, commie?
There are $50K houses in every state
I literally only use the refrigerator in my apartment for keeping my Zero Ultra's cool. Otherwise I only eat ramen noodles, peanut butter sandwiches, oatmeal, and various canned foods. If I wasn't so lazy I would probably have a few sacks of rice and beans but I can't be bothered to cook all that. Refrigerators are luxury items and there is no reason to own one if you are poor. You're just wasting electricity.
avocados and toast are not expensive.
Answer the fucking question then. What is the realistic wage in this area? Is there high unemployment? What kind of job opportunities are there?
>382 per month
>290 per week because muh 7.25
> you have 782 for everything including a months worth of food gas car insurance
Do it i dare you.
Yeah, a real (((miracle))).
Yes, compete in the conditions set by the current capitalist paradigm... keep going... you're almost there, burger. You can do it, i'm rooting for you li'l guy!
>290 per week
Add in 200 for food stamps and remove heating because heating credits and suddenly you're saving money every month. Life in the US is incredibly fucking cheap.
>cant get food stamps make too much
>this is before taxes by the way.
>kill the rich
>take their shit
>profit is abolished under the eternal science of Marx
>Food stamps, free bus tokens for the poor, energy assistance program, tax credits
Are you even trying?
>make too much
>working at the federal minimum wage
Literally impossible. You're eligible for foodstamps if you have less than 2000$ in the bank.
Eat Acevedo toast 3 times a week < $20.
Yeah! that is why millennial are poor.
>having roting milk and food
>You're eligible for foodstamps if you have less than 2000$ in the bank.
Does the money being saved for a house/the value of the house itself count towards that?
Most poor people rent, meaning they don't even own the fridge.
Huh. Weird. Why can't they afford one? Everyone here likes to brag how they make 125k a year at 23,and laugh at me because I'm in my 40s and only make around 80k. It's almost as if they're lying motherfuckers
>19.50 x 52
>1014$ a year
If they're wasting that kind of money on food, imagine what else they're wasting money.