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Yeah, old news

>watch a Jewish teenager get his cock and balls turned inside out
no thank you

bruh look at this dude

First duoubles decides in which year she'll commit suicide.

They coached a teenage boy to obsessively masturbate, then cut his penis off and told him he has to rape the wound for hours every day for the rest of his life. It's one of the most severe child abuse cases in history. Don't help them lie about it.

Why do you fucking people care or watch this shit ? Do you all secretly want to fuck him ?


>rape the wound
Great metal album title.


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The absolute madman!

>gender confirmation surgery
What will they think of next?

Worse than that. He cut out his asshole and placed it over where his dick should be.


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current status


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What's your point?

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>gender confirmation surgery.

fucking newspeak.

HE won’t even make Christmas. He’ll have a mental breakdown at thanksgiving when the blown out ass end of the turkey looks better than the gaping, oozing wound e just had to dilate for 3 hours before sitting down to dinner.

I’m betting pill overdose on Black Friday.
But he won’t die right away and they’ll try to pass it off as some kind f accident or allergic reaction.

Lurk /tv/ more.

>if you don't do this you won't have depth, why would you do that?
>I do the recommended depth and schedule four times a day
>you're gonna have no room to have sex, and that's horrible

Fuck me, this video gave me yuck waves. So in the end, you're just turning your penis inside out so it will serve as a catcher's mitt for some beta cuck's spunk. It doesn't feel nor function like an actual vagina, and you actively have to force your body to heal around an open would just to make yourself "feel like a woman"

Remind me again how this is not a mental illness that we should be trying to cure?

Attached: disgust.jpg (127x265, 17K)

>They coached a teenage boy to obsessively masturbate,
What ,why, when? How does masturbating help with having a mental issue with your own body, or your brain having some neurogical o oromall issues. Or whatever the fuck causes transexual. Or is is the mastubation supposed to help the patient feel better about himself? That sounds only sligthly more healthy than alcoholism to me.

off topic remember to report

it's because the genitals atrophy when you take female hormones. so he has to try to get an erection (physically painful) to try and stretch what is there so there is more to work with in surgery

Season finale is the suicide episode

Trying to make weirdos normal presumes there is such a thing as "normal," and that's hateful.

>gender confirmation surgery
Ah, Neusprech.

So he has to exercise what´s left of his dick by getting erections, so the surgeons can invert it? Just the idea creeps me out.

Why does anyone give this mental case postings on Jow Forums?

>tfw trying to heal others is hateful now

RIP our timeline

>user, why doesn't your workplace have any dilation stations? You don't want to be transphobic, do you?

Attached: dilation-station.jpg (1158x884, 161K)

we need to clone hitler. he needs a second shot at this thing.

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>it’s gonna be a wild ride.

With trannies you always know where the ride ends.

yeah the surgery is really crude. personally i think voluntary euthanasia is best option.

t. trans

yeah its almost as stupid as trying to lick right wingers boots so they can say you’re one of the good ones.

>doctored screenshots
user how fake news of you

usually in suicide, thankfully.

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atrophy, and he never grew in the first place thanks to the testosterone blockers

>Getting your dick cut off is going to be a wild ride
>A wild ride
>Be sure to watch the show about the boy who gets his dick cut off
>They’ll be plenty of dick removal talk

When will idiots finally realize that the political battle in America is about more than just politics? Out whatever label you want on it, this is a battle of good vs evil. When a democrat supports their party they also support cultural ideas like boys having their dicks cut off for the entertainment of an audience filled with liberal women, gay men, and sexual deviants.

I know it's fake. This is to further accelerationism.

Attached: accelerationism.jpg (1058x705, 117K)

T-That can't be real...

He will:

>Develop a drug habit
>Do a gross porn movie
>commit suicide

All by age 25

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>gender confirmation surgery
what the fuck man

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