Do Something!

Why are you still shitposting! DO SOMETHING! They are coming from Trump, they are going to get him. DO SOMETHING! They got Chohen and Manafort and they are coming for Trump. DO SOMETHING!

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I'd love to, and while I try to do my best here in Europe, I don't think I can help POTUS from here.

like what?

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I'm laughing, that's what I'm doing.

Tick tock, drumpfkins.

there is very little we can do to save trump if he wont save himself.
appointing sessions was a mistake.
trump needs to fire him and mueller both

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Get off Jow Forums and do something you stupid fucking frogposter. They are picking you off one by one. DO SOMETHING!

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"Don" your outfits Trumplets, take to the streets! I need more autistic photos for me collection

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Maybe if Trump wasn’t such a dumbass and hadn’t broken all those laws, we’d be in a better place.

You could go back to your country for a good start, Mo.

Retards, they don’t have anything on Trump or else every multi-coloured dyke within the space of America would start caring about facts and sources.

Not to mention they would have impeached him, but sorry lads. Not going to happen

what are even talking about?

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If conservatives cared about facts and sources Trump would be gone a long time ago.

It's over, sweetie.

If we had done something like pic related, it never would have went this far. That's all it takes to terrify the system

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it's not my fucking job, and I don't believe in giving welfare to a sitting president.

pay me

>do something
Reap what you saw, ameritard.
Jow Forums should never pick a fucking side in this shitshow called 2016 US Presidential Election, but should laugh at and troll both sides. But hey, this is the future you chose.

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not only is your post an example of inverse error, but what are these facts and sources you're referring to?

do what fag?
you want me to go shoot some democrats?
you first you fucking cianigger

meh, it was never going to get better anyway, money is the ultimate power in this world, and our enemies control it all.

It's up to Trump to declassify everything and expose this sham. I suspect he's waiting until a bit closer to the midterms. We'll see soon enough.

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I still don't know what you guys are talking about. do you really think trump is going to be impeached?

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Yes. Now whether he's convicted is another thing.

nice try fbi. god help you all if and when Jow Forums ever activates

He was never in legal danger. He is safe. The leftists are fucking losing, all they have left is violence, censorship and propaganda trough their media arms. They will never recover

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*unzips dick*
*faps to hentai*
there, I did something

that's cute. we've already been through this

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Didn't President Trump say he was going to shut down the government unless the wall was funded? Is the government shut down? Is the wall funded? Let him be arrested, hope it emboldens the boomer.

>why are you still shitposting? do something!
the irony

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fucking LOLLLL

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>money is the ultimate power in this world
Oh if only that went into the heads of the Jow Forumsacks before this whole shitshow and "let's side with Trump" fest started.

Trump can take care of himself.

Shitposting Democrats on facebook, twitter, etc... is actually a useful contribution.

Trump is just a puppet and scapegoat user. Like all that came before him and will come after him.

Plenty is being done, you just never hear about it because its not something that makes for senationalist drama.

>that pic
I guess everyone forgot about Bush and his policies

oh wait

they praise all of that now