Here's something I've never really understood when it came to antisemites blaming the Jews

Here's something I've never really understood when it came to antisemites blaming the Jews.

If they're so degenerate, then how the fuck did they take over the world? I don't get it. Should you not be using their tactics at this point? Jew tactics would surely work against Jews.

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. It's easier to undermine than to build.
2. parasites can't survive without a host.
3. "can't cheat a cheater" as the saying goes.

no one ever said they aren't smart

outjewing the jew is difficult, they are just so naturally good at lying and being sneaky shits.
Jow Forums has made pretty good progress at recognizing their handiwork though


Surely you could get a turncoat Jew here and there.

all jews are turncoats.

You literally can't trust a Jew, even if they agree with you. They have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia and other neuroses that make them untrustworthy, even if they agree with you.

Easy. Our empathetic nature gives them an inch and then they take a mile.
Let one into your organization? They just hire Cohens after that.

Larper faggots take it too far. Obviously many Jews have no idea what is going on and are just doing what they perceive as helping their tribe rather than maliciously undermining the west. The fact is though, that in the institutions of power Jews are disproportionately represented and their tribal supremacist nature leads to bad outcomes for goyim.

You're a commie. I don't count on you understanding anything about the real world, faggot.

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There is only one true 'Weltanschauung'

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>If they're so degenerate, then how the fuck did they take over the world?
You're talking about mentally ill Antisemites here.

We let a nigger into the White House. Whites let anything slide these days. When that changes everything changes

There are some woke jews like framegameradio.

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They haven't "taken over the world". They control some positions and use that to their advantage and the rest of the righteous suffer

Short answer: By papal decree, Jews were the only ones able to charge interest for most of Europe's history and it made them extremely wealthy.

>be on YouTube
>watch Shin Lim's performance on Penn and Teller: Fool Us if anyone is curious
>get distracted
>come back a while later and YouTube is autoplaying clips from Now You See Me 2
>see this woman
>immediately think "Jewish"
>sure enough
>Don't even know how I knew
>I have a Jow Forums parasite permanently embedded in my brain

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jews aren't degenerates, they push degeneracy

a turncoat jew is just a jew that thinks he can manipulate you before going back to being a normal jew

Because we're white
We take our battle to the open fields of war, we settle our differences like men, with struggle and blood and honorable conquest
They fight differently that we do, and we don't know how to handle it
Now get the fuck off my home board JIDF faggot
Nice memeflag btw

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They are a middleman minority that other cultures used for things they were shit at like finances. They're pretty much a model for what WNs should want in an ethnostate. They got so successful because of ingroup trust and keeping their culture and people at the forefront of their minds. Jews control so much because business is easier with more trust and Jews have developed a great network of trust. Meanwhile, other groups of people don't trust eachother at all and suffer for it.

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the importation of diversity wrecks everyone else's social trust, so you have this one cohesive group working great together surrounded by chaos