Jared Kushner

Redpill me on him, Jow Forums. Is he up to no good, or a loyal servant to 45?

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Anyone who can satisfactorily dick down Ivanka, while simultaneously charming the pants off Trump, is OK in my book.

He is the one pulling the strings in the background. Trump trusts him deeply and is tight with him. I wouldn't worry.

Likely Lucifer's avatar.

>I wouldn't worry.

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45 has no loyal servants left

He's a Jew. Therefore he's inherently anti-White and like all Jews, he's not White.

Therefore because he's a Jew, he doesn't belong in any White nation.

Jews are white though

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define "are"

They are white

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He's "expendable."


>Jews are white though
lolno. By their genes and their own admissions Jews are not White.

>They are white
Race is more than skin color and even if the Jews were White (they're not), they're inherently anti-White and for that reason alone, they do not belong in White nations.

ElrubiusOMG is jew? OMG...

Jared Kushner hasn’t thrown Trump under the bus, and helped to set up the embassy in Jerusalem, the beautiful capital of the USA. He’s helped to take down Assad and the only the deep state has prevented him from taking out that malicious dictator.

I said nice things, n-now c-can I get a shekel Master Merchant?

Took a 500 million dollar loan from George Soros, who funded the violent assault of Trump supporters during the elections by paid protesters

no they're not
just ask them

Well it depends

This is like the “Italians aren’t white” or “Slavs aren’t white” meme. It’s not settled and will never be, because “white” is a matter of opinion.

It’s impossible to settle who is “white,” and a lot easier to settle who is Italian, or Norwegian, etc. Ethnic tribalism is the way to go, because “the white race” is too broad and poorly defined.

>This is like the “Italians aren’t white” or “Slavs aren’t white” meme. It’s not settled and will never be, because “white” is a matter of opinion.
A White person is a human being of solely native European ancestry; or a human being who, if they have non-European antecedents, is nonetheless of a physical and genetic makeup that is within the range typical of people of solely European ancestry; or, the child of two Whites.

kek, have a burger on me

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