David Duke

Why is Jow Forums still supporting him when it's well known he has stolen money from his supporters?

>The mail fraud charges stemmed from what prosecutors described as a six-year scheme to dupe thousands of his followers by asking for donations. Using the postal service, Duke appealed to his supporters for funds by fraudulently stating he was about to lose his house and his life savings. Prosecutors alleged that Duke raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in this scheme. Prosecutors also stipulated that in contrast to what he stated in the mailings, he sold his home at a hefty profit, had multiple investment accounts, and spent much of his money gambling at casinos.[5][176][177]


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Other urls found in this thread:


He hates jews, how bad can he be?

Unrelated but does a whiter man even currently exist on this earth ? That's pure aryanism expressing on his face

Several rhinoplastys later...

Attached: duke the nose knows 2.jpg (424x311, 25K)

...and you too can be Aryan!

Attached: duke the nose knows 3.jpg (323x222, 18K)

dr duke fights every day for you, and this is how you thank him? meme flag? oh

Why do you care who we support? Duke is based fuck off shill.

This guy is an attention whore. I mean why come out as KKK when you can run for congress and silently pass legislation that promotes your agenda?

Because he has dedicated his life to his family his race and I would give him anything he asked for.

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He wasn’t alone.

Attached: 2E266F65-0B27-47B3-A5AC-D9ED3000117A.jpg (1000x1211, 357K)

I know a cyborg when I see one. That's a cyborg.

Attached: senguji.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

>tfw david dukes workout buddy was a spic
>theo von's nicaraguan


yeah dude alright

i cant believe meme flag are still allowed here
it was so much better when they were not

My loyalty is my honour

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Entirely different circumstances. You could say whatever the fuck you wanted back then. Now you have to be crafty at jew hating to get anything real done.

Jewish Supremacism is a good book tbf

I don't support this lying faggot one bit. He's the very definition of "controlled opposition"

What changed?

Attached: 8F94532A-3E77-40F5-AF2C-574269AC3958.png (928x8840, 1.22M)

Go be a Jew someplace else

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>hundreds of thousands
>a lot
>gambling, etc
that could be true, but lets not forget either that the (((FBI))) framed Edgar Steele, claiming that he was planning to murder his wife (who supported him up until the end of his life in prison). so i have to take the gambling claim with a grain of salt.

you also need to consider someone like Duke, who is 100% unemployable, really could be facing the streets at any minute. perhaps the truth was stretched here, but the guy is literally never going to work a normal job ever again. anything could happen that makes him financially fucked. his entire livelihood is dependent upon supporters, not consistent, reliable paychecks.

>support him
i've read his books and never gave him a dime. but i'm not going to chastise anyone either for making a buck through their activism. he's a public figure with all the repercussions that come from his opinions. i get relative anonymity and a "normal" life. and as i've said, i have to take your kike sources with a grain of salt, but even if it were all true, who gives a shit.

Reddit's down the hall and to the left

Typical active measures from institutions that want him silenced. Don't go after his words, attack him personally

Faggot leaf, what about the places that matter in recent history?

>Literally didn't scroll down the list

>Calls anyone a faggot


Because I dislike jews and brown people more that I dislike whatever it is you are accusing David Duke of being. Sage

Only one that matters is poland and that was 50 fucking years ago. Who gives a shit about Muslim countries and Mexican adjacent?

Attached: trudeau-gay.jpg (634x381, 70K)

Except Duke loves Arabs

Attached: The-Mufti.png (608x510, 433K)

You're a fucking retard if you think that Duke is genuine. His name has been synonymous with the KKK and white supremacy for decades, so when he "endorses" a politician or policy, it's an instant turn-off to normies.

so does Jow Forums, newfaggot.

>implying I don't like Syria
>I dislike brown people
>b-but not that one brown country
Gas yourself

Attached: duke.png (960x720, 1.26M)

he's not a racist just a white advocate and opposed to jewish supremacy

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i like a lot of non-white countries. i just don't like it when they leak into white countries.

There is nothing wrong with brown people as long as they stay in brown countries

knowing how vain he is he probably dyes his hair.

Name calling in the absence of argument is textbook Jew tactics so is divide and conquer slander of a proud white nationalist and elected politician.

>yes goyim keep giving david duke your money even tho he has literally scammed his followers and he wastes their money on nose jobs- that will definitely save the white race

like anyone on this site ever donated any money to him. We are talking about people who beg paycucks for free podcasts

Did someone drop a penny because this thread is crawling with kikes.

Who cares? A content creator can spend the money I donate on whatever they want as long as they keep creating content.



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No one cares what you think faggot

I wouldn't support him by sending him money, but I think we can still listen to him.
The worst part is that he's telling his supporters not to do "degenerete" stuff while he indulges in supposedly degenerete activities himself. Sad!

bc hes right about a lot of shit memeflag


Traitor sympathizers


we don’t

even if its true, don't you want someone decent getting your cash? he does a lot of shit