To The Stars SCAMADEMY of Arts and GIBS

The "total raised" amount is no longer listed on the websites as of about a month ago, but from searching internet archive, you can see why it was removed, and only # of investors is still shown.

The numbers are all over the fucking place. It makes no sense. Its like tom did a random number generator. At some points he went up in investors and down in capital raised.

>Feb 15 2018 $2,520,443 Investors : 2,816
>Feb 16 2018 $2,420,643 Investors : 2,811
>Feb 23 2018 $2,466,773 Investors : 2,858
>Mar 05 2018 $2,507,194 Investors : 2,907
>Mar 06 2018 $2,509,044 Investors : 2,911
>Mar 15 2018 $2,543,189 Investors : 2,969
>Mar 16 2018 $2,480,114 Investors : 2,980
>Mar 29 2018 $2,537,438 Investors : 2,940
>Apr 02 2018 $2,537,438 Investors : 2,940
>Apr 06 2018 NA Investors : 2969
>Aug 22 2018 NA Investors : 2,547

My guess Tom lost some big money. 2969 - 2547 = 422 lost investors. Each investor is minimum 200USD that's minimum loss of be $84,400. Meaning TTS is around 2,453,038. Which leaves it at around what it was around February. I'm not sure if it's fair to say, but that's 6 months of stagnation in terms of money raised (Assuming Feb is accurate which I doubt).

That or he realized investors don't like inconsistencies is numbers and decided to stop showing them. The peak fake number is Mar 15 at 2980, it's hard to explain how they lost investors or they were inaccurate in reporting them in the first place.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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all we've gotten is one video. WHERES THE FUCKING REST TOM?!

Attached: 1de.gif (627x502, 940K)

All of their supposed "ufo" video releases, are all from the g-o-v. The point of the "academy" was to literally make fucking anti-gravity device tech, literal wormhole spaceships, and other such star-trek nonsense.

So far, out of this hefty mission statement, they have produced a few poorly done photoshop/blender graphics.

Perhaps that was the reason for being the academy of ARTS and sciences.

The star jew, not even once.


Big fucking surprise. This thing smelled like shit since he first came out with his videos still in a trance from his hypnosis session.

Attached: dog-wearing-cat-costume-on-white-background-stock-photo-picture-dog-cat-costume-s-57f51153cb20a767.j (440x320, 19K)

poor tom. hes fallen so far. i was the biggest blink fan in middle school.

Delonge is a CIA asset. There are no ayys.

Attached: tom delong freemason.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Damn good shoop sir. Can always tell definitively when the resolution is scaled down so much to hide all of the tint layering defects that the brain picks up.

But, originally named, appears to be your work. Keep it up.

That's real, user.

>its all photo shops goy

Attached: freemason tomdelonge.jpg (600x415, 39K)

>i was the biggest blink fan in middle school.

Yeesh you know its like literally mikelob ultram programming to demoralize you and make you do drugs right

ayyyyy lmao your money is gone

Why does he dress like such a faggart

>t. Tom Delonge

thats right goys. just keep burning fossil fuels, there is no need to research limitless sources of energy

Attached: latest.jpg (509x486, 31K)

He put the setsquare & compass on his guitar fretboards too.

How have you anons not put the pieces together yet? Maybe it's just because I was the biggest blink 182 fan ever, and I happened to learn about the occult as well. Let me lay it out for you faggots.

Tom has ALWAYS been in with the Freemasons, and only recently (the last decade or so) has come out and said so. Anyone Blink fan who remembers how their old live shows were knows that it was just a bunch of degeneracy between songs (I fucked my uncle, fuck my dad, uncle fucker, suck each other off) that was LEGITIMATE satanic masonry happening right before your eyes.

Blink 182 was designed to make the fans absolute pussies. Tom is a Chad, he never struggled with women.... it's all just Mason brainwashing. No shit Tom is in with Hildawg now, and is basically one of the BIGGEST PLAYERS in the ((((satanic))))) diversion of america. Blink 182 was a big part of our demise.


hahah fuck forgot that I was namefagging as Q last night. Unintentional

>4 crusty old drunk niggers and a metrosexual man who sings about fucking poptarts

Is this the true power of freemasonry? Do they sniff packing peanuts as the peak ritual?

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Have you ever heard of Starlite? If you haven't, it was this invention by some unironic ex-hairdresser than can withstand enormous amounts of heat, wasn't made from dangerous chemicals, and was super lightweight to the point it was a liquid that could literally be painted on, here's a video of it being demonstrated it was also on Tomorrow's World and places like NASA tested it, demand was massively high. It was literally a revolutionary invention, but do you know why it never caught on, why no one, at least publicly, uses it? Maurice Ward, the inventor, knew that no matter what happened, he would get fucked over and they couldn't reach a deal.
You know how Jewgle bought YouTube for $1.6b and there was uproar that it wasn't worth that much and what an incredible deal the owners were getting? Do you also remember how Jewtube is now worth "$26-40b", it sort of makes the $1.6b appear insignificant.
So you see, even if you think you've won you haven't, you can't win against (((people))) who set the rules. Maurice Ward knew that, that's why (((they))) totally aren't butthurt as fuck that they can't exploit the invention that no one else knows how to make and immediately started labeling it a hoax that never really worked, though (((they))) didn't do this until 2009, the same year Maurice Ward died because dead people can defend themselves.

tl;dr I couldn't care less about limitless sources of energy because I know it'll never ever be used as intended. Being British, I've witnessed what happens when you gift anything to lesser peoples and the gratitude they show for it, and it genuinely isn't worth it. Until you find a final solution to the reason why we can't have nice things.

I can think of like.. 9 applications tops for that thermal cum.

its just a way to trick dumb famous people into larping thinking they are part of the NWO when they are just patsies.

The CIA is pushing project blue beam and using tom delonge and this program as their mouthpiece to start propaganda for it.

>project blue beam
Unfortunately, this is a cop-out for those who haven’t accepted yet that we aren’t the only intelligence on the planet. What’s going to happen is going to be 100% real, and a million times more horrifying than bluebeam.

>What’s going to happen is going to be 100% real, and a million times more horrifying than bluebeam.
Oooooh, scary. But Cthulhu isn't real, m8

Go read John keel and Jack Vallee if you won’t want your world-view to be assraped and to go insane when things get funky.

I'm currently researching the existence of other cryptid species (pic related) so I will need to forgo the dubious pleasures of "Mothmen" etc for now, but thank you anyway, user.

Attached: MANBEARPIG.jpg (481x350, 22K)

Thanks. Mothshit is the only thing that scares me as a boomer. That movie still fucks me up.

I just wikid that dude "a disproportionate amount of shit happens on wednesdays and Saturdays"

Perfect. Thanks doushebag

>Until you find a final solution to the reason why we can't have nice thing

Stopped reading right there...

Im going to a blink 182 concert next month see you there CIA

>I just wikid that dude "a disproportionate amount of shit happens on wednesdays and Saturdays
Keel did tons of his own research, which included going through newspaper clippings from the 1800-1960s; he personally found a trend of reports/sightings on Wednesdays and Saturday’s, which he used to conclude that the phenomenon is something different and stranger than ayys from some star system flying around in metal buckets on Wednesday and Saturday.

Sounds like hes trying hard to sell books

>Stopped reading right there...
It was the last sentence user.

He’s dead.

I don’t think it’s a scam. I think he’s being used by these glow in the dark types to spread disinformation. He truly believes he’s on the verge of disclosure. The people in his group are legit. They have extensive backgrounds in aerospace engineering and intelligence agencies. However, that’s why I’m concerned. It’s clear that these are some deep state kikes looking to manipulate gullible Tom into spreading bs to cover stuff up. I mean c’mon, why else would legit scientists and government types be working with the former singer of a pop-punk band?

Well Tom was about 2mil in debt so that amount was perfect. Now he just has to use 50k to create an awesome CGI UFO video and he can shut the Academy down.

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In one of their presentations he had all these scientists on stage and they posted an actual fucking balloon and claimed it was a UFO.

because he is one, and not even the cool kind like freddie mercury

Tom even admits in his books and in interviews that he always wanted to eliminate the public’s cynicism towards the military-industrial complex. Add in his claim that his research got “pretty close to the truth” in regards to UFOs it becomes kinda apparent that he’s a shill literally in bed with CIA niggers. If you read the prologue and first few chapters to his first sekret machines book it reeks of government propaganda.

Man, I remember the first few issues of wired magazine... maybe a level or two above normie tech... now it’s a festering sjw tranny gash.

How did he die user

>and they posted
Now thats enough chans for you young man

>If you read the prologue and first few chapters to his first sekret machines book it reeks of government propaganda.

I stopped reading 3 letters into the title of the book, returned it to barnes and heeble and demanded a refund. Nigger is edgeliterate

He was 79 when he died, so probably wasn’t murdered.