Hello, guys...

Hello, guys. I've got a book written 70 years ago that starts as personal diary with political manifests and goes on as phylosophy and then as theology/fantazy.

What does it have in common with Jow Forums?
1) huge unease about things going on
2) hate of promotion of sexual degeneracy, materialism and left-liberalism in general, thinking it as "the end times"
the book warned against left liberalism before it happened lol
3) desire to act in a way of sharing information

What is the purpose of that book?
It regards christianity, buddhism, hinduism, judaism, zoroastrianism as main true religions and them together with lesser religions should be unified by "Rose of the World" religion. Every true religion having an aspect of truth and "Rose of the World" created specifically to clarify how. Everything that makes true religions conflict with each other and cause suffering in any way or form is considered a corruption and is to be put into hightlight and removed by ways of open discussion and non-violent persuasion.
that unified religion should spread among everyone in one or many of its aspects, including current religions modifed/clarified lightly or heavily depending on religion.
So it can make people understand how world works and set upon serious moral progression in span of few generations, as result replacing armed governments with a brotherhood based on non-violence and then moving on from there also.
It should be done in 20th-22th centuries, so previous century, this one and next one
Without that current situation would evolve into world war 3/4/5 and/or creation of the global tyranny.
Not a too big thing in the big picture of planetary spiritual evolution, but difference is tangible.

links for the book:
the half of it translated in english

Attached: 19203909.jpg (304x475, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the whole book in russian
autotranslation works fine

Attached: 41234125.png (1392x862, 65K)

Interesting that a russian would write this book

Those religions are completely incompatible with one another. The only way there can be harmony between the religions is separation more or less.

Judaism is also complete shit.

(((Steiner Books)))) = THEOSOPHY = Pedophile NWO scum.
Look us "Lucis trust". An organization set up by Theosophists, with the help of the UN, to encourage children to worship Lucifer.

Attached: Matthew Hopkins.jpg (474x380, 27K)

The guys says that he was indian in two of his previous lives.
It is generally VERY anti-soviet: it considers the soviet state as a major work of planetary demon to create global state that would make humanity much better cattle to milk the energies of suffering from.
It acknowledges there to be some good sides in soviet ideology, some humanistic ideals, but as an overall system it is a subversion of those ideals with the opposite goals.
It also describes the goal of planetary demon regarding humans and policies that would lead to such goal and total sexual liberation as a way of promotion of sadism is the major way and goal.

Nice one pitch

there are a ton of publishers who published the book
the book itself looks a bit like theosophy from a far i.e. a try to unite all religions
but the difference is that of between a fraud and a genuine thing
in their current widespread form, maybe, as wordly (semi)political institutions - for sure
in their best practices they compliment each other and their most basic truths are the same or totally fit into a larger picture
modern judaism is mentioned to be a shit for sure


And all the Catholic shills here no matter how "Trad" ALWAYS end up being pro this bullshit . Because the Vatican is the real evil, and they have Jow Forums and the whole "new right" by the balls, by using the Zionism strawman to shill for counter reformation and unite pagans and "Christians" in hating Protestants . Based pic .

Everyone on Jow Forums should notice just how suspicious the entire meme magic/kek/Trump /hitlerism narrative matches the exact shit the Lucis Trust promotes . Even down to superficially hating Jews for racial reasons.

Fuck off, Jow Forums is a hermeticist board

the parts shitting on judaism and jews, I think it is very Jow Forums relevant ^_^

The ancient teachers of Judaism were inspired by the demiurge of the suprapeople, but the purity of the inspiration was tainted first by elemental emanations from the «genius» of the Sinai mountains and then by emanations from the Jewish Witzraor. ((a kind of (semi)demonic entity of armed state))
No other fate was possible for the aggressive but weak Jewish Witzraor after it entered into irreconcilable battle with the demiurge of the suprapeople during the years of Christ's mission on Earth. There have been no more Jewish Witzraors since the final defeat of the Jews by Hadrian. But behind the Witzraor stood another, more terrible demonic hierarchy-the spawn of Gagtungr and true rival of the demiurge-which continued to influence Jewry even during the diaspora. Medieval Judaism continued to develop under the influence of two opposing wills: that demon and Nikhord. At present, Nikhord admits a very small number of new members, who do nevertheless enter the worlds of Enlightenment through Judaism.

niggers are mentioned to have even worse spiritual level then jews btw

. After the collapse of the Sudanese culture, together with its religion, which had enabled spirituality to flow down not only among the elite but even among the masses of the Black peoples of equatorial Africa, Blacks were for a long time deprived of the possibility of ascent after death.

You proved my point. The entirety of Jow Forums and chan culture in general is one big Satanic psyop

Look, I don't care WHO intends to have a global government, be they left or right wing, spirtiual or athiest, or what have you. It is wrong, and will inevitably lead to greater abuses than it sets out to heal.
Consider Rome:
We have a mighty conglomeration of nations (representing the nearest thing to a "New Word Order") - and, let us suppose it is ruled by some wise, kind, and benevolent Caesar, such as Marcus Aurelius.
One shot of a gun, or one stroke of a knife, and we now have a Commodus or Caligula at the helm.
This is why I speak as I do.

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Thinking Protestantism as a true religion while Catholicism is not is same as thinking Islam is true religion and Catholicism is not. Both Protestantism and Islam are more shallow then Catholicism. Of course there are major flaws withing all of them, because, surprise-surprise, people are majorly flawed and leadership is often grasped by the most flawed people.

Various popes surely were shit and some could be even considered a knowning followers of planetary demon, so what? The same can be said about various governmental leaders. Also inquisition is mentioned in the book to have had a very powerful demon behind it.

it intends to prevent the global government by promoting morality to the level where armed government and usage of violence is not needed at all
and also by pointing out dangers in current ideologies set on creating global government

>Every true religion having an aspect of truth
sorry for shilling my thread, but that is actually subject to my threads (still ongoing)
or here an older but complete version

What you write shows that you agree with the points book promotes, I'll post a citation.
In actual fact, who can guarantee that a strong-willed egoist will not assume leadership of the superstate and, further, that science will not serve such a leader truthfully and faithfully as a means for turning the superstate into that exact kind of monstrous mechanism of violence and spiritual disfigurement I have been talking about? There is little doubt that theoretical models for blanket surveillance of people's behavior and thoughts are being developed at this very moment. What are the limits of the nightmarish scenarios that are conjured in our imagination as a result of the merger of a dictatorship of terror and twenty-first century technology? Such a tyranny would be all the more absolute because even the last, tragic means of casting it off would be closed-its overthrow from without by war. With every nation under one rule, there would be no one to war against. Global unity-the dream of so many generations, the cause of so many sacrifices-would then reveal its demonic side: the impossibility of escape if the servants of the dark forces were to seize control of the world government.
TDLR the book warns against totalitarian global state with brainchips and stuff before computers were created

ok thanks, I'll post the book there also

Exactly. What this book espouses. are no more than Utopian dreams (and Utopias exist only in fiction) - written by fools who think they understand "gods" more than they understand human nature, if they have even contemplated human nature at all.
The wolf will never lie down with the lamb, nor the leopard with the kid.
Did you actually pay for that rag of a book?

Attached: Marquis_de_Sade.jpg (400x600, 48K)

it's a realistic utopia that exposes the evil as the basic part of the human nature of all people born on this planet
it explores it better then anything else

but evil being a basic part of every human mind/soul does not mean that there is no possibility for moral progress OR moral degradation

surely you can notice that, for example, white people are more moral then niggers and jews despite having common ancestry, so some kind of moral evolution happened

and about wolves
they were made into dogs who can indeed lie down with the lamb without eating it, especially if a human nearby encourages them

Having taken your statements into consideration, it seems as though the book is a version of the"wouldn't it be nice to all hold hands under a rainbow" theory expounded to a few hundred pages.
Domesticated or not, try letting Rover off a leash near a pen of sheep and see what happens...

I'll stick with my nationalism and I will never cease my opposition to any kind of global governance, religious or otherwise.

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All religions are based on mushrooms.

Funny how there are people who commented there either blindly fear the unknown, markering it as the work of the devil by some unsure signs:
or are openly apologists of evil:

the book is all for the advancement of national culture
national culture is given metaphysical component: the major heavenly planes of ascended humans are national
the culture that doesn't have national roots is named the work of planetary demon

I do not apologise for evil. But seeking to rule the world is evil.
However, let us return to your book - do they propose that "Ascended Masters" do the governing?

my statements are kinda limited of course while the book is not
you should read it yourself in order to get a real idea of it

you can read most of it as an epic fantazy work (which crazy author says that you are living in)

>I do not apologise for evil.
doubtful because you posted de Sade together with writing about "understanding human nature"
if you recognise sadism as part of human nature AND think that it is evil then you think same as I do and author of the book did

>seeking to rule the world is evil
depends on definition of ruling
ruling it as a political leader of an armed state? sure
ruling it as spreading powerful and good ideas like Christ and Buddha did? it's good, not evil

>do they propose that "Ascended Masters" do the governing?
depends on definition of governing and who are "ascended masters"
the book is largely about how current ways of government are evil and will be until morality level is raised
about "ascended masters": the term ascention is not appliable to people who are alive, people usually ascend upon death with very very very few people ascending into higher planes of existance without death, like apostole Ioann. Surely they can't lead in this world because they no longer live there.


De Sade, for one, had a greater understanding of why this pipe-dream will never come to fruition - and here we come back to human nature.
But De Sade's tales of men with 20" penises who ejaculate a pint at each discharge, ten times a night, and drink 30 bottles of wine at one sitting, seem more realistic and plausible than these hippyish scribbles, which would have embarrassed even Jonathan Swift, when writing "Gullivers Travels".

I wish you luck in improving the quality of your library - and even more luck in getting anyone to actually read this trash.
Good night, user, I'm out. It's been pleasant to have this discourse, free from insults and profanity.
All the best.

Attached: One more thing.jpg (600x453, 43K)

He predicted beginning of the global organization of the Rose of the World to come in the 1960s, though he said things could always change from the plan. And lo and behold-- in the sixties there were major social changes, but what happened? Every possible leader got assassinated or compromised. C_A consolidated control... And here we are today... It did begin in the sixties, but evil made its move, and now the battle is going live to redress the stolen progress of the last era.

It is the religious/spiritual book of the future.

Note: he predicts a return of pagan gods, integrating with monotheism in the new interreligion. We've already seen direct evidence of that with Kek.

Plus, the divine feminine is coming...

Attached: KekUnbound.png (1395x858, 2.34M)

Thank you as well.
I indulge in trolling around some people across the boards like leftists and other kinds of retards and also a bit IRL, sometimes even my clients when they deserve some harsh truths.
However for promotion of this ideology I need to act as moral as I can ^__^

Yep, it all can seem fancy to you, but you didn't respond to my point there: >evil being a basic part of every human mind/soul does not mean that there is no possibility for moral progress OR moral degradation
>surely you can notice that, for example, white people are more moral then niggers and jews despite having common ancestry, so some kind of moral evolution happened

Yep, he was also thinking that world war 3 would most likely happen and was wrong.
So his worst worries and best hopes both did not happen.

But you could also consider the writing and spreadage of his book to be a beginning of the global organisation xD humble beginnings and all

>Plus, the divine feminine is coming...
yep and the biggest part of feminism movement controlled by shadow government/dems party could be considered a demonic try on subverting it before it began

you seem very knowledgeable in the contents of the book, are you per chance as interested in spreading it as I do? if you are, we could help each other I guess

No man is perfect, yet we may each strife for perfection. The "quest for the grail" is more important than grasping the grail itself, so they say.

But fuck niggers, man. They suck. I'm not into killing them off, but I do beleive in isolating them and having no dealings with them - and under this one world government run by white-robed hippies, we'd be obliged to give them suck and put up with even more of their crap.

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It's not clear that "basic part of human nature" is a very felicitous reading of Andreev on evil. Certainly your points about race and Jews is utterly antithetical to his outlook. Every group is working towards a common goal ultimately.

Remember Dmitri Karamazov's words: "God and the devil are at war, and the battleground is man's heart."

That about sums it up.

Another interesting note: Andreev describes certain "hellish" worlds in terms of their being only two-dimensions; users of the drug salvia, which seems to have the effect of pulling people into hell for fifteen minutes or so, also describe two-dimensionality fairly often. I have observed other such correspondence correspondences.

No, he didn't say wwiii would happen.

>under this one world government run by white-robed hippies, we'd be obliged to give them suck and put up with even more of their crap
you would not be obliged for anything as long as you don't harm the others
mandatory taxes are forceful stuff to totally get rid from according to the book (when morale level is high enough of course), there would be people who voluntary go to uplift the niggers and you wouldn't be forced into anything

>No man is perfect, yet we may each strife for perfection. The "quest for the grail" is more important than grasping the grail itself, so they say.
First part, yes. The book promotes lots of ideas how, both on individual and on societal level.
Second part, kinda no, but it's not that important, for now.

> Every group is working towards a common goal ultimately.
yeah, the goals of good and goals of evil

only saints are completly free from benefacting demons in any way or form and saints are one among the million

>Remember Dmitri Karamazov's words: "God and the devil are at war, and the battleground is man's heart."

yes and the book clarifies the ways of it

about hellish world, one of them and the most important one is two-dimensional, yes

It is my central religious text, which I read almost twenty years ago, after stumbling on it on the internet. Most impressively for me, his description of "worlds of ascent" matched a dream I had when a young boy, of traveling to similar places... I hope it spreads. I'd be glad to do what I can.

Interestingly, not long ago, that Wikipedia page for the subject lead to a story about "a murderous Russian cult" by the same name... Very strange bit of smearing... I believe that got removed.

Are you Russian? How influential is it there?

yep, we can certainly disagree on understanding of many parts of the book, my understanding of it isn't perfect

do we share the idea that this book should be spread?

>there would be people who voluntary go to uplift the niggers
This is where I say we SHOULD get involved in warfare. I do not wish to live side-by-side with subhumans. The "volunteers", I say, are traitors - and should suffer the direst penalties that our wrath can muster.

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The law of karma saw all of De Sade's cruelty and perversity visited in turn upon him. Evil always loses in the end. Hence to be evil always requires self-deception. And hence powerful demons must perform amazingly intense acts of self-deception!

>The guys says that he was indian in two of his previous lives.
>soviet state as a major work of planetary demon

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And this is the beauty of what is happening now... When the world finds out that the established power structure prevailing over the world literally worships demons, and that those are real, and powerful, religion INSTANTLY is reborn, all the skeptical babble is swept away, and an entirely new era commences.

And you bots get unplugged ;)

Andreev says the name of the planetary demon is GAGTUNGR.

>When the world finds out that the established power structure prevailing over the world literally worships demons, and that those are real, and powerful, religion INSTANTLY is reborn, all the skeptical babble is swept away, and an entirely new era commences.

WTF is this post-christian hippe bulshet lol

Who you were in your previuous lives? John Lenons?

Shhh. You're useless.

hey, Jow Forums captcha stopped working for me so I asked another guy to write here to invite you to chat with me in discord: Someone#5511

If the planetary demon is available to comment: is this your name?

Calm down there fella!

It seems like demons are somehow "channeled" through the bots on Jow Forums, I've noticed. So that's why I asked, thinking it could confirm or deny the claim...

apparently the nickname search like that doesnt work, we need to be in same group, lets go there, there is subchannel "#rose-of-the-world"
I would answer what you asked about cult, damn Jow Forums captcha, no joking it doesnt allow me to post right now, this post is written by a friend on my behalf

hey, Jow Forums captcha stopped working for me so I asked another guy to write here to invite you to chat with me in discord: Someone#5511


Attached: bomp.png (855x621, 775K)

this is another messange written by a friend on my behalf cos damn captacha still doesnt work
in order for you to believe it's me lets say something like: "zatomises are wonderful places full of very advanced people, some of whom Andreev said to get words from for his book (or it was some other powerful ascended humans, not sure)"
the link above for discord group is true, also lets get in contact any way you want, for example there is my skype account: myhomeoffice2

Also here is discord

discord gg dYfSD3

I'm not going on discord. Stop this nonsense.

Thehundredth monkey effectis a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea...
>But did you know its BASED

Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities...
>give up on 60+ year olds , maybe 50

The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked

>reason for slide theads!
They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND
>dumbing down society is reverse 100th monkey effect

Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece


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BRO I got it working, it's same guy you were talking about, the OP
google blocked my captcha for some reasons lol, btw these posts were written by friends on my behalf:
have a picture of russian wiztraor, next post would be answer to your question about teh cult

Attached: artlib_gallery-331203-b.jpg (400x500, 89K)

I visited the cult out of interest, was very paranoid about it being a trap for actual believers in Rose of the World, went there without telling anyone but mother in private, grabbed an adventurious bro who is a guy that runs around siberian forests for 3 days in row and meets bears and hogs - you get an idea.

Also I and bro didn't get smartphones or any cellphones with us so we wouldn't be tracked.
We went for a meeting of a cult there: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_International_Business_Center

Turned out it wasn't that serious that we planned for, it was just a crazy totalitarian cult with strongman leader with strong hypnotic personality who is clearly an expert on brainwashing. We endured some few hours of it to get an idea if the cult shares something with Rose of the World book and I found nothing. Btw we were not allowed to go out of the meeting to even pee lol, but we were looking at each other with bro sometimes and I kinda showed him after few hours that buisiness there is concluded. I owed him 3 free meals for that for enduring such shit.

Was easily the most shittest public shitfest I visited, scientologists and messengers of Iegova were very pleasant and good-natured guys compared.

I think it could be merely a coincidence, with some other cults like that using Blavatskaya' Theosofy book as it's cover and the like. Or might be smear thing, not by cult itself, but by people protecting it in russian government and similar stuff because clearly the cult is criminal.

Isn't any influential I think, I didn't hear of it before specifically looking for existing societies with such name.

>It is my central religious text, which I read almost twenty years ago, after stumbling on it on the internet. Most impressively for me, his description of "worlds of ascent" matched a dream I had when a young boy, of traveling to similar places... I hope it spreads. I'd be glad to do what I can.

You are literally first person like this that I found, admittedly I didn't search that much... Lets get in some form of contact to discuss ways of spreading it, two minds can be 10 times better then one! My friends posted some discord links and skype account on my behalf but you can suggest any other way.

also I'm all for maximum caution so agents of planetary demon or shit like that doesn't catch us xD
I am not big expert on internet security, you might now more.
I've done some secure messanging on some TOR black market but forgot all of it and lazy to propose stuff like that.

Best to wait until the current power structure gets exposed. Then it will be easy to spread, to people newly receptive to religious truth.

hmmm but let's get in contact anyway?
I can understand if you are afraid of exposure that way, is it the case? Or do you simply think it would be useless? ^^

Anyway, I am not content with just waiting ^_^
I've been doing that for like 10 years then realised that why shouldn't I try to do something? Then for some 5 years there was too much fear to actually try to talk about the book with anyone. Now I am not afraid, the worst for me would be to be killed and I am ready for it. All of friends are notified about the book and that if I die suspiciously in next years they shoudl avenge me by talking about it and spreading the book themselves.