Yfw you're still in this much denial

>yfw you're still in this much denial

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Trump asks Cohen to commit a crime.
Cohen does it.
Seems like a good lawyer to me.
Except for the confessing and flipping part.

uh oh. look. its humor. the thing the left hates the most. it's like holy water on a vampire to them!
nobody is taking this shit seriously anyhow dude, not even the guy getting investigated. you people are completely impotent and delusional.

is our president waking up to the jewish problem?

where is the evidence that any of what you just said happened? oh, there isn't any? oh ok. cool. thanks.

he said under oath trump is innocent

He's not wrong.
The last thing I would want from my lawyer is to record our private conversations with intent to blackmail me. fuck that shit.

Wow you really got him there.

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Classic bants

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WTF. I hate Drumph now.

>he said under oath trump is innocent
where is the evidence that any of what you just said happened? oh, there isn't any? oh ok. cool. thanks.

>unnamed presidential candidate
he represented kike whale Hillary Clinton too, never said it was trump

this is his karma for continually throwing people under the bus

But Trump is named
>Individual-1, who at that point had become the President of the United States.

>say you hire the best people
>hire the person who brings down your presidency
4D chess I bet he planned this from the start.

>cry more, kid

Each day is a blessing

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Except he was here legally.
The right jumped all over that story, to deflect from Trump Fail #6,344.


his lawyers claims yet no agencies in charge of keeping track know of any documentation that proves this claim. did you even read the article?

"U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services spokesman Michael Bars told USA Today reporter Alan Gomez on Wednesday, "A search of records by USCIS revealed Rivera did not make any DACA requests nor were any grants given. We have found no record in our systems indicating he has any lawful immigration status."

Trump is done. For real this time. For really really real. It's over. Hillary will be 46 1/2.

No he wasn't you disingenuous fuck
Tell shareblue that they need to keep you idiots updated

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>legal illegal
The left everybody

At worst Pence is president you politically illiterate sack of dicks.

>“Donald Trump Is In The Clear”; Mark Levin Schools EVERYONE On Cohen’s Plea Deal [VIDEO]


Fox News host and legal expert Mark Levin schooled everyone on Tuesday night with a lesson on how the law actually works regarding Michael Cohen’s plea deal.

During a segment on Fox with host Sean Hannity, Levin began discussing how Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former attorney, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to charges related to campaign finance laws and other fraud. The terms of his plea deal are ever-changing, but he has agreed to spend between three to five years in prison.

As noted by The Daily Caller, Levin explained to everyone why Trump is not in any legal trouble over Cohen’s plea deal.

> “I want to help the law professors, the constitutional experts, the criminal defense lawyers, the former prosecutors and of course the professors and I want to help them understand what the law is. The general counsel for the Clinton mob family Lanny Davis, he had his client plead to two counts of criminality that don’t exist.”

> “It is a plea bargain between a prosecutor and criminal. A criminal who doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. That is not precedent. That applies only to that specific case. Nobody cites plea bargains for precedent. That is number one. Number two, just because a prosecutor says that somebody violated a campaign law doesn’t make it so. He is not the judge. He is not the jury. We didn’t adjudicate anything.”


>Former Clinton Pollster Goes Rogue; Says HILLARY Broke Campaign Finance Laws, Not Trump


Now that the entire political left, the Democrats and their lickspittles in the media in the mainstream media are on cloud nine following former Trump attorney Michal Cohen’s accusing the president of violating campaign finance laws, one important idea must be entertained on the way to the impeachment tribunals.

Despite all of the sound and fury and despite Cohen’s turning rat to save his own skin, it’s not President Trump who is guilty as charged but rather the embittered loser of the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton.
Yes, that’s right. By virtue of her exalted status as the matriarch of the Clinton global crime syndicate, crooked Hillary continues to receive a free pass from the feds, the media and most of all, the angry army of the Resistance.

But not from her former pollster who has just earned himself a bounty on his head from the Hillary dead-enders and the social media hate mobs. Mark Penn has gone rogue and in breaking from the pack, has risked his safety, his future employment prospects and may very well end up on Silicon Valley’s watch lists.

In an editorial by the man who ran served as Slick Willie’s pollster before he was the chief strategist of Hillary’s doomed 2008 campaign, Penn let it rip by blasting the double standard of how Trump is treated in comparison to his former master as well as calling out Saint Bob Mueller for using Cohen to frame Trump.
And in what will prove to be an unforgivable sin, he scoffs at the idea that Trump’s alleged payments to smut queen Stormy Daniels constituted a violation of the law while Team Hillary’s payment to retain the slime for hire due of Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele is ignored.

No he wasn't.
Go shill somewhere else cocksucker

How much do they pay you?

Trump will be just fine.