Let's make a political children's book

Let's call it "The Ten Good Friends and the Sharing is Caring Money".

10 great friends live together with no parents in a big fun house. What a party! [interracial dancing kids playing around happily]

Each month, everyone puts some of their allowance into an emergency fund that anyone in the whole house can take from if they need it. It's called the "Sharing is Caring Money", and it's very nice to have.

The Sharing is Caring Money has a total of 1000 whole dollars in it! The 10 Great Friends refill it each and every month, and each month, all of the money gets used up, up, up by the 10 roommates.

Linda, John, and David don't ever use any of it.
In fact, they are the only ones putting anything into the Sharing is Caring Money! :O
They each put in $333 dollars apiece and nobody helps them any at all. Poor Linda, John, and David.. It's not very fair! But they still do it because they want to help and they are good sharers.

Rosa and Jose don't use any Sharing is Caring money either, but they also don't put any money into it at all.. They are not good sharers!
Juana, and Lupe, though: They take $200 each month to buy things with. Sometimes they pay their rent with it, sometimes they buy food, and sometimes they even buy toys for themselves! Uh oh Juana and Lupe.

Susan and Sharon take $50 each to buy things with, and they always use it to buy a little bit of delicious food with.

Shaniqua, though... Shaniqua is not a good sharer and is being very greedy! She takes 500 whole dollars just for herself every month.. She spends it on her car, her cellphone, her friends, herself, and on treats, which are very unhealthy and so Shaniqua is very sick. :O

So let's recap:
The white friends in the house use $100
The Hispanic friends in the house use $400
But the black friend in the house, she uses half, gobbles it up, up up! She uses a whole $500, all by herself! Uh oh.. I bet her roommates don't like her at all!

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Theres already one.

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Book two is "Shaniqua and the Very Bad No Good Punching" where all the kids are angry with each other but shaniqua hits people just as much as all the other kids put together.

Let's make this one too though

Come on guys this could be great. We could send it to kids and shit and it would trigger the absolute fuck out of people. I bet we could make it past censors if we posted it and got it trending on jewtube, too. Make a ton of diff vids with different anons narrating it, change up the title, have diff pics for the thumbnail with toddler clickbait like Elsagate but for the good guys. Let's redpill some babbies and see how the kikes like it when someone else plays their game.

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Bros I suck at this I needs halp

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Bump for potential

Sympathy bump


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haha thanks user

Only like 12 pages to go

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Lmao the black one is heilling hitler

I want to see more

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Here's the Sharing is Caring Money
C'mon you niggers if I make this by myself it's gonna be shit I can't draw

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I'm trying user
anyone else feel free to jump in and edit or make a new page plz

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Absolutely beautiful


also underrated, but disturbing

Here's the Good Sharers putting their money in

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Anyone else reminded of the sons of butcher episode where just as a classroom full of kids are watching a video and it says "meet uncle bad touch" he bursts into the room asking for a volunteer to help hide his sausage?

Nah bro, it's fucking great. I about died when I saw Shaniqua

Lupe and Juan not contributing at all

I'm just gonna make them until the thread dies then post the whole thing in a new one once it's finished and I go back and make them better as much as I can

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Fuck I just realized I should have just made a template room with nothing in it then saved it and added shit to it for each new page instead of redrawing the whole thing each time

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Susan and David cleaning up toys like good children
I tried drawing Shaniqua with junk food but it's hard I think I'll just do her eating chicken and watermelon with a tub of lard on the counter next but. Might take me awhile so the thread might die though

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I didn't even see this sorry user
What are you drawing on?