What the fuck is wrong with the people in Pennsylvania?

The teacher in Penn State raped boys. The Amish fucking inbreed. The Priests in Pittsburgh fuck kids. The cop killed a kid in Pittsburgh. The Quarterback for Pittsburgh is a known rapist. Three men basically fucked a zoo. Then there's Philly. WTF PA?

Attached: Pennsylvania.png (258x195, 12K)

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Things are bad, all over.
We need Jesus to come back, very soon.


Its the Italians and their culture.

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Thats america not ''PA''

So, it's the new Florida?

It's a pedo/mason haven.
An old european cult is also based in Upper Bucks County

We're sexually aggressive

boomers thought the economy would survive off of drive through fast food.

anti Pennsylvania threads will not be tolerated.

as a southernfag, i just want to say central pennsylvania is fucking based. pittsburgh and philly can fuck off, but other than, it's awesome.

full of jews
run by jew politicians
>cop who shot the kid in pittsburgh
>catholic priests

that about sums it up.

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Pa guy here, fuck you all
>seriously tho the commonwealth is rife with pedo rings and masonic cults
Great place to survive the apocalypse though

Psu nigger here

>at work today
>gets really busy, have to call in boss to help handle calls
>coworker returns from lunch
>boss says "your mistakes before lunch kept user so busy that he needed help and I had to stop watching little boys walk by outside"

a lot of it comes from PA having a very aggressive judicial system. Three states have so far gone after the catholic church for covering up child abuse. I suspect after this more will follow, I also suspect that other states had child abuse in that catholic church. Priests from PA were sent to other areas, some abusers were sent here from other states.

Also, the most imbred amish are from Ohio.

>The teacher in Penn State raped boys.
What else would you expect from a guy who tries to help disadvantaged youths?
>The Amish fucking inbreed.
It's an insular society
>The Priests in Pittsburgh fuck kids.
Priests gonna priest
>The cop killed a kid in Pittsburgh.
Dindu deserved it.
>The Quarterback for Pittsburgh is a known rapist.
Flashing a Thot in the men's room isn't tape. It's scummy, but not rape.
>Three men basically fucked a zoo.
What's this?
>Then there's Philly.
Yeah, they suck.
We're just based

Highest population of Freemasons.

PSU student reporting in. Michigan state has a worse pedo and if you ignore the dead frat bro it's pretty /comfy/ here

Its hell leaking out of spooktrailia. Makes people mad.

So mote it be.

Ridge and Valley region for the win.

Why disrespect the Amish? They are the last all white group of people now that the damn Mormons started worrying about their stupid image and invited shit skins in.

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Germans. That’s the problem.

Hey, that’s Joe. Or as all the cool kids here in PA call him, JoePa. He’s the coach that won all those games and knew Jerry Sandusky was fucking kids 30 years ago. Man, he was a real part of all our childhoods. A hero even. I’m disgusted that the cult of Penn State continues to defend this enabler.

At least we voted for Trump, asshole.

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Serious question, how do you determine what is a ghetto in PA? Taking aside the obvious (niggers), how do you do it? What is just old, and what is rundown?

It's probably a stupid question to people in the east coast, but I couldn't ever really tell. Like Pottsville and some of the surrounding towns seemed fine to me, but then there's an inocous soup kitchen by the Yuengling factory with niggers and race mixers hanging out on the patio. I went to a bar and thought the place next door was just an apartment complex, but later realized it was a halfway house or something of the like.

Does this make sense? I had no experience there so I just couldn't tell what area was bad or just old.

>Serious question, how do you determine what is a ghetto in PA? Taking aside the obvious (niggers), how do you do it?

How do you do this but without using the way you do this?
What a stupid fucking question.

Alright here we go

Coaches fuck kids everywhere.
So do priests.
Amish are Mormons with beards.
Black lives matter more in Pittsburgh than 99% of cities. The shooting was by an untrained cop in a Pittsburgh suburb.
Ben is a millionaire who partied with normies that claims rape for $$$.
Zoos are oppressive by nature.
Philadelphia is legally a zoo, but also one of the oldest cities in the country that was destroyed by democratic leadership like every other major city.


NEPA here
You left out kids for cash

So the accepted wisdom is correct then? Do I have license to relax so long as I see no niggers? The reason I ask is because I don't know the behavior of guineas or other edgecase whites like this. I live on the west coast, we have beaners and niggers, everyone else is literally just white or Asian.

>Black lives matter more in Pittsburgh than 99% of cities. The shooting was by an untrained cop in a Pittsburgh suburb.
I object to you pretending that the nog getting shot was in any way a bad thing. This is not the Jow Forums I love or the state I love

>The teacher in Penn State raped boys.
>The Amish fucking inbreed.
So what?
>The Priests in Pittsburgh fuck kids.
Literally everywhere and a catholic church administrator problem
>The cop killed a kid in Pittsburgh.
If by kid you meant violent nigger.
>The Quarterback for Pittsburgh is a known rapist.
Rich men have been accused of rape since it became a crime
>Three men basically fucked a zoo.
Literally any state
>Then there's Philly.
I grew up there then moved south, but PA is pretty fucking based.

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>Do I have license to relax so long as I see no niggers?
Tough to say. I was doing laundry in Monaca a few weeks ago because I had to pick up a relative from the airport and needed to kill time. Place is 97% white but fairly run down. It felt safe enough. Put the laundry in, went to the bar for a couple drinks while it washed and dried. Nothing bad happened.

Bucksfag here, most of PA is cool. Philly and Pittsburgh fucking suck, but most of the state outside of those areas are full MAGA.

Their alcohol laws are Utah-tier

You're surely not looking to move here.

We can buy beer from gas stations now. But yeah, going to a state store for liquor is gay

weird inbred goober fucks

This is what happens in a white ethnostate

>not enjoying the state store and studying the price list.

you should watch full frontal with samantha bee tonight. sounds like it's right up your alley. fuckin faggot.

Former Mayor of Philadelphia, and Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, helped protect some of the pedophile groups, including the ones in the Catholic Church, and at Penn State.
I don’t know whether he inherited this duty from a predecessor, or whether he offered services for pay.
He was mob connected though, and a major point is that he wasn’t a native Pennsylvanian. He was born and raised by a Russian Jewish family in New York City, and only moved to Philadelphia for college, at the University of Pennsylvannia.

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>not buying the same bottle no matter where you go both for both price and quality
You need to sit out back awhile.

With the exception of flash flooding.

pretty much every city but Philly and Pittsburgh have a rust belt run down feel, bad areas are when you see barred doors/chain link fences and shit
also don't move here, we're getting ravaged by druggie shit especially in the rural places Jow Forums likes to think is paradise

Wawa >>>> sheetz, fight me


The Germans fought in the revolutionary war for the colonists.
Some of the Germans still speak an antiquated form of Getman along with American English.

>JEW id
They’ve outed me!

Your idea of rural is fucking wrong. When I have 50 acres in the middle of nowhere, can shoot in the air and hit nobody, that is rural.
I thank Jesus every day that shortly before I moved to Florida from PA after 20 years they started building Wawas here.
Catholics created the modern west.

>Catholics created the modern west

Our countries went to shit so we fled to the USA and declared...WUZ PILGRUMZ 'N' SHEIIIIITTTT

Good one, papist cucks.

Honestly, some of the high end areas have old partially run down houses just like the getto areas.
Usually the higher end areas are slightly better maintained, and are more likely to have things like flowers planted.
Black people still may live in the higher end areas.
The richest areas are usually a mix of older houses, and fancy modern houses with large windows.
Areas with well maintained lawns, fresh white or off white paint, etc. are usually mid level as far as wealth.
The really wealthy people don’t necessarily give a shit about lawn and yard care. Some do, but it’s not universal.

smashed store fronts, abondonned business, delabidated warehouses, and christmas decerations on the roof year round

>Your idea of rural is fucking wrong. When I have 50 acres in the middle of nowhere, can shoot in the air and hit nobody, that is rural.
what do you think my idea of rural was? the nearest town is 10 minutes away and has 800 people
still incredibly poor and absolutely infested with utter scum white trash and druggies galore, I've basically written off 75% of the 25-35 generation

We live next to West Virginia, Jew York, and Ohiofags. What's your excuse?

Calvinism created everything good

wawa = cold deli food
sheetz = hamburgers and fries

Allegations for money ??

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French Catholics won the revolution for America, and the pilgrims were not fleeing British Catholicism.
>muh 10 minutes from town
Try two hours, yuppie.
Like the Free Masons
Wawa's food is better and shitz is overpriced.

Thanks, lads. Like I told the other guy, I'm used to whites and Asians, but with the added stipulation that a white or Asian is generally middle to upper class. Lower classes being usually nigger or spic, so fuck if I know how lower class whites act in the east coast.

Also, not planning on moving anywhere, just want to see all of America before I die, and the east is pretty untapped for me.

>Try two hours, yuppie
that's virtually impossible in PA, unless we have different definitions of town

The pilgrims also were not catholic. Nor were the founding fathers, stealing others' history is pretty nigger tier, but about what I expect from a papist.

>He didn't have a dirt road and raccoons instead of a paved road and dogs
Not relevant to anything I said

>Not relevant to anything I said
Actually it is.
The pilgrims were protestants sent to the other side of the Atlantic by protestants. Papist had little to do there. The French were useful idiots, for the Protestant founding fathers.

You want to claim the heritage of others, the truth is that all you are doing is the exact same "WE WUZ KANGZ" bullshit your slightly darker kin seem to enjoy.

my road was entirely dirt until the gas boom, then they paved a portion of the bottom up until an crossroads, though it's like 80% dirt still
rabbits, foxes, turkeys, and deer at my house, very few raccoons
not sure what you're memeing here

As does Ohio state

Don’t forget about Stroudsburg. Don’t get me started on Stroudsburg

Attached: muh Pennsylvania constitution.png (1556x860, 1.44M)

anyone have the Ohio version of this maymay

I have a couple

Attached: muh Ohio constitution.png (1283x794, 1.27M)

Attached: muh ohio constitution.jpg (2048x1536, 2.09M)

>Three men basically fucked a zoo
wait wut?

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Calling PA an aggressive justice system is not exactly accurate. Certainly not to be connected to a aggressive agenda like California.

PA has a very fair conservative leaning justice system. The bullshit system like Florida is not here.

PA is not a state to play games in the legal system. For example Cosby lawyers were shocked that the case moved so quickly here. Not for lack of time for the layers but just for lack of legal stalling options.

News flash - this shit happens in every state. PA is the first to shine the light on it and do something about it. More will follow. "Sleepy" Sessions is doing big things with the states and hungry AG's nationwide will be lining up to make their careers with massive pedo takedowns. No one wants to end up like Schneiderman.

How is Penn Station subs? one just opened nearby