Where to live in the US?

My two main concerns are low:
>anti-white rhetoric
>cost of living

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Suburbs of Atlanta


Are you there user? Can you give me a quick rundown?

Lmao what a dumb post. Literally two of the blackest places to live and shittiest for white people.

Quick, post more pics of small town USA

Dude, come home to ColoRADo user. The economy is booming. There is plenty of affordable housing. Traffic is almost non-existent. Women are hot. Beer is cold. Mountains are bitchin'. Also legal weed too.

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As far away from the blue as you can get.

Baltimore city. Cheap housing and a lot of government jobs

Plenty of affordable housing? I'm trying to move back after fifteen years away and selling my three-bedroom house will barely get me into a two bed/one bath house anywhere in metro Denver...or most of the Springs.

Rural Wisconsin is best. Germanic, Polish, and Finnish ancestry. 99% white. Reasonably educated. Fat as fuck, though.
Anywhere in the Midwest besides the major cities is fine, really. Stay the fuck out of the south.

fuck off we're full
stay and rot in california

This place is more white than the national average but still has the negroes but i love this church. Vernon Connecticut

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Stop trying to live in the big shitty liberal cities. Eastern Colorado in the countryside is pretty chill right now. So is Grand Junction.

this, TN is bad. I recommend western VA, KY, WV, ME, or NH.

Princeton, Missouri.

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It's full.

UP Michigan
North Dakota

all has winters and have to pay for heating so your pipes dont freeze

Boise, Idaho

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Montana and North Dakota are not accepting new residents. Try Florida lol

Stop lying.

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Parts of New England are basically Scandinavia before the Muslims. You're gonna wanna hurry up though because it's about to become Scandinavia after the Muslims, so I wouldn't buy a house.

Pretty much anywhere that isn't a metro county is decent.


Fake news

Raleigh, NC. They got tech jobs and decent food, too.

I just don't want Montana to become another Colorado.

Lots of good suggestions.

these are interesting. Is Kentucky nice?
this is the nightmare scenario. i think i could deal with hispanics taking over, but not muslims

You're a dipshit.
Nashville and suburbs are very nice and nog free as are mnay in atlanta. Sandy Springs has like the highest quality of life in the US. Do your homework

Kentucky isn't nice. Fuck off, we're full

Live almost anywhere in the Appalachian mountains area.

Northeast Ohio outside of the East side of Cleveland is comfy anywhere you go.

Wyoming, North Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma

If you're going to move to Raleigh, move right outside of Raleigh to JoCo. 20 mins from everything. White people. Lots of guns. Niggers not welcome.

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anywhere but here. we don't want you.

Kentucky is nice. NKY is next to Cinci and is still pretty conservative in a middle class way instead of a hick way. Cinci is a cool city. Lexington is fun but overcrowded relative to the existing roadways. Louisville is cool but very diverse. Lots of nature and bourbon in between.

Bristol, Tennessee
It's 92.49% white, essentially conservative heaven on Earth.

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Lawton, Oklahoma.

Rural Kansas...Rural.


Idaho's pretty good, well it was 2 years ago when I lived there, they've been having a new migrant wave from California though, so you never know.

>Germanic, Polish, and Finnish ancestry.
so that's why everybody looked so inbred and ugly

Will second Wisconsin (except for Dane county and Milwaukee proper). I went to a smaller college in Wisconsin and I was in awe by how many kids had families that were openly racist.


It happened to Oregon. It happened to Washington. It's happening to Wyoming and Colorado. It will happen to Montana. There is no escape.

>Grand Junction
This.My mom lives there, says everything is dirt cheap and in walking distance. OP you need to go inna sticks if you want cheap living (though in this case it would be, plains). North Maine is pretty nice if you can handle boatloads of snow and a few weird white people here and there.

disturbing, but probably true. i'm a native of WA and it's so depressing what has happened to this state. i need whitepills

This is what I love about Alaska. Poorfags nned not apply.

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Vermont is offering a $10K for people to move there and it has the highest percent white population next to NH and ME.



Going to be fun watching the Vols choke big games away this season again.

Southwestern Virginia.

New Hampshire, 96% white. Too cold for mudpeople. Dont need a concealed license to carry. live free or die.

Sadly down to only 94% white officially


>Moving to NYC in 6 months
>Still have no idea where I'm going to live
Be honest with me bros, how fucked am I? Money isn't the issue but I feel like moving to NYC isn't going to feel like I'm living in America.

>low cost of living

Pick one.

Used to work over there, up in the mountains. Nice place. Lot of Quebecs tho, and touristy types from NY. Easy to avoid. Would be nice to live there.

Baltimore City, MD is a beautiful city, with the......(one exception)....


New York is a parody of America, 5x more Jews and fags than the nationwide average, just a shithole in general

Those motherfuckers. They have to try to ruin everything I love

No jobs in 80% of state, most jobs will never allow you to buy a home, real estate market here is fucked. Unless you work in health care or did remote, the only city you could move to and find a decent job is Billings. Flathead Valley is getting filled with West Coast onions transplants. Eastern Montana is a wasteland, central Montana is wheat and meth, Western Montana is college kids, dude weed lmao and mountain compounds.

No sales tax is nice too

Bump. I work remotely now so can work basically anywhere with an internet connection. I just want a nice majority white neighborhood, hopefully with hot college age girls around as well.

Is this true, I am ready to try anywhere for a decent job at this point?

Anti-white rhetoric simply does not exist outside of hyperliberal colleges and social media

Lots of shitskins in baltimore

you're fucked, leaf.
>NYC is 33% white.
>infrastructure is near 3rd world levels
>homeless people everywhere
>mayor is building legal crack dens and heroin shooting galleries
>overcrowded as fuck
>pizza is good though

This is coming from a NYC native who thankfully lives in the whitest county in NYC which is also the most based, but I'm getting the fuck away from this disgusting shit hole as soon as I'm able to

Tbh you just described Toronto. How bad is the crime? I was planning to live in some suburban area in NJ or something.

I would recommend Lamar, its a nice little town in southeast CO

just to add...
>obscene amount of niggers...you'll really be in shock in the sheer number of chimps roaming the streets
>Jew hive
>Hoards of chinks...i guess they are the most tolerable non-whites
>Apu's in the loos
>cost $3000 a month to live in a studio apartment the size of my closet
>hideous post-modern architecture everywhere
>literally is a place called Museum of Sex...most degenerate thing ive ever seen
>mass-transit system is about to collapse
>State governance is literally between a retarded ginzo and lady communist carpet muncher
>She Guevarra is from here

>at least the nintendo world store is kinda cool

There is NO reason to be in NYC at all. Work somewhere else! I implore you, please stay away.

Upper Midwest. Try Iowa or west of there.

I live in weaver.
Mainly whites, can carry, cheap as fuck. Good nature.

Mountain West

crime's kinda bad
no stop and frisk so spics and niggers kill despite strict gun laws...hmm how can that be, guns kill people i thought. Wtf Democrat Party, CNN, CUOMO????WTF?????
They'll tell you it's improved, but it's bullshit. I see shit everyday when i go to school.


Lived there for a while, small place off six forks. Too many nigs and 3rd worlders imo

Stay away from nashville and memphis. Live in nashville area and it has to be one of the worst cities i been to in this entire country. Everywhere else is top tier.

Alabama seems nice

too many niggers

>plot twist: there are no jobs

Atlanta is literally 50% white including all of the suburbs. That's terrible. The cost of living is also garbage given the crime, trash weather, and general niggardry

Georgia is over 30% black

Wisconsin fits the bill, so long as you stay out of Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha or Dane, counties. The first 3 because they're the only ones infested with niggers and other trash (thanks to the Chicago fuckbags who headed north for more gibs), and the latter because it's the Berkeley of the Midwest, and pure cancer. Even the famers in Dane County are fucking liberal retards who pride themselves on being paid subsidies to not grow crops numerous years out of each decade. Everywhere else, though, it's fucking comfy living.

Hows colorado springs? Looks like a nice place

Alabama seems similar to TN

If I knew you were not going to be a shitty person I would tell you where you could get a:
>1 bedroom
>free water
>vonage phone
>unlimited internet
>in a 98% white community
For $610 a month with jobs everwhere (factories) paying $15 an hour.

Is there a place to park my bulldozer?

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Eastern Kentucky. West Virginia. The guy that said suburbs of Atlanta, well, feral niggers tend to roam and Atlanta is only 33% white. While more whites are moving in this means niggers are getting displaced to the suburbs and it is the poor criminal class that is getting displaced.


500 a month
3 bed, 2 bath house. Driveway, front yard, fenced back yard. Fire pit.

Roll tide.

Maynardville, MI?

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Northern New England, the biggest cities in the three states are pozzed and diversified but any town after that is a good choice.

We got niggers, not where i live. Thats why its 20 bucks for a year of CCW. Fill out one sheet of paper and youre good to go. No BLM or kikes out here. I will gladly deal with the fact that i may have to waste a nig on my way to work or getting groceries.

Gas is also 2.20, no traffic,


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That is literally one of the blackest places in America

Any rural area in the midwest is going to be very white and have low cost of living. You have a choice of literally thousands of small towns.

fbi? cia? you guys are smooth. my neighbor works for Department of Agriculture and parks his bulldozer across the street from my house. You watching me on satelite? how large is my file? i swear my militant stances are strictly patriotic and i wouldnt hurt anyone that didnt try me first.

New Hampshire. Anywhere outside of Nashua (Trashua) or Salem.

>too many blacks
the way i see it, this is not all that bad. at the current rates, US-born blacks will continue to die early and their populations will remain largely the same. whereas the awakening of whites could shift many of the formerly black areas towards majority white. isn't this kind of scenario already happening in Detroit?

>Suburbs of Atlanta
Hipsters are pushing blacks into the suburbs. Whites are a minority in multiple suburban Atlanta counties. You need to go at least to Dawson County and stay away from Hall County, which is Mexico II. Lumpkin or White (kek) county would be as close as you want to get to Atlanta.


I would say Indiana but were full so you can fuck off