Why are spics so based?

think about it. Spics are super racist, sexist, homophobic, and traditional. Most are very hard working, ultra-conservative, and very very christian. They are even replacing niggers, since whites are deciding not to have kids and cant do it themselves. Look at historically black areas, like Compton, Inglewood, Bronx, Brooklyn, Harlem, etc. those places are niggers getting btfo by spics. In fact, they are so based some niggers are starting to accuse them of having privilege too.

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everything you say applies as long as you stay out of the big cities
I'd say Buenos Aires is one of the most atheistic, feminist and homosexual-ridden city in the Americas, competing maybe with Rio de Janeiro and San Francisco

Almost exactly this, but as (((media))) extends to the rest of the country, it will become pozzed

>Spics are super racist
They are literal one drop rule niggers lmao.

Who gives a shit, if lighter skinned niggers hate their purer relatives. If anything pure negroid > light version aka spic/kike/arab/ahMed


maybe, rural and small town people are quite resistant to changes in their mentality. It's for their own good to keep their societal values intact.
In Argentina most of the abortion campaign followers are located in the 3 largest cities (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario). The rest of the country refuses to accept abortion being legalised.

protip: spics just want to be left alone without outsiders getting into their business, and that includes disputes with other spic countries

They aren’t based whatsoever
t. Son of two Argentine parents

Fuck off Juan.

Spics are the worse.
The Haitians here in Brazil are way more civilized than the Venezuelans.
Haitians = Work Hard but don't demand no gibs.
Venezuelans = Gib me shelter Brazil, it is our right , gib gib. And they get leftist support


Montevideo is a cesspool of socialists and raging hairy fat feminists.

Those must be different hatians than the ones in the dominican republic; domnicans always complain about hatians

Not him but it's true, the fewest ones i saw here were actually working. Although i don't blame the Venezuelans either, i mean they're fucking starving and desperate, not saying that i defend them.

It's full of feminists here, that's why im leaving this place.

If spics were so based, Mexico, central and south America would be super powers right now

Cubans copied puerto rican flag there I said it.

Juan Pablo Hernandez Cruz
El Goblino del Dixie

>They are literal one drop rule niggers lmao.
Your Mutt Princess has way more African DNA than the average spic

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You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Jose Tyrone LeShawn de Cordoba. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.

Die, banana eating freak. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

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if you want a laugh just 1 day ago I was told in my first class of economy at uni that argentina was an "almost completely neoliberal country", of courses, my professor was both keynesian, and a women.

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STFU spic. You goblins are violent, impulsive, egotistical sub-humans.

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Yeah we have some Confederate events and the occasional larping in my city. After all they found it.

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Venezuelan women are GOAT compared to Argentine women
yet the Venezuelan men I've encountered are dumb as a window made out of cardboard

le ebic kobibasta :D

Fun fact: UK Princess Mutt has a Mutt dog as pet

Attached: Meghan-Markle-and-her-dog-Bogart.jpg (590x591, 61K)

>ooga booga

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The problem really is that the Venezuelan refugees flocked a small city of 12k people and the govt is only helping these refugess, while the city systems are already overstreched. That's why people there were fucking pissed.

>really hard working
Mutts and shit in my country do the bare minimum in everything

>and very very christian

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Argie is right. Big cities tend to host a lame regional version of what you recognize as degeneracy.

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Based and redpilleeed

Dominicans are the only based ones.

Other countries are shit tier.

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Hello, Spics

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Thats sad, venezuelans and haitians work hard here, the only thing i hate about haitians is that some of them try to look like those ghetto motherfuckers from usa


Anglocucks still think we are south Mexico but we are very much cucked in our big cities. 3rd wave feminism, manginas, interracial teenage couples, all that trash.

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what makes them based user? or are you just self serving?

political correctness has never been a major issue until recent times plus or history has always been harsh enough to weed out most of the cucks

No one is going to read all of that, you dumb spic.

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It's funny that a brit says something like that, because even in our news you are seen as the cuck lords of Europe
Literally read pic related minutes ago

im really, really sorry about this huebro. those venezuelans gibsmedat type should stay in venezuela and starve to death. but i promise you, we arent all like this, but sadly you are getting the worsts (congolombians mutt babies)

Hello, I hope you're doing ok

Big dicks, big brains, good looks.

We have no problem enforcing our immigration laws in the age of globalist. We literally made it so that mother fuckers could be born in our country and still be illegal during heavy scrutiny by the global elite.

The economy has been rising for decades. We despite criminals. Illegals Dominicans get universally shamed (except for rich leftist that are typical of any country at this point)

I'd wager that if we play our cards right we're going to be one of the first mutt countries that makes it out of the middle wage global meme by our economic own economic advancement.

And It's mostly just me being self serving.

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>white babies are the minority in Londonistan

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lmao who the fuck illegally immigrates to DR? Your neighbors in the failed state of Haiti?

One good storm and your shitstain island is ruined.

>who the fuck illegally immigrates to DR
>the people who do? lmao
Wew, what did he mean by this?

DR is not Puerto Rico senpai. We're not a meme territory, storms go by every Hurricane season but you can't stomp the big platano.

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Is that one of the rare jap dominicans?

>DR is not Puerto Rico
you got that right. PR has white people and isnt a infested niggerhole ruled by drug dealers

>el argentANO señores

Bro, shouldn't you be worrying about your increasing debt and decreasing value of your currency?

And lmao @ this guy thinking the absolute TERRITORY of Puerto Rico is not a caserio narco state.

Drugs dealers get dunked on the daily in here.

nah thats just a meme.

>You are the Baltimore of South America.
End this thread already, we have a winner.

My country have the specialty of been offended when you call a Dominican "black" because in our perception our definition of blacks are Haitians and as you know Haiti is a cancer and must be nuked, countries like Chile can understand why we hate Haitians so much.