What do you guys think of this stupid cunt? Can she take down Trump or will she be another fart in the wind?
Liz Warren
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She's a Brown stain on the Mattress.
I can't wait for the Pocahontas memes.
She is great
Run her
Bernie did her and then hung her up wet
I want to see a debate between her and Trump so badly. He'll tear her apart as she yammers on about ebil guns and muh illegal children.
Is that a real question? Neither side takes her remotely serious. Hillary just used her for the crazy spinster aunt vote.
Next president of the USA
>Can she take down Trump
No, she's actually less likeable than Hillary. A Mass Dem will appeal to no one outside of New England.
oh i hope they dont, Drump.. I mean Trump will lose for sure
I think she need some to repent. So do you. You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart. Find love.
Don't forget the lesbian vote with her lap dog Maura Healey who makes more and more gun laws via announcement.
We need to go ahead and start some divide and conquer in the left. We need to push pocahontas, crank out those memes faggots.
She's just what the young, diversity oriented progressive movement needs right now....another old, white person telling what to do.
Dems were retarded for not running her last election. Literally all they need to do to win is get a handful of working class white votes + all minorities and they never lose.
elizabeth warren said yesterday that the college student being murdered by an illegal immigrant is a sad situation but the 'real problem' is child immigrants being temporarily separated from their crime-committing parents
She is a dysfunctional psycho. The fringe have all the press, normal people who have brains, love and families do not have any press. And apparently voting does matter. RED WAVE
She needs to be given her very own exploding nano bot.
She's the liberal female equivalent of Jeb Bush.
Propped up silly commie bitch. Lies constantly. Wants your kids to get murdered by illegals and poisoned by Monsanto.
Probably sucked Soros' wrinkly old weak penis a hundred times. Basically, a female Trudeau.
she's a communist. possibly a chinese communist party agent.
This, also she is going to get burned by the Bernie wing if she does run because she voted against Sanders and Merkley in increasing the military budget.
She only had any backing when she was hard against the 1% and their megalomania. Now she's just a run of the mill leftist jew sycophant.
pretty accurate
she's a hypocrite and progressive will call her out
she won't run -