

Attached: euphm.jpg (2400x2284, 1001K)

Attached: euphf.jpg (2400x2284, 997K)

Attached: LHqtTRmYtiQ.jpg (941x787, 593K)

Attached: alpinid.png (1374x1245, 452K)

Attached: armenid.png (1374x1245, 293K)

Attached: atlantid.png (1374x1245, 546K)

Attached: baltid.png (1374x1245, 618K)

lmao. that is pseudo-science

why can't you see any phenotypes in the US then?
they are whites from european origin

Attached: cromagnid.png (1374x1245, 873K)

Attached: dinarid.png (1374x1245, 500K)

Attached: med.png (1374x1245, 711K)

Leave, Jew.

Attached: nordic.png (1374x1245, 829K)

Attached: uralic.png (1374x1245, 445K)

>phenotypes are not biology
>face composites don't exist

>have Neo danubian hairline

anglo-nordid masterrace

I am more or less an Anglo-Nordid hybrid, which makes sense as far as genetics go.

>tfw paleo-atlantid looks like a mirror

Attached: muh-whites.png (640x465, 130K)

Which phenotypes are most patrician to least patrician also some countries have ridiculous phenotype overlap

Bump for interest

I would say Atlantid is the most

>tfw Atlantid Nordid hybrid with blonde hair blue eyes
feelsgoodman Alpinid overlaps a lot of shit though