Mullet Bill
Aus/POL/ - Say Hello to your new PM
First for WAP
that's quite a party he's got out back
just no,
waste of dubbbs too.
gday cunts
>there are people in this thread who think Scomo/Julie will lose
Who the fuck is pol approved for running australia? All i ever see is everyone hating on every politician apart from abbott
I'll see you blokes in the bread lines.
All hail the shorten the (((labor))) party leader and the next leader of the socialist republic of Australia
Dutton better get in there and get Abbott to attack and politically kill bill
I fucking wish
Last thing this country needs is Bill "the rapist" in charge.
who /getup/ here?
>bill shortman as our pm
dutton would be based
Bill "Jobs for whites only" Shorten is going set things right.
inb4 no one gets deported and african gang crime rises even higher.
people have to take note of how australia operates, votes count for nothing, there is no political or electoral watchdog, everything is fake.
australia is not a democracy, we are a dictatorship.
so glad im not gonna be in australia for shorten's reign of terror lads.
the timtam man
bill will just make everything worse.
fucking shill through and through.
Me too, never come back
Turnbull speaking in 20 mins
This is your best chance to use the bathroom
>tfw your representative voted for turnbull
>tfw your representative is a literal jewish lawyer
What's good honest work in freelandTM
Big mistake, Bill is going to usher in a new golden age.
ScoMo's move was petty and if any member's who voiced support for Dutton, especially the late-bloomers like Cormann were to now vote in favour of Morrison they would lose any shred of integrity they have left.
Whichever side wins, we are going to see half of the MPs barred from cabinet positions. With the amount of prominent players that vocally supported Dutton earlier on today I can only assume that Dutton will carry an overwhelming majority of votes. Only chance against him is this being drawn out for weeks.
I hope all of the moderates don't contest their seats in the next federal and just let the liberals be conservative again.
The dream would be David Leyonhjelm
>I hope all of the moderates don't contest their seats in the next federal and just let the liberals be conservative again.
So do I because that would mean them not being in government for a long, long time.
Fraser Anning
and only just.
Gas 99% of them and start all over again imho
So aus/pol/, who did your representative vote for?
Cucks in labor seats need not apply
heaps of work for tradies. im an apprentice sparky
>there are people in this thread who think Scomo/Julie will lose
There are fags in here that think they will win.
willy is a man of the people, and if you dont like it, you can just fuck right off cunt
2GB and Sky are gonna get hammered, they’ve just exploded the liberal party for no purpose
Bring back Howard.
Labor and Liberal are closer in outcome of policy than they have ever been. They both suck.
Buisness in the front, party in the back
except hes a cuck for abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage and literally every other social and environment issue
Australia turning into Melbourne.
Who wouldn't want that?
Putting aide your other shit opinions, if you oppose euthanasia you're an absolute faggot, full stop.
This picture is a work of art, good fucking job.
Whats wrong with that? Are you a christcuck or something?
when did aus/pol/ become full of faggot lefties? first time ive been able to be in an active thread in ages because of time difference and cunts like this are the norm now? can anyone explain?
are you a faggot?
daily reminder that the faggot menace is the second biggest threat to society after the kikes
>Alan Jones has labelled Matthias Cormann the 'nigger in the woodpile' and vowed 'not to yield' to those who find the 19th century phrase offensive.
>Jones later apologised.
If Morrison gets up expect Tones / 2GB to go into meltdown and stink up the place even worse.
What a dumb cunt
Euthanasia isn't a lefty position, it's a position of anybody who isn't a mindless christcuck, and christcucks deserve to watch everyone they love suffer and be robbed of every shred of their personal dignity, before meeting that fate themselves.
There is no type of person lower.
It's a bunch of getup shills havin' a go and getting nowhere. Lunch is almost over so it's just gonna get worse mate
>With the amount of prominent players that vocally supported Dutton earlier on today I can only assume that Dutton will carry an overwhelming majority of votes.
All the lesser known people will swap to Morrison to get big promotions.
Ray Hadley will have to go bash his wife again to let off all the steam exploding out of his head
>the paranoia sets in
t. someone whos either never had a relative die slowly of something like dementia or is confident they'll never be in that situation
most of the backbenchers are just cardboard cutouts, Dutton's already given the promotions out also.
The call the saved Australia
fuck off actual seppo, ive had enough of you retarded cunts
>If the time comes and I want to die you won't let me
Suicide literally is not a crime. Noones stopping you or anyone from taking their own life.
hurr yer lets just let the government kill people what could go wrong
Is this a recent photo?
Exactly. By switching to Morrison they can advance their career/profile/pay packet.
Everyone's vote is equal in this.
"Pssst, Sarah Hanson Young is into bukkake with the lower house backbenchers. I didn't tell you but pass it on"
Hahaha digits confirm your wearing your favourite pair of panties
I’m going to kill myself if Scott Morrison has dogged out the party and carries on the same shit we’ve had to go through for the last few years.
australia was born a catholic nation and god help me it will die before ceasing to be one.
>Call off parliament
>Require a letter with names
Bitch move.
What a cunt.
He's trying to assassinate Dutton openly.
so you're admitting to fitting that bill perfectly?
How fucking arrogant is this Turnbull cunt, seriously. He’s shilling SO hard for the moderates
>Bitch tits bill
>prime minister
Lol pick one
Just fucking go home, Malcolm.
>Party room meeting after Dutton gets told he's ineligible
Potato is roasted.
Gee I wonder who brought this (((issue))) to light. Mal is going full scorched Earth.
This 100% this he has the
final solution for refugees
>apart from abbott
Abbott was a neo-con shill that did nothing to stop mass immigration and actively shit talked proper right-wing figures and ideas and only stopped after he was ousted
Bye bye potato man
life isn't all about being happy. what are you some hedonist degenerate?
None of that shit is leftism you dingus. Fucking hell
I pronounced that as "Worra damb cant" per my online linguistic/phonological course.
Whats happening? Whats mal doing?
Highly accurate.
>Turnbull saying they were ahead on their own polls
Boomer detected
Could we please have another tax and a whole bunch of sudos?
I nearly had a tiny modicum of empathy, if not sympathy, for Malcolm, despite my utter disdain and lack of respect for him. But that has sapped it.
He's got an answer for everything
ScoMo was obviously the mastermind behind this whole thing. Dutton fell right into his trap
He knows he's toast but he's not going to help them out by willingly stepping down, he's making them go through all the motions to remove him.
>party room lunch time tomorrow
>(((getting the SG to comment on Duttons eligibility tomorrow morning, beforehand)))
I believe there are several levels between dealing with unhappiness and something like a terminal illness or losing your memories about everything and everyone you cared about?
bit of a retarded argument man, unless you're assuming I'm one of those who think depression would be a reason to off yourself
He's waiting for a letter with the signatures of a majority of members of the Liberal party room before calling a meeting.
Turnbull says he will call a meeting 'as soon as I get that letter'
Turnbull won't stand for leadership at next ballot