Did Hitler's homosexuality influence his action?

Did Hitler's homosexuality influence his action?

Attached: gay fuhrer.png (1352x1100, 907K)

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Wtf I hate gay people now


Did OP's influence this post

I love how this hedonistic degenerates lable everybody as gay who has ideals about love.

he had his friend rohm murdered after catching him being gay
so, im guessing this is a plot (((they))) came up with to slander him

>implying loving a man isn't gay

Rohm also loved little boys too and OP left out the author's name so we don't see it's jewish


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ignore slide threads

>gay people are genocidal

Makes me think.

Hitler, like Jow Forums, loved boipucci.

gass yourself

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He loved Geli, she killed herself/was suicided after... not being as loyal as you could expect, afterwards he has been heartbroken and did not want to have a woman that he cannot give what she deserves.

Also, > who is Eva Braun?

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Many people here have fapped to trannies, some of them with 6+ inch non-feminine cocks.

Rohm was killed out of fear for usurping you retard. He was too radical socialist wise for the current german government

So why not promote this as a wedge against homosexuals. Nazi's were gay and the roots of the gay rights struggles are grounded in the National socialist movements of the 1930's.

>memeflag shill
>calling out another memeflag shill

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What the fuck are you talking about pinko

For a moment I thought it was Stalin driving Hitler

Hitler's typing in the gay community is Fuhrer-otter, meaning he's lean and hairy, but not quite a bear and also he's the leader of the reich

Yeah Hitler always knew Rohm was gay, but he was power hungry, always talking about furthering the revolution and increasing the strength of the SA. his brownshirts were also still beating people uo in the streets once the Nazis were in power and done with the streetfighting. Rohm was a threat to his image and party unity.

Of course. Combined with his single testicle, micro-penis, and jewish/negroid ancestry. That's enough to turn anyone homicidal.

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>1 post ID nazi memeflag
These threads are made by an user from Portugal, probably from Jow Forums

No his schizaphrenia and farting problem cause this.

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>hitler was gay
>with one testicle
>who used to rape his niece
>and pee on little girls
>and liked to be pooped on
I'm sure I'm missing something new in the latest circus of bullshit.

I hate them.

Too based
