the real red pill is Marxism
troll harder Trumpian fags
the real red pill is Marxism
troll harder Trumpian fags
wtf I love Hillary now
Man, I love eating food.
Fuck you converted me to a faggot nigger lover, what ever will I do.
fascism is better than both crapitalism and cummunism
Ooof, what happened?!
Why in the fuck would ANY White person support a vehemently anti-White ideology?
Legend has it he’s still trying to remove that dome to this very day.
because they convinced everyone that jewish people are not white
And he did..
I don't think you know what Marxism is.
race is irrelevant.
I think ur gay
>redpilled ideology
>race is irrelevant
shill harder
Jow Forums created this monster by sexual harassment of a minor
how is Marxism in any way shape or form "anti-white"? whatever the fuck that means
And we will destroy it
>destroys private property
>destroys the family unit headed by the father
>destroys the rights to inheritance
Literally every great thing about western-european civilization came from these 3 principles in one way or another. They are the qualities and attributes of a freeman
>generalizes a complexity like class into a rigid dichotomy
> denies anthropological, racial and cultural sciences and stats
Literally everything about it defies what has allowed whites to create advanced cultures. It’s to rigid of a system for life to exist in especially white life
you're mentally ill.
I'm sorry for whomever takes care of you.
because white people are the best and marxism makes people the same which means it has to make everyone as trash as the lowest person
marxism is a nigger ideology and you likely are one
Experiencing difficulties?
the sole fact that it's a materialist ideology dooms it to fail
>marxism makes people the same which means it has to make everyone as trash as the lowest person
this has to be one of the most retarded lies that mongoloids like you use against marxism.
how stupid would you have to be to believe capitalists lies? lmao
please explain to me, how does marxism make everyone as trash as the lowest person?
Marxism is a purely material ideology, completely divorced from any semblance of spirituality.
Communists are hollow, dead husks of humans that have divorced themselves from something natural within the human condition.
The only thing they care about is ensuring everyone gets the same amount of shit and can consume at comfortable levels.
"I am" trumps "we are".
Because fuck you.
>The only thing they care about is ensuring everyone gets the same amount of shit
literally wrong
>innate equality
>red pill
Pick one.
i had a dream that emma watsons last moments were during that 10x10x10 shit she was shilling. thats why she was so scared during the presentation. she was molested beforehand but the show must go on and then afterward the gang bang left her in a state of ruin and the liberal media said they didnt want brown people blamed and they euthanized her
then they put some big chinned look alike on the falon show to ease every ones minds about where she was and how she was doing. in the same dream eminem was killed by some rich guy who had plastic surgery who kinda sounded like him who wanted to be famous not just rich. he went to all the parties did the drugs fucked random whores and lived it up but it was a hollow life and he got bored of it then he got busted and was forced out of retirement and he made that coffee song
It's copypasta. I think the first part is a salient criticism but you're right about that part. They are primarily driven by resentment, not material equality. They hate their betters, they hate the strong, they hate the good. In the past they hated the exploitation of the market system but now they seem to just hate everything.
no, all marxism wants is collective ownership of the means of production, that way the workers are paid what their labour is worth, and not less, and that would lead to the erradication of social classes as everyone is a worker.
that's literally it.
Makes sense now
Shut the fuck up, amerindian nigger. Go back to you shitty villa, wanna be Che Guevara leftist piece of shit.
What is?
Is that a harlequin fetus?
typicial 60 iq right winger.
agressively edgy response with no argument whatsoever.
must be nice being 12.
I've read the Communist Manifesto, faggot. The ideology has evolved and taken on a culture its own over time. Communists are a subculture.
This but x900000000
It's all related anyway. Resentment, feelings of inferiority, identifying with losers, wanted to totally restructure the economy
Marxism, indeed communism, is for easily lead braindead faggots. Try again sweetie.
nice try faggot
its never that simple
all commies are under the same fucking shitty umbrella and will be treated as such
Is she an open commie now? sad
Thus sounds like most other ideologies then tf
You mean like this? No thank you.
I don't feel like arguing with deluded people like you. Have you read the platform the left is proposing? It's economical, political, and societal suicide.
What you propose just isn't viable. I swear it's like you people don't even live in the same dimension.
soft headed faggots actually believe this garbage
Just because your red doesn't mean your drug of choice is, Comrade Cocksmoker.
>I've read the Communist Manifesto, faggot
superb credentials.
marxism is still a critique of capitalism, proposing a different system in which the means of production are owned by the proletariat and nothing more.
you might want to read "Lohnarbeit und Kapital", "Das Kapital" and "Kritik des Gothaer Programms" if you want to argue about it without sounding like a complete retard.
he's right, you dumbass communist. communism is a boomer tier cringe larp.
explain how it isn't viable to have collective ownership of the means of production.
Das Kapital is impossibly boring and totally outmoded. It's a literally useless piece of shit. What a fucking waste of time it was trying to read that. That's like saying you should read a manual on a 56 Chevy.
what are you even talking about?
Degenerate losers, I believe he means.
Collective? Are you really that retarded? Do you think all the workers are going to have control of the means of production?
No, you fool. The ones controlling them will be the ones at the top. The same useless, unthinking, incompetent fucks that claim to be your leaders.
This is why I don't want to argue with you. You are just dumb.
I'm legitimately surprised you can even read
How fucking embarrassing is it to take these works seriously? I knew an East German professor who had a degree in Soviet Economics. They didn't let her teach in the West. HAHAHAHAHA
>explain how it isn't viable to have collective ownership of the means of production.
People suck at self administration and finance? As evident by the failure of previous attempts at collectivism? It has literally ruined every nation that has adopted that delusional concept. Marxist faggots go on and on about "muh collective" without ever explaining why collectives don't work. They don't work because PEOPLE FAGGOT, THEY SUCK.
Sick burn, pinko.
at the top of what?
collective ownership means that you get what your labour is worth, it's not that you get revenues from or control of the means of production.
fucking hell you're retarded.
stay indoctrinated into capitalism, dumfuck.
What is the "means of production" even mean in a modern economy? This is something the Chinese should consider maybe... wait... do they have some history with this? I forget.
Get a job, loser.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to wikipedia, idiot.
And how do you determine what your labor is worth? A wage? Ahhhhhhhhh
I have a skillset where I can basically name my own price. I make more than enough money working part time. Why would any successful man be drawn to this shitty ideology?
The market.
attacking without arguments, that's all you're doing.
again showing your 60 iq at it's maximum capacity.
>Socialism destroys markets
>hey guis lets do it again!
something something insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result....jesus fuck you people are dumb af
>I have a skillset where I can basically name my own price
no you don't.
Dude, our income is probably 10 times more than his. Give the poor faggot a break. He's read some real hard (boring) books.
The real red pill is that Marxists are Marxism's greatest enemy.
Also everyone is not fit to run a business so that fucks it over as well.
Alright, dumbass. Who determines what you labour is worth? How are you compensated for your labour? Do you just say "Oh, I should make 2423432432 a year" and the state pays you?
There's a competitor who does what I do so I have to charge less than $110/hr. Most of my clients hate working with them so i just charge 90 and get most of their work. Since I'm independent, it works out for me.
socially necessary labour time.
if you weren't so retarded and uneducated you would've known, but you're 12 and you're critiqueing an ideology you clearly know nothing about.
If you would've learned to code or learned a trade instead of learning how to be a smug faggot maybe you'd make some money too.
that's all Marxists want? you can't call people morons on here when you literally just exposed your double digit IQ
so I was right and you literally can't name your own price.
what else do you reckon marxism stands for?
And who determines what products/goods/commodities are socially necessary?
no he is right. Classical Marxists literally only have this in mind. Problem is 99.99999% of marxists are neo-marxists, aka,
socially necessary products?
that's not what it means, you fucking mongoloid.
just google it.
yes, the problem is that that's not marxism, whomever coined the term neo-marxism is an absolute cunt.
Sneezing accident
She has made a full recovery now
The title is actually not wrong lol
>gets promoted vy rich people and jews
>gets a free pass from the gouverment to attack the political opposition
>I swear guuyyyys we are revolutionary
You are not a revolutionary or a free thinker. You are like a muslim growing up in saudi arabia claiming that you found the way to islam all by yourself.
What happens if I just say no?
I don't think you know what Marxism is.
Karl Marx wrote extensively about race and even published a book only about the Jewish race.
>gets promoted by rich people and Jews
Is this "marxism" in the "trying to end capitalist ownership of the means of production" sense?
I'm sure they promote "marxism" in the "anything I don't like in politics and culture" sense but that frankly doesn't have much to do with what we advocate.
Wow, you are dense. Socially necessary labour time is a metric to determine the exchange value of certain goods. If more is produced than what is needed, the value drops, if less is produced, the value rises.
Why do you think this shitty system is better?
Don't write 'what we advocate' as if you've ever had an original marxist thought in your life. Being an edgy teen without a life on an anime image board does not make you a marxist or part of the marxist movement.
then why did you ask about "socially necessary products"? are you legitimately retarded?
socially necessary labour time is what determines the value of your work, it's fair, nobody takes surplus value from what you made, you get all the value your work is worth.
She’s an attention whore with no self esteem. The ugly in her insides reflect the ugliness in her picture.
How is it better than the current system? Does the free market not give you what you work is worth?
ofcourse it doesn't, if it did then it wouldn't be capitalism, since whomever privately owns the means of production would break even and never make a profit at all, therefore making his capitalist investment useless and so it would never happen in the first place.
if there's a capitalis that has employees working for him, he's making a profit off those worker's labour, meaning that those workers are not getting paid the full value of their labour.
this is basic marxism, I can't believe you were trying to argue about this when you don't know shit.
jesus christ, I'm just gonna stop talking to you.