Japanese Culture

Japan did nothing wrong.
>Change my mind.

Attached: P1DZExncycQvhXe_3undmPdwehUYrI2IsruqXM9bRvE.jpg (500x367, 29K)

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they didn't beat the allies

If you think what’s happening in that picture is okay, you need to repent. Go to church. Turn from evil.

Shit happens in war. As men,we are supposed to protect our country,women and children no matter what the cost.

Attached: 37029406_224622401718859_7473881962835345408_n.jpg (1080x1080, 77K)

All Japanese Culture is based on tiny asian penis shame

Asian master race, they failed to finish the job

Why have so many Indian men raped little girls recently? I've read some absolute horror stories over the past few days.

Isn’t that a fucking doll? Quite literally the most blatant propaganda I’ve ever seen

Adult women would mock their tiny penises


Anyone, of any ideology, left, right or centrist, who tries to justify bayoneting an infant in front of their parents needs to have molten lead forced into their dickhole.

Attached: 1531737370832.png (740x900, 923K)

They were just helping China deal with its overpopulation problem.

Just a friendly reminder that the Japanese during ww2 were just good goys and were the first to recognize israeli claims after the war.


If you think that's not a staged "atrocity" picture you might be a brainlet

Should have picked a better day to bomb Pearl Harbor.

China would have done it to them. Chinks are trying to choke out the rest of the world slowly, through manipulation and lies. Then they wonder why they get slaughtered en masse.

There are hundreds of millions of chinks who all think they are the center of the universe and want you to pay tribute to them, even though they are soulless bugs.

They literally think that because of their writing system, and the fact that the word "middle" is in their name, that they deserve to rule the world.

The photo you see is simply the result of Confucian cultural constructs leading to the mindset of hierarchy and subjugation. And it is why Asia, will always, always, be trash


China gets carved up and turned into Manchuria and whatever else. Now you understand what Japan was trying to do. They were trying to save Asia.

Let’s say it’s not? But the guy who posted said he was okay with it, I assume whether it’s real or not. If you’re okay with killing babies you need to repent and turn from evil.

This. That picture is so clearly doctored. The Nanjing event was complete BS. Our only video evidence comes from a known British provisional government spy.

The Japanese have a great appreciation for labor and craftsmanship which makes them virulently anti Semitic.

Attached: Anime.jpg (455x608, 89K)

I'd stuff her curry hole if you know what I mean. Post more desis.

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I used to hate Japs for WW2 but I now realize they were just trying to exterminate the chink menace before they became a problem. Why did they have to try and step to America?

Anime was a mistake

>Why did they have to try and step to America?
Why does nobody know about the oil crisis? Why does everyone fucking think that the Japs just randomly decided to attack America for fun?

You're not wrong. East Asia should be under Japan's sphere of influence to do what they wish

>soldiers did horrible things during a brutal war
I C A N A B S O L U T E L Y N O T B E L I E V E I T!

who cares even if it is
japs raped and killed chink babies. if you want to know which asians are "the good ones" the answer is none of them

I always wondered if that photo was real. And if it is, did he actually kill it or was it dead already.

I genuinely don't know anyone who could hold a bayonetted 20-30 pound baby at that angle specially with those scrawny arms.

The torque alone is inhuman.

I believe Nazi Germany would not have completely crumbled if it wasn't for Japan.

burgerland has had its jewish shlong balls deep into japan's red butthole for the last 70 years. they aren't even allowed to have an army, and it's sadder yet: if it weren't for burgerland the chinks would have nuked them again by now.


Poor little lady,
Never forgetti,
Unit 731,
Russian baby spaghetti

Attached: Unit-731-victim.jpg (800x443, 65K)

t. stuffs that never happened
Most if not all "Japanese" soldiers in WWII were actually Korean, a truly barbaric race.

>Japanese culture
>Picture of japs making shishkebab out of a chink baby

.......and the problem is?

this is clearly propaganda for >muh atrocities
it doesn't even look like an old photo, it looks like someone threw filters on it

Stop tempting us with your pooinlou-wess

>Its another obscure Chink Propaganda photo episode.

She cute.

The only thing wrony about Japan in World War II was that we only dropped two nukes on them and gave them the option to surrender...should have killed 10,000 jap scum for every POW that died during the Bataan Death March

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>Korean American Kim Cock Suck

japs did nothing wrong since ch*nks aren't human

warfare 101: kill the enemies' babies and rape their women so that they raise yours
tribals understood it
Cry more