>Be me >Average male, like masculine things, but attracted exclusively to men >Always known deep down inside being a fag was stupid >Can't just fap >Engage in faggotry >Learn about white demographic demise >Realize my mother was right about (((them))) entire life >Realize I fell into the most devious tier of degeneracy
Is there hope for me, for any homo? Is a cure possible, is isolation and celibacy my fate?
Wouldn't it be better for me to at least die fighting for my people (not fags)? Is there such thing as ex gay?
Austin Sullivan
This. Bide your time taking anal assaults for now, but when the shit hits the fan we're gonna need you to jihad-hug some darkies
John Reyes
Or he could get Aids and spread it to all the other homo faggots so they die
Gavin Jenkins
Many men pst that when they give up porn and do no fap, and stop obsessing over their faggotry, they eventually choose being straight.
Aiden Reyes
Don't listen to these faggots, yes you can change
Cooper Scott
Some yes, most no. It is a mental disorder of biological defect. Not really genetic but a little bit influenced by it, but once it affects the growth of your brain, it’s not leaving.
There is however a significant amount of present day lgbt who are mostly savable, and simply brainwashed into their behaviours. Peer pressure and social conditioning to create homosexuals from normal people is also observed in a number of studies.
TLDR Mostly no, but some yes
Jordan Young
You dont have to act on it. Here's a newsflash, if you don't have sex, you dont die. If you dont want to fuck guys, you don't have to. Im an average guy, attracted to men as you are, acted on it a few times, realized it wasnt worth it. In fact, in my opinion it's pretty sleazy what's going on nowadays and the whole LGBT bullshit is just an attempt to rob men of their masculinity. You don't have to participate in the meat market, or even act upon it. Dont let the current bullshit narrative turn you into a rainbow pansy.
Anthony Moore
Or moderation, OP. Either marry and procreate or isolation, while sucking dick low key. Just reject the homosexual lifestyle and culture. Embrace your masculinity. Keep knob-gobbling to yourself.
Xavier Diaz
Don't be stupid. With all the retroviral meds out there, HIV/AIDS carries live for decades.
Matthew Richardson
Pray the gay away. Worked for me.
Alexander Thompson
You can pray that gay away or Pense's electro-shock therapy can help.
But are you actually attracted to women? I'm not and that's what terrifies me. I'll always be a fucking fag.
Samuel Lee
You could low key suck some of the dicks in this thread, since it's painfully obvious that no one else will.
Xavier King
Tbh I think everyone is born bisexual but they just develop differently as they age.
I'm sure you can always redevelop.
John Harris
You don't have to get married. Im at the point where I really can't fuck a woman, but im losing interest in sex with guys as well. It's just not worth it, and after you it 40 your priorities change anyways and you focus on other things. Learn you talents, build your legacy. If you get your cock suck here and there low-key no big deal, but if you have other things in your life it wont matter as much. Then again Im fucked up.
Carter Garcia
You have a based mother. Stay strong user.
Jack Garcia
Is it right to expect a woman to marry a man who has fucked men on the regular? Probably not. It seems pretty fucked up, dishonest.
Jason Walker
I agree with this Slavic subhuman mongrel
Adrian Bennett
I am, and I dated, and I still date. I just don't really feel like sleeping with them. Honestly sex with men is a lot easier and accessible. You can gte it anywhere. Women play games and cost money. Youre only a fag if you make yourself a fag. A guy who's attracted to guy isnt a fag, a gut that sells out on his masculinity and culture is a fag.
Jace Johnson
Here is a good place to start to get help. You can beat sexual sin in your life. You just need to find jesus and submit to him. Its possible, trust me. livehope.org/
Isaiah Russell
You can never unsuck a dick.
Hunter Butler
No you aren't fucked up I see what you saying. I've been losing interest in sex in general and that helped me see what a trap it is. I'm 26 though. I'm worried about my future and what I'm gonna leave.
Brandon Hill
Marry a bisexual or lesbian then.
Aaron Sullivan
My ma thanks you user
Sebastian Lee
there is no cure for being a fag millions have tried and none have succeeded, its deep wired into your brain
seeing as you're posting on Jow Forums of all places im guessing you will be living either as a sad repressed homosexual or with guilt of eating dick your entire life
good luck lol
Logan Lee
You have a lot of time ahead of you. I got 20 years on you, user. And I have to to tell you, I have regrets. In my experience the whole men with men thing has a lot of lacking. There's sex, but no emotion, if that makes sense. I reached a point where I can love someone and not want to have sex with them, and I had sex with people I had no feelings for, that's common. It's weird, i know, but it's what they don't tell you. That's why there are so many gay whores. Really, some men have 1,000 sex partners and don't even know their last names, and it's deemed as courageous and healthy. You're not damaged, they are.
Juan Turner
But the fact that sex with other men is easier doesn't mean it doesn't come with other costs which it does. Considering how modern female culture has developed, the issues you're talking about is exactly the reason why homosexuality was either outright banned or heavily ritualized and controlled; if homosexuality is ok, then men that would have normally developed to be normal get sucked into being gay, then rejecting women altogether.... Fuck I'm a sperg
Ian Baker
At least the repressed homo has the dignity of not sucking cock anymore.
Dominic Russell
Like I said I havent fucked around much. The times I did were usually married men with kids out in the burbs. That's a LOT more common thna most people realize.
Nolan Rodriguez
This is very true. My attempts at homo relationships always ended in failure, disaster. No real substance other than sex. At best we did guy things together. I've seen some horror story gays... Got treated like shit a lot when I engaged the (((culture))).
Colton Robinson
it must be a nightmare to live without being able to satisfy your sexual urges just take a look at incels
i know i'd go mental
nobody is going to award you your dignity of not being gay. specially not in this day and age. but alas, your mum issues. then again, that's probably why you're gay
as i previously stated, good luck lol
Charles Evans
I KNOW and it makes me fucking bonkers.
Elijah Lopez
Carter Nelson
Its actually not. Suppose you were married, loved your wife but something happened and she wasnt able to have sex, or lost interest. You either divorce her, cheat on her or live with it. Sooner or later all married couples either have far less sex or no sex at all.
Thomas Reyes
This is true even in gay relationships I notice but then they just do a bunch of gang bangs and all that catch hiv.
Luis Thomas
You sound pretty red-pilled, user. You know a lot of it just a scam. They want to rob you of your masculinity and make you subservient to women. Fags do that. They turn feminine and have fat ugly chick friends that use them like pets. It's so fucked up it's scary.
im telling you man i have a lot of gay friends, my gf's best friends are mostly gay men
you're looking for the approval of losers thats Jow Forums ive been here since 2008. now there's a political agenda but we're still losers. Jow Forums's approval doesnt matter. half the user base here are virgins. its ok to suck dick. i mean, who gives a shit. you're not important. nobody cares
it must suck that your mom will never accept that. but you'll find a lot more support in the gay community than here. also you get to fuck a lot because the lord knows fags are the most promiscuous horde this society has to offer. either that or attempt to be straight and never get a hard on with a woman. IF you ever manage to get one naked.
from what i've seen, the happiest way out for you is to accept you're a fag. i mean, could be worse. some people are born blind yknow. you just like cock
Logan Evans
i've been through that and my way out is to cheat no harm done and its done wonders to me and my partners sex life she understands and doesnt as any questions
Bentley Gomez
Much truth. Thanks user.
Adrian Miller
Bast AF.
Dylan Turner
We are the losers club. Yet free to speak our minds at the same time.
David Ross
And the only place that seems to actually live in reality relative to our ridiculous society. I mean kooks aside, what's happening is pretty unbelievable. Idk I'm WN, and want to join a WN group but maybe that's a foolish thing to do.
Logan Lewis
That's a hard decision. To me its not necessary about race, it's about saving our country. I will get condemned for this but there are a lot of smart red-pilled black men on Youtube that are waking up and figuring shit out. I think we need to work together because they're getting fucked over too.
Sebastian Morris
We do need to save our country but at this point I just don't care about any other people except whites. I used to have a lot of empathy for other races but now I just don't really give a shit because with the tech we have now everybody should just be fine. If other races can't get it together that's not our problem.
Isaiah Scott
white nationalists will always despise you for the way your brain is wired it would be an act of masochism
we do not get to choose what turns us on you can't change that i'm afraid travolta spent millions on scientology and he still groped some poor's masseuse's junk
i get why you come here, im here as well. grade a memes and a constant influx of data but pretending to be straight just to get the approval of very resented people doesn't seem like the best way to invest what little time you have on this planet
orgasms are great. lots of endorphins and shit it ll do ya good
Julian Russell
Good point.
Carson Young
>Get aids >Give to as many niggers and shit skins as possible >Winrar
Jacob Thomas
This website has many examples of straight people losing interest in women and fapping to something else - cartoons, traps, men, etc. It's just a pattern of thinking, all of which can be retrained to be something else. start fapping to men with small peen, or traps and work your way into women. Be patient, look for the beauty in women, look for the disgust in men.
Jack Stewart
I can see how that may work. Thanks, user.
Henry Thomas
You're honestly probably right haha idk I feel like realizing the things I have i must at least try.
Elijah Butler
Why so whites can pay for their antivirals?
Austin Myers
Here are your choices.
1. Shove down your concerns about degeneracy and health risks, ignore the universally understood (until about 30 years ago?) moral precept that buggery is reprehensible, and having sex with men. 2. Try and un-roastie yourself by finding some girl who's okay with your past and have this weird sex-free companionship existence. Couple of my Christian gay friends went this way and it seems to be working out okay for them. That said, they're still basically butt-roasties. 3. Stop. Recognize your soul and your heritage is worth more than your dick. Plant gardens. Learn a new skill. Volunteer on projects you think are valuable. Help other recovering faggots realize their life doesn't have to be wasted.
Jacob Robinson
Yes you can change. "Born this way" is a Jew created lie. It's not gay to find a man handsome, it's gay to want sex from him. Ernst Rohm was gay (or bisexual) and he was unironically based. Plus I'm pretty sure Alexander the Great was bisexual.
Logan Ramirez
That's awesome.
Grayson Cook
2 was great but number 3 really hit it home. Celibacy has its own dignity. Thought about just doing that when I started hitting puberty. Held out for a few years.
Brandon Turner
Do not listen to the morons ITT. Fuck who you want when you can. You only get one live man
I hope these words reach you
Levi Peterson
They don't. I'm already passed that line of reasoning.
Sebastian Rodriguez
The Ernst Röhms > The Nathan Lanes
Redpill the gays. We need the SA back.
John Rivera
There was this story I read in grade school. Basically, the main character was gay as a kid and his dad found out. The dad then proceeded to dunk the MC's head in a barrel of water and began inquisition-style "drown the woman in him".
Story fast forwards to MC as an adult with a wife and a bar owner, reminiscing of the "drowned girl" before forgetting about it to send a couple drinks to his clients.
The story was very obviously trying to paint the tragedy of how the MC's inner self was "killed" but I couldn't help but applaud it's ending.
Ryder Martin
You're gonna be OK, user. Learn everything, create a legacy, get the pill redder and take what you learned and pass it on. That's how it works.
Aiden Gonzalez
Than enjoy repressing your natural urges and love the rest of your short life in misery and denial ya fucking faggot
Jonathan Garcia
If only it were that simple.
Zachary Gray
So happiness is 100% based on getting your dick wet. sure...
Jayden Jackson
The janitors will snatch this thread up soon, user. If they do I wish you the best and reach for greatness...it's already in you.
Electro-shock therapy is the real deal. The old bois in the 19th century knew thier stuff. Pain is the ultimate teacher, and it can and should be used to properly reshape the mind out of deviance. Get to it you gaybo.
Memeflag Shill... Modern techniques do not require such measures. ECT is still used to great effect in depression.
Modern techniques for change would probably follow a cognitive behavioral approach, classic Freudian approaches to shore up deficient developmental relationships/experiences, or trauma therapy to address CSA.