Is racism based or just fucking gay? Personally, I want the best person for the job...

Is racism based or just fucking gay? Personally, I want the best person for the job. I'd rather a skilled Indian surgeon over a retarded butterfingers Aryan one and you would too

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I don't believe anyone in here would say differently. We're against diversity hires. Would you prefer a lazy nigger who got passed for the color of his skin over that same highly skilled Indian to make up fo-hunnert years of O-preshin?

Discriminate against low IQ and you solve a lot of problems

I wouldn't bat an eye at Jews being wealthy if they weren't trying to destroy every white country


Here's your skilled surgeons bro
>but I want all the multicult without the affirmative action!
Well too fucking bad because they'll keep voting for it because it's the only way for them to worm their way into the upper tiers of society. They're not going to act decent and principled because you want them to and you have no means of filtering out the filth without pissing off all of them. Immigration destroys countries.

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This, If all Jews just fucked off to Israel and left whites countries alone I could care less what they do to Muslims and each other.

5.9% for Asians and 56.4% for niggers. Looks like unearned privilege to me.

Niggers are subhumans parasites who prey on white nations and can only create shitholes on their own.
Kikes are subhuman parasites who prey on white nations and can only create shitholes on their own.

The only difference between kikes and niggers is that one is involved in low level crime and the other is involved in high level crime.

cool story and but "diversity" "anti-discrimination" etc in reality mean everywhere and anywhere mean government-enforced privilege for non-white applicants, mandatory diversity commissariats, abolition of the right to free association speech and assembly, etc. This isn't 1958 anymore, we know how this all ends, don't even take one step.

Fuck off, kikes.

yeah I can see you're thinking for yourself here. you really came up with this on your own, free of globalist influence and liberal propaganda. really exercising your freedom of thought there.

OR you could just hire a competent white person and continue to enjoy white society. helpful, amiable neighbors, low crime rates, no foreign culture, no misunderstandings, your kids get to have lots of friends, they aren't taught to hate themselves in school, no democrat party, no anti-white vitriol on your social media, no diversity hires in your entertainment, and so on ad infinitum.

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They gained their wealth through destroying white countries and profiting from it. Everything theyre doing has a monetary profit gain behind it.

You missed the point completely, didn't you
Point was, if the poc is skilled, there should be no issue with them being employed and you should have no issues with them providing you services
The point was NOT that whites are dumb and colored are smart and we should therefore employ only colored. A skilled Brown is better than an unskilled white

No. But then, I'm not a fucking retard like you. Enjoy getting e.coli all over your organs because the poodaloo didn't wash his hands before operating on your... heart or liver... although to be honest, you're probably the type who's fucking dumb enough to destroy both organs.

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Select the people who you think will help you build a better tomorrow. You'll find that most of the new ideas are coming from white people. They can see something other races can't. High IQ let's you game something that has been built, but it doesn't mean you can create something. If you care about the future of your company you'd hire whites because they'll look out for something beyond the money.

>the point was
you missed my point completely, didn't you
my point is his point only comes from a false dichotomy. in the real world, he has no point, because this problem does not occur in real life. if you are dying of dehydration on the ground and there's only a trained dog that can fetch water and a white guy tied to a stake who cannot help you, there is no fucking sage wisdom in this situation. this has no relevance to politics or society. actually, if anything, this bad argument is only designed to pull one over on you and convince you to allow browns to acquire more resources from you.

we do not need immigration to get by. we never did in the past, we don't now. we can help ourselves.

kill yourself.

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The talented tenth is a meme to get white countries to open the doors to a flood of parasites, even if the first generation is the "best of the best" the second generation will regress to the mean.

"Judging people by the content of their character" was a lie, we've tried it and it's destroying us, it's time for white nations to go back to being white.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>We do not need immigration
No shit Sherlock. But we shouldn't turn away skilled people just because you don't like the color of their skin

>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest

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>kys poojeet...probably can't even do that right.

>Jews oppress us
said no one ever, sage

>how's the uber driving going?

jewish IQ is a meme, most are mentally retarded from all the incest

I want a homeland for my people, not yours, Jew faggot.

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>But we shouldn't turn away skilled people just because you don't like the color of their skin
The scenario wouldn't happen if we didn't have immigration, so why even argue the point then?

>IQ 135

thx 4 teh laff m8

As much as I like and love my own people, Jesus said we should always be hospitable to strangers in our lands. I'd rather be right with Jesus than a group of well intentioned racists. Because only God knows what's right and what's wrong. In the grand scheme of things he has imparted us wisdom and specifically told us to love another how he has loved us. We can't turn our backs to his teachings.

But I only hate kikes.

He also said the Jews are the synagogue of Satan.

What a dumbass picture. It would've made more sense if the tiles on which "OP" is written were pressed. Now anyone can simply press the bottom most and right most tile and get away with not being a faggot.


Well, to a degree that White person is going to care more about saving your life than the Indian. Of course, this is only true to an extent, and an average Indian surgeon would be better than a White with cerebral palsy.

I'm not even sure why you're bringing up such an obtuse example, anyway. This is a kind of strangely uncommon typological racial particularism that doesn't have any grounds to occur in the real world.

Here's a real example of 'racism' being necessary for financial success. In the USA, even after controlling for virtually every relevant metric of loan reliability, the banks still discriminate loan lending based purely on race because above and beyond every single other factor, it is still meaningful in determing the chance of the client to default. This is how 'racism' works in the real world, not in your autist fun-house of butter-fingered Aryan surgeons.

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You mean prejudice? Racism is a term made up by Trotsky. ur mom gay

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It's a hypothetical. Nobody is asking you to believe in this, they're asking that SUPPOSING if there were intelligent people of a different race, would you rather hire them or someone worse who was white?

That being said, Chinks.

africa for the africans.

>SUPPOSING if there were intelligent people of a different race, would you rather hire them or someone worse who was white?
All you did was restate the OP. And your reading comprehension is trash. Fuck off dumb chink.